Shadowlands is a mess

Vocal majority on the forums are still the minority in the game.

I’m not sure that’s really true. The people posting on the forums are the people who love the game but desperately want it to be good again. The people who don’t are gone already. Blizz lost 5 million MAUs in quarter 1. Where do you think those 5 million came from?


I can keep repeating it. If I get good rewards and they actual good rewards. Not recolours I’d be alright. I honestly would love a big events too with lots of players. I miss warfronts, they kept me entertained. I heard raiding we might be getting some actual unique items. I hope it makes a comeback.

I wonder who made the decision to take out all rewards… or lessen it to four items.

It is a flaming hot pile of horse shat mess!


Yea that I don’t get. Would they be doing the exact same thing? Idk I’m in construction so I have no clue

Also what I would do to flesh out more of the game is to make certain zones truly playable which has nothing to do to advance goals and just have pure fun.
One area that has done this right is the plant vs zombie game in and around arathi highlands near the pit of where Dalaran used to be but is now a pit.

What I would do is make putt putt fully playable north of the horde area.
So many places not complete because of either time issues or focus of other content was deemed more important. Blizz devs truly need some down time of at least 6 months to fully flesh out and make he game whole instead of worrying about brand new patches and new dungeons to make. Seriously put off raid time to be friends with online friends again.

So instead of parking for hours near AH in Stormwind or Ogrimar you can just hang out at the putt putt location and just watch others having fun.

Even if the game had only 1 million subs… there’s not 500,000 people posting on these forums. Even in the event that there was, not all 500,000 are on the “SL sucks I’m quitting” side.

Most of the players don’t actively partake on the forums.

The people who have already quit are not the silent majority. They spoke with their wallets which is a much louder voice than the forums. And I believe WoW is down more than 50% of the players that bought SL.


I can guarantee it’s down from the initial release, but by 50% ? Nah. TBC has too many hooked for it to do that

I don’t believe that. At all. 5 million MAUs gone in quarter 1. TBC doesn’t have 5 million players lol

Blizzard also doesn’t post numbers any more. Where’d you get this information from

Their quarterly earnings statement that they have to provide numbers on. Google it. As a publicly traded company their financial reports are public.

Blizzard entertainment went from 32mil MAUs in quarter 4 to 27 mil in quarter 1.

There you go. Not WoW.

What Blizzard game increased users around Nov 2020? And what Blizzard game lost those users? Yeah. WoW. Lol

Imagine thinking that and still spending your time, energy, and money on it. loool

Yes, every single person came from wow. Ever single person quit WoW indefinitely, and none of them plan on coming back for 9.1. You’re absolutely right. How foolish of me

Ok. You’re right. WoW is perfectly healthy and us complaining are just delusional. WoW is back to 12 mil subs. Is that what you want to hear?

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Strawmanning is a bad look. I never made any of the claims you’re attacking. Whereas the ones I pointed out against you, you did make.

WoW is healthy enough in its own right. The day it isn’t, they’ll close the doors on it

And WoW will never see 12 million subs again. It peaked and is slowly phasing out. Happens to all games. It’s done just fine for being nearly 20 years old though

Complaining is fine, crying that the sky is falling and that every MAU drop was tied directly to a single game even though the report is based company wide is in fact delusional

Covid MIGHT explain delays.
Covid DOESNT explain stupidity.


I’m not sure why you are debating this with me. Since the game must be doing just fine you have countless “I love SL” threads you could be posting in right?

You didn’t know Blizzard reports their financials and MAUs. And you didn’t know that they are literally losing millions of MAUs every quarter. Then you argue with me that WoW isn’t the vast majority of those millions of losses it must Diablo and Overwatch right? Never mind the fact that the only thing Blizzard has released in YEARS is WoW. Lol.

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