Shadowlands is a mess

Conduits drop for your offspec while playing your main spec. Becoz of this, the game is allowing to use offspecs. But it’s not meant to be switched every hour. It’s just like changing specs from the old times. It’s the game mechanic.

Covenant switching with one toon is not feasible due to the mechanics imposed. But there’s a way to get around it if you want to switch covenant back and forth… use 2 toon or multiple toons to cover other covenants.

There are dungeons in which a particular covenant would have an advantage. Like you want to bring Kyrian on Necrotic Wake and on Spires of Ascencion… Like you want to bring a Night Fae on Do Other Side or Mist. If you could change covenant on the go, those dungeons wont have no meaning. BTW, part of making group on Mythic+ is to make sure you have a member with the matching covenant for it or the dungeon would be painful on highend levels.

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At launch the necrolord ability was straight up mathematically inferior in every situation for every spec for paladins compared to the kyrian one, save single tanking a mob as prot. For holy/ret, it was better in literally any situation, and still universally better for prot, and that’s not even bringing into account the soulbinds. There’s no way they didn’t realize that off the bat, and if they didn’t, that screams incompetence.

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I know off spec conduits drop dude. You can place one conduit per energy. If you take all your MM conduits and replace then with BM ones you are out of conduit energy for days meaning you can’t switch back. It’s dumb.

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Vague? Hardly.

All I’m saying is that they’re also not responsible for every minute detail.

I’m sure it went something like: this is what I have envisioned. I’d like it to meet these 6 criteria points.

And throughout the course of that, there was plenty of trial and error and some yes’s given our and some no’s.

Just because you don’t like someone’s visions isn’t a reason to crucify them. I hated the design of the “newer” Dodge Chargers. But you know what, someone had a vision, pitched the vision, someone made it happen, and someone’s dream/goal was achieved.

Someone oversaw the whole project and signed off on the car. Did they test every little detail themselves. No. Was it out into production? Yes. Was it perfect? No. Did it have a recall or two. Yes.

WoW + Ion really isn’t any different

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WoW is a western MMORPG.

This idea that you must grind on a main is not healthy for the western markets. And even in eastern markets the idea of having main is waning. People like trying different combos and being able to experiment.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I 100% agree. We told them alpha and beta this wasn’t going to work. Soulbinds, conduits, covenants, legendaries…they can’t even balance classes much less all these other things.


I noticed this. Ardenweald seems to be the sole exception to that even though it’s perpetual twilight but that’s a fae theme in that mythology.

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Why will I take out all of the conduits? I could use the same Soulbind and use the same Endurance and Finesse conduit as DPS. I would only change Potency Conduits… only 2 energy. Maybe for hunters.

Not sure with your spec becoz you guys are tank, heals and dps. More likely, Blizz wont like you changing roles easily.

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Airborne camera when logging into your character while mounted.


That is why I picked Ardenweald. Plus, the music calms my nerves every time I run into a rock or branch!

True story.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Ah, that makes sense. Ty.

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Things got bad and everything closed in March of last year. Beta was rumored to be in May before things turned south. Meaning they were roughly 80 to 90 percent complete and even if they were delayed it doesnt excuse the bad design.

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I like conduits though

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they basically don’t care cause they still make money and ya i bought a tbc boost lol. making money while putting crappy content out is quite our problem not theirs. ya i gave up month in shadowlands and couldn’t take serious log in goof off do a few things with friends i have left when an expansion is deader than the hated wod ever was says it all.


Not only did content get trashed with Shadowlands, but so did support.

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I haven’t used support in a while but I’ve heard this a lot. In the past, dealing with support was actually a true pleasure. The GMs had fun personalities, it was relatively prompt, it was really a 10/10 experience all things considered. What happens now if you submit a ticket?


You get an answer sometime between 2 hours and 2 weeks, and if you’re lucky, the response will actually address the ticket and make you believe it was actually read.

I too remember when a ticket would get submitted and very quickly an in-game whisper would show up, usually within 20 minutes. That was as recent as Legion. Now, not so much.

I feel terrible for the people who were falsely banned for using ConsolePort and only getting their bans overturned after five appeals, with one of those appeals threatening further account action if another appeal were made. That’s how bad it is now.

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Hope it shapes up. If not, I’m having fun in other games. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It’s been a long time since I felt no attachment to retail WoW.


Yup. As bad as BFA was, I still didn’t sigh when I logged in. Now, it’s - log in, look at the anima WQs, sigh, and then log off until I feel like doing the quests at some other point.

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Is amazing to customize your favorites abilities: a bit like reforging but better.
It must be an horror to min-maxers, but i don’t min-max…

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