Shadowlands is a mess

All of WoD to first patch of SL. Fair comparison.


Considering how WoD was one patch for all intents and purposes…yeah.

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WOD is horrifically boring

so boring that it actually made ME quit wow till WOD was over and done
iv never quit wow before over anything


Well MoP was just 1 patch too for all intents and purposes…

…No, it wasn’t.



Nor was WoD, but since were making exaggerated claims, I figured I’d join in


WoD was a literal one-patch expansion, though.

You are just wrong from every angle.


This is the first time since I’ve been playing WOW that I have 0 interest in the current content. I still enjoy the game, but pretty much just mess around doing old content. I have no interest in this expansion, it is just lacking. I still love the game, just not Shadowlands.


I think I should change servers because I’m on a horde dominated one. Though many help when I’ve bit off more than I can chew. Of course some are not so nice, but that comes with game no matter which side you play. Also need one where I can make friends and don’t have to be embarrassed that I’m just a medium to pretty good player depending on the instance or my physical limitations (hands swell after two hours because of RA)

When I sons and friends were on they were extremely patient letting me learn and explanations. If it wasn’t for my younger son explaining Torghast and runecarver I would have just ignored the guy! Lol!

Btw, is he supposed to be still chained up. I got rid of one, but there’s two left. Am I missing anything? See, I kinda need friends like that.

Thanks for your help. And thank you OP Ongbauk for letting me segue off topic a bit here.


It had 3. 6.0, 6.1, 6.2

But yes, let’s go with 1

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Ion came up with the master plan and signed off on every part of it. That’s what a game director does.

I don’t think this comment was intended to portray Ion as a sociopath, just an allegory intended to show how the personality of a planner/designer can end up reflected in their designs.

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Wait… people are actually buying boosts and grouping for torghast…when it takes 20m to do a run solo? lmao

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lol keep malding. you have no idea how game development works apparently

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TC takes 20 minutes for a new player with a low ilvl of gear? When did they nerf it that much?

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I was hoping it would be fun scalable small group content that you could bring a friend or two. Or a fun side activity with nothing serious attached to it. What we got is a watered down version of the most overrated and played out genre in video games that we are all forced to trudge through whether we like it or not.

WoW needs to stop trying to dip into other genres that don’t mesh with tab-target MMORPGs.

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Yes they are. People are buying boosts for leveling. Not a character boost from blizz, but paying people to group with them and level them. I’m not joking. The boosting is out of control.

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Where there is a mess, there is garbage men/women to do the cleaning.

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He maintains the vision but execution falls to the team. If the team borks it it aint ions direct fault but the buck stops with him which is why 9.1 should course correct.

Example here is WQs. The vision was more time spent in gameplay at the things instead of more time traveling between em and what happened is everyone complains they take too long.

Ion didnt say i need wqs to take 15 mins and pull out a stop watch

Blizz is too slow in implementing stuff tho and shouldnt wait until a raid to implement some changes

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He’s talking about getting soul ash AKA doing normal wing runs.

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You are so wrong.

  1. shadowlands is t that bad
  2. ion isn’t isn’t the one making all the decisions