Shadowlands Hunter class changes

Yes and no. I think I’ve lost track of how many versions of wild spirits we’ve had, I think this is the 6th iteration lol.

It’s still a really good covenant ability. It’s really hard to say which is the best. Single target Venthyr is pulling ahead, however for aoe it’s Wild Spirits, Wild Spirits is also ok for single target too, where Venthyr is not for aoe… So that kind of puts it ahead as at least in the first tier most of the bosses are aoe and not single target, but it definitly has it’s place on single target (Venthyr) that is.

Maldraxus one is alright for marks, not the best in my opinion but reasonable for marks only not BM. And Bastion, what to say about Bastion, I have a feeling as the expansion goes on it will become top tier as Blizzard likes to troll like that, but for right now it’s pretty garbo.

Did you miss today’s changes nerfing Flayed Shot by 66% damage and 33% proc rate?

Death Chakrams strength is the Focus generation, it’s damage is pretty meh.

Wild Spirits is not great for MM due to long casts on Aimed Shot and only hitting once per Rapid Fire, but it’s better for BM.

Resonating Arrow is 30% crit and LoS ignore, so it’s basically mandatory for PvP at least, and still very strong in any AoE scenario, particularly for MM.

Hmm can you link me to that?

Damage nerfed from 250% AP to 87.5%
Duration nerfed from 20sec to 14sec. Longer duration means more ticks, more chances to proc.
Proc rate nerfed from 15% down to 19% chance on each tick.

Damn, ty. That is a pretty crazy nerf well now lol…

What’s up guys! I got my 2400 achieve multiboxing double mm in 3s

Happy hunting!

How are you getting achievements in off-season Zzzz

I still think the Flayed Shot nerf was major overkill. Seriously need to roll that one back.

Yep, agreed.

They should also allow charge procs for Kill Shot to be added independently of the default charge(s) the ability has.

And, Flayed Shot should not require Focus to cast. Either this, or they should make Flayed Shot scale with BM mastery, like it does for MM and SV.

If you take away the focus cost it wont scale with survival’s mastery anymore.

Yep, same as for MM.

I would prefer if they make it scale with BM mastery instead, like it does for MM And SV.

But either way, it should benefit from mastery for all 3 specs, or none.

It would still work with MM’s mastery. MM’s mastery just needs the ability to be ranged to benefit from it.

Survival’s mastery only works with focus spenders.

BM’s mastery is pet damage… Idk why you think Flayed Shot should scale with it

The tooltip for MM’s mastery only says “abilities” but the aura modifier attached to it says the following:

Mastery: Sniper Training

Range increased by 5%.
Focus spending abilites deal 11.2% increased damage.

Am I reading/interpreting this wrong?

I went back in and checked and Mastery does affect all ranged attacks for MM in terms of more damage, even those that don’t require Focus. Odd considering both wowhead and db, shows the aura modifier to only apply to Focus spending abilities…

Either way, why should it scale with mastery for MM and SV but not for BM?
This will only result in it staying relevant throughout the expansion for MM and SV. While for BM, it becomes increasingly worse as time goes on.

It worked that way when they revamped it in BfA, and continued to work that way until like a week before the pre-patch tuning feature freeze. They only changed it after we made a big stink about RF not scaling with mastery, and rather than making RF into a spender (as we’d been asking for all of BfA’s alpha and beta), they simply made MM’s mastery work on all ranged abilities period.

It should scale with all of them, but frankly, it also needs to interact more, and I think we can kill two birds with one stone here. If Kill Shot, say, increased the damage of the next Kill Command, or made the pet immediately attack the target for X% AP damage, or otherwise interacted with the pet, it would automatically give the ability some mastery scaling benefits.

I don’t necessarily think Kill Shot needs to hit as hard for SV or BM as it does for MM, as long as it leans into their kit. Basically, think of how Execute works for Arms versus Fury. For Arms, it is a HUGE damage ability, and literally becomes their entire rage spending profile during execute range (or most of it, if they have the Overpower talent, since that causes MS to still be used during execute). For Fury, it is instead a setup ability, dealing moderate damage and generating a large amount of rage to enable more Rampage casts.

I wouldn’t be opposed to something similar for BM. Instead of being a high-damage ranged attack, which isn’t really BM’s shtick, it could instead be a moderate-damage ranged attack (which is more or less where it is right now) that also sets up the rest of their kit (not what it does right now). For example:

Go for the Throat
Kill Shot also causes your pet to ravage the target, causing them to bleed for 120% AP over 4s, increased by 30% for each stack of Frenzy.

With 3 stacks, that’s 228% AP (numbers of course subject to tuning) and increased by mastery, meaning that better than half of the damage Kill Shot provides scales with mastery. It also gives a direct rotational interaction, similar to Dead Eye for MM.

Anyway, point is, I’d rather it scale with mastery like that rather than scaling with mastery by some hacked-in addition to BM’s mastery.

The flayed shut gutting kinda killed my motivation to play MM this expac. Was going to be a lot of fun to do good damage on the move in PvP.

As a bm hunter for years, for some reason my spirit beasts are taking way more damage. I have never needed health pots but have needed them since these changes. That spirit mend nerf feels a little heavy handed or its that and something else. Its sucked a lot of the fun out of much open world content for me.

TBH, if you’re running BM and soloing, you really should be using a ferocity pet. It’s unfortunate, but for the moment, the difference in pet survivability between ferocity and the other two is enormous right now. Ferocity was better even before prepatch, but it’s way better now (both because of the Spirit Mend nerf and because Predator’s Thirst atm seems to be healing for ~3x as much as it should be on the pet).

Ah. That explains it…

Missed that they had changed it recently.


I could get behind this as an extension. Even though it’s an indirect change to Flayed Shot’s throughput/potential.

Flayed Shot in itself even with the procs for Kill Shot is horrendously bad atm.


Was just thinking more about a way for the ability to stay…more…relevant, as the expansion continues.

Fair enough. It would fit the spec better.

Having followed this thread since its genesis, would you all say it’s safe to assume that any logical changes we have been asking for aren’t going to come to pass?

OK, to be fair, we did get the HM change, AND deleting people in BGs as MM is great fun (for me, anyway), but the spec feels generally unrewarding to play. It’s just a bunch of “button lights up/press button to do damage.” MM is always strong in prepatches, though, so yeah. I would really REALLY like to see meaningful synergy between abilities, and not some half-baked, borrowed power nonsense.

For example, something simple like the old interaction with Chimaera and stings. It felt good to press that button because it both did damage and did something depending on what we chose to put on the target. The extent the of synergy we have now is: take a talent to make your builder less crappy, or maybe sometimes might make a CD shorter. Not only are our “synergies” completely unrewarding, they aren’t baked into abilities baseline, outside of Master Marksmen, which we can’t use during our BURST window. WTF?!?

Not gonna rehash the eleventeen billion reasonable suggestions to make the spec more engaging. I just wonder if this is ever going to get fixed, or are we going to keep playing the spec because the possibility of “maybe” is being dangled in front of us like a carrot ad nauseam?

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