Shadowlands is a mess

You can still play your alts on Shadowlands. But alts are alts not Main. If the alt becomes a Main, you have to spend time for it.

We can still play off specs. I am an MM Hunter and I could play its offspecs BM Hunter but I have to work on its legendary. Only one time thing and it’s good for the rest of the expansion. I am not making legendaries for 15 alt’s offspecs.

Try to play Mage on TBC. Let’s see how those Warlocks would laugh at you. Try to play a DPS Warrior on TBC… the only DPS with no CC. Oh yeah? Is TBC perfect? Balance is an issue since Vanilla. It will never be perfect. The good thing is, TBC happened already before. You know who are the BiS classes. Play them to take advantage of the balance.

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Most depressing-looking expansion I’ve played. Everything in the expansion screams be sad, lonely, and miserable “overall”, which definitely affects how my brain articulates the problems in this expansion. Real disappointment just in general.


Can you post on your main so we can see the 1000 hours you’ve put into SL already please?

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No, it’s actually on whichever manager who went off-plan and directed his underlings to make an unstable table. Ion signed off on the plan they got. The low level workers who do the basic work just do as they are told.


To switch from MM to BM you also need to change your conduits and if you are a min-maxer like Blizz seems to want you to be you probably need to change covenants to be optimal. The alt spec and alt characters requiring grinding and timegating is a big reason why people get burned out so fast.

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See, now you’re changing things and adding things.

Nowhere did the plans say anything about stable/unstable.

The vision was a table with 3 legs. They made a table with 3 legs. I’d sign off on it too. When it comes back later that it’s unstable, then we look at it and see how/where it can be improved.

How we make the tripod and heyo

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I’m getting BM and Survival conduits while on MM. My BM conduits is more complete than my MM’s. Play Shadowlands first before you open your mouth.

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No flightmasters whistle, missing flight paths have to ride forever.
Rare drop rates in Mythics and CN.

I like it at the beginning, thought the grind was not so bad. But now, i’ve given up on Mythic dungeons and heroic CN.

What this expansion needs are more mobs that teleport behind you. There’s not enough of that.

So are you claiming that the people at the top handed down vague suggestions rather than specific tasks? Or that these people’s manager wasn’t paying attention to what his people were doing? Or that the people at the bottom decided to troll the company and sneak through an unstable end product, even though it would have taken less time to do it right, rather than disregarding the blueprints they were given? Or did they ask and get a “whatever” response from their manager?

Entirely a management problem. It would require everybody along the chain of command to ignore what was happening in order for your scenario to happen.


He said in the preach interview it was to try and maximize play time vs travel time.

Sure he can lie about it but id like to assume he wouldnt waste his time and capital on a falsehood so immaterial

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You do know there is conduit energy that limits how many you can replace right? Perhaps you should play SL a bit more before opening your mouth?

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That is not inconsistent with what I said. They wanted the world quests to take longer. They made them take longer. It fits right into their plan to make everyone play longer for no more rewards.

Yeah, he has to come up with some rationalization that won’t sound totally lame to everybody.


You have yet to see what mess occurred on the PTR.

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Great post.

Can’t play specs with systemlands design.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Be real nice if they actually attempted some balancing between covenants. Would love to go necrolord pally, but not only is the ability ridiculously weak, but it’s literally bugged in multiple ways making the ability even worse.
The covenant system is a joke if they’re not gonna put the required work into it.

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I want to think that all these systems are just too complicated to balance but it looks like they aren’t even trying.


I think that would be for the best. The Revendreth and Ardenweald story lines are good but the rest, I just couldn’t get into it.
Not just the story lines either. The whole thing.

It’s weird. Makes me sad.


Sry what I mean is i feel youre extrapolating a conclusion about play longer with no Rewards.

Id say their intent is to give ppl who did world content more gameplay than travel time to make the sub fee worthwhile and meaningful to that player base. Maybe its glass half full but i am a cynical bastard and know theyd rather more players for more money so they want the game to succeed.

The fact the reward vs time investment fees borked is because of it compares to how it used to be. They scaled all rewards down tho from m+ to raid. It was like right after the gcd change, friggin barf.

I mean if i were him id have quit by now if my job was to just make ppl miserable playing a game i devoted my life to and became my job. I just feel there is a disconnect there tht ppl think he is some big evil dude. I dont buy it.

Does he Make mistakes? Absolutely but so do i. I mean i just hugged my dog without realizing he rolled in something so stuff happens. Good intentions and all that

I just cant rage at the dude for it.

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I’m confused. What does this mean?

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It is not that it is complicated it is convoluted mess.

Like why introduce covenant legendaries when you have a whole bunch of dead legendaries? Why not allow specs to actually be playable in this expansion?

A lot of the complications is due to pointless restrictions and adding too much pointless layers that are superfluous. If they pruned half of the pointless rental systems in beta systemlands could have launched sooner along with the first patch.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: