Delete Me - Shadowlands is the Devil's Expansion

You do realize that the Game Director is the original min /maxer .

His guild back ( that he still is gm of ) back before he worked for Blizz was the Icy- Veins and WoWhead of WoW theory crafting and what talents players should take for their classes of it’s day . (pre-Cata)

He expected anyone that didn’t min/max to take what ever and be happy with their low gear and WQs . He knew full well anyone that is going to step in to a normal or higher raid or do mythic keys were going to go for the meta .

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one post on a character with a dead armory

And I will comment this is the worst expansion ever in my opinion. I literally didn’t play it for the first 10 months and up to that point I only missed a few months in 13 years.


I think they have assigned a supervisor to limit how long they can troll players with some of these design choices.


Makes post on public forum. Tells people who can and can’t comment.

This’ll go well…


The thread belongs to the ages now.

yeah but he sort of deserves that response considering this line

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Appropriately called “elitist jerks” if I remember my WoW history.

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As you can see, Ion doesn’t play his own game anymore.

Maybe he got tired of the train wreck lore :slight_smile:

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Plays more than I do if he hit heroic CoD and a few mythic bosses.

No 9.2 progress?

Maybe he switched toons to throw us off the trail?

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Yup that’s the one .

Back in Vanilla on the C’thunn fight when he was a player , they told Blizz it was a numbers issue and now as some one at Blizz when players say there is a problem well


Ion doesn’t play alts.

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Easy catch up mechanics this tier hints that he re-rolled?

Ps I’m out of tin foil so I had to make my hat out of a metal mixing bowl, a wire hanger, and a frozen cheese steak.

During Legion Ion started a thread on the forum telling players that he didn’t understand how or why people play alts. Could we please help them understand?

The thread went to 1200 posts. He never returned to it.


My friends said it was better then BFA by a small margin. They all quit BFA 1 month in. Shadowlands in retrospect lasted them two months, so improvement?

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Shadowlands had great concepts and potential but poor execution


The real reason people hate Shadowlands is because we were locked into the worst zone ever created for a year and a half for all max level progression, the Maw. Then we were forced into a repetitive and boring solo dungeon experience that was an extension of that horrible zone, Torghast. Said zone originally didn’t allow mounting and never allowed flying. Everything about it was something only a masochist could love.

The first new zone (Korthia) was also just an extension of that horrible zone. And while it was a marginal improvement, marginal is the best it had to offer.

They can’t be surprised that people hate a zone designed to be hated. And when all the game has to offer is that zone and more of that zone, the game also became hated.

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I loved the night fae play.

I have one good thing to say about this expac. so its got 1% on the status bar at least.

Okay 2 or 3%…moonberry in venthyr quest bit, and in general. So 3% thanks to moonberry.

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Blizz in a nutshell.


Shadowlands and by extension Covenant locking was a total failure.

Too much focus has gone into raiding when literally all other avenues to play have been ignored or marginalized.