Shadowlands is a mess

6.0 isn’t a patch, 6.1 was admitted by Blizzard to be undeserving of being called a major patch, 6.2 was an actual patch.

I like my apology letters written in pink crayon.


That’s nothing new, though. That’s been a thing from grouping with a Mage in vanilla who AOE’d stuff in Hearthglen, all the way through BfA when the tech was grouping with an XP-frozen level 110 Demon Hunter who would cheese run Freehold with you.

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Then you’re comparing and entire expansion to nothing. Again, fair comparison. Keep it up champ, you’re going places

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Comparing a bad expansion to a bad expansion, darling. Try to keep up.

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have you tried PTR to see what is coming in the newest patch but just keep moaning and not trying to help but why should you go to PTR and help them smooth it out when you can just sit in the basement ranting like a petulent child

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You’re comparing years of content to a few months.

Wait until Shadowlands is over, then you can compare all of WoD to all of SL

If you want to compare 6.0 to 9.0 that’s fair too. But saying that 6.0-6.1-6.2 has more content than 9.0 is a no brainer, and a very unfair comparison.

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No, I will judge SL for what it is, and for what we have on the PTR. I will not wait to make a comparison because a few deluded people think you have to wait for the final patch to confirm the game is bad.

Wake up.


We’re not comparing good or bad. That’s completely subjective. We’re comparing content (your words)

And in which, yes, comparing a completed project to an incomplete project is very one sided and not to be taken seriously.

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Actually we have no way of knowing that was not the goal. It is consistent with all the other changes intended to increase time played. It is consistent across the board on world quests. Ion even said that he thought world quests were too fast in BfA. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that was the goal. Or a goal.

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And what is the recommended ilvl for that?

Do you remember how the recommended ilvl came about?

Player: “I keep dying in there. It’s too hard for me.”
GC hivemind chorus: “That’s because your ilvl is too low.”
Player: “What is my ilvl supposed to be?”
Dev team intent: Casuals should figure out what the appropriate ilvl is for each wing by repeatedly dying. Fail. Lots of players just gave up on it after such a punitive design decision wasted so much of their time.


The gamemaker creates mechanics and we follow. It is how it is. We dont make our rules. If we dont want it, then we dont buy it/play it. Your subscription is just paying for them to create new content and they did make a content. It’s a hit or miss. And your opinion is just one of the millions. Other people’s opinion is different from yours.

Torghast is not a chore. It is a one time thing to do with your toon. Your problem is why are you making your 15 alts a legendary item. Your alts are not your main. Nobody is forcing you to make 15x legendaries. You are fine with just one or two legendary on your main. And your alt is not a main. Torghast is not a chore. It’s an easy to get legendary. And if the base item of your legendary has ridiculous price on AH, it’s becoz of the community. It’s not Blizz’s problem.

It’s not an issue. Those who pay for AoTC or KSM are just wasting their money. Becoz the gear item/s they would get would just be average. The gear they would get would not make them Mythic Raid ready. And the title they would get wont be honored when people starts to scan their rio. They still wont be invited to highend keys or raid. If they do, it would be disastrous for that group. Let them waste their money.

Whatever Blizz do, there would be classes that would go to the top and there would be classes that would go to the bottom. The thing is, there are no classes/specs that remain flavor of the month for long. Look at the Rogues. On Hunters, BM were the flavor on BFA 8.3 and 8.4. I had a blast while it lasted. On Shadowlands, we Hunters are FINE. BTW, I dont speak for Survival… Blizz can burn that specs. They can bring that specs to Warriors or DH. I dont need it.

Not much to fix becoz it’s not bug’d. It’s the feature.

But Torghast would improve becoz whiners cried that they get nothing after hours of Torghast. Blizz would now time our Torghast run… If you spent hours on it, you would still get your ashes even if you fail on the last boss, while the skilled would be able to unlock more challenging modes.

We would be able to use our mount on the Maw becoz whiners want to have PLEASURE on hell-themed zone. The Maw depicts Hell not heaven. Anyway, it doesnt matter. People would move to Korthia a new zone.

Korthia would open up a new currency to gather to buy new gear like Mana pearls with a vendor.

And 9.1 would have a new MEGADUNGEON.

As new patches come, the expansion becomes better. Like on BFA. 8.0 and 8.1 were somewhat snoozefest but 8.3 and 8.4 were fun and exciting. Blizz has to fix this on incoming expansions. Make the first expansion as thrilling as the last patch.

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I was in WoD, Legion, BFA, and SL betas. Nothing we collectively said changed anything. Why would test the PTR for them when they aren’t changing anything?

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Go queue an arena and tell me boosting isn’t a problem. Go try to get an LFG group and sift through the 25-30 boosting advertisers. Boosting is out of hand.


Honestly according to some of you it only takes a single person to make a MMORPG like wow in 2021.

Like seriously, Ion did it all by himself? Impressive as hell man, kudos. Mad respect for a single person that can do every single thing himself in a game like wow. It’s actually insanely impressive.

When are you all going to start your single-dev MMORPGs? I mean, clearly your experts, and according to you it takes one person to make a game.


I still have 3x level boosting unused. It came from my Collector’s Edition. I have all the Collector’s Edition since TBC.

I just open a Dungeon Finder on my WoW on the other monitor. Out of 10, only 2 is selling. Maybe it’s your Server. But why would I care? Look at my above post. I dont think the buyers are buying something worthwhile. It’s just a waste of money. Let them waste it. It wont affect me. Once they get gear, I could screen them out of my keys or raid.

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Ion created the master plan. His bosses signed off on it. He is the ideas guy. He divided it up into parts, delegated out those parts of it to his managers and signed off when he was satisfied that they fit the spirit of his plan.

I’m not sure why people are trying to claim that underlings did all the design and planning on whims with zero input from their managers. That is the opposite of how every industry works.


Just because YOU don’t care doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. And when I say boosting I mean selling arena rating and KSM and such. Not the Blizz level boost lol.


Because everyone is claiming Ion is the one responsible for the execution.

Edit: if Ion says he wants a table with 3 legs and they make him a table with 3 legs, he got what he asked for.

If that table is rocky and a bit unstable, that’s on the “underlings”.


I dont care becoz I havent played PvP for a while. Last time I heard of them, it was easier to gear up on PvP than on Mythic+. Good for them. Now I am hearing the bads are buying carries. I dont care. Becoz those who bought their PvP achievements would be destroyed in highend PvP. I want them to be destroyed… to realize that their gold is useless. On the next patch, how would they gear up again? Buy it again? They will buy progression on every patch. I pity them. WoW has to be played… to have fun. Skipping your progression by buying it is not fun.

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Systemlands has too many restrictions toward player agency.

Too many rules and not many choices lead to a funneled and unenjoyable play experience.

I mean look at TBC…TBC has less content and less polish than systemlands. And yet TBC is going to look more alive than systemlands will easily.


People want to play their alts. People want to play their off specs. People want to play classes that are whole and not balanced around a covenant legendary when current legendaries in general are not balanced. Etc, etc, etc.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: