Shadowlands Hunter class changes

Ya, you’re right, I was mis-remembering. Though to be honest, Cobra Shot back then, especially in WoD when it didn’t refresh Serpent Sting, was basically just green-colored Steady Shot anyway =P

Indeed it was.

Hence why IMO, those weren’t some of their best decisions.

I’d say that it was fairly obvious during WoD that they did not put a whole lot of time and resources into RSV(for…reasons…).

And to tie into the above, when it comes to specifics, all of us might not want the exact same thing. But when thinking back on what RSV was about and how I used it’s history for my concept/suggestions, it depresses me to think of how much potential the spec had for future development, and how they just decided to axe it with the motivation/excuse of:
“Both MM and RSV shot arrows/bullets, so they were too similar to one another.”


Can anyone guess what I’m gonna be playing in shadowlands?

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Blizzard has pushed hotfixes to the Shadowlands PTR which includes the removal of the damage component to Hunter’s Mark and additional Shadow Priest changes.

Hunter’s Mark - Apply Hunter’s Mark to the target, increasing all damage you deal to the marked target by 5%. The target cancausing the target to always be seen and tracked by the Hunter.
Only one Hunter’s Mark can be applied at a time.
The cooldown of Hunter’s Mark is reset if the target dies.

Cooldown changed from 20 sec cooldown to None

Let’s hope this stays now.


What is up with this explosive shot wording change? Explosive shot coming to SV or is this another Torghast thing?

I’m assuming you mean where they flagged it as usable with a pile of melee weapons as well, instead of exclusively ranged weapons.

I doubt it’s really telegraphing a change like Explosive Shot coming back to SV, but who knows these days.

Dammit… * Spirit Mend is being nerfed.??? I use that all the time.

It’s most likely to fix the Necrolord Torghast power which causes Death Chakrams to apply Explosive Shot to each target hit. This wasn’t working for Survival earlier.

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this. anyone who mains a hunter needs to look into other classes at this point blizz should just delete the class no one is going to be playing it when systemlands comes out

Yeah steady shot has had various iterations, I do like the version of it where it augments other shots. Like WoD steady shot was pretty juicy (is this the one that gave faster AiS and eventually instant?) compared to current steady shot where it just does nothing but give focus (and haste with the talent).

Currently it’s only slightly slower than GCD, maybe it should be just instant? And GCD hasted obviously. Thoughts on that?

Also I think it’s graphic and animation should be updated.


Now that I agree with. Most of the hunter animations desperately need to be improved.


Depends on what updates people are asking for.

I generally like that animations for our shots are somewhat toned down/discrete, and as long as that base theme is kept, I’m fine with them being updated.

My biggest gripe with this currently, is the animation of Cobra Shot for BM. I just don’t get what they were after when they made that one…

Why in the — am I shooting green goo/paint at my enemy? If you look closely at the animation, it sort of looks like the old one, just more…untextured/unfinished.
It still intends to be in the form of a snake head, fired at the enemy.

I mean…If I was a caster, conjuring a magical snake to “fly” towards an enemy, this would be fine. But I’m not. My hunter uses a pretty basic but sturdy crossbow that fires crossbow bolts. Where does that magic snake head come from?


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Yeah, I did find it interesting and weird that they “updated” the cobra shot to look like a sludge of green paint, the previous cobra shot actually looked like a cobra (which I still think is weird).

Serpent Sting looks pretty good, it doesn’t slither but it has two strikes when it’s about to hit the target which is cool - You’d think this would be the Cobra shot animation.

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I find that Serpent Sting looks very similar to Cobra Shot, just like you said, it has a “split” animation, and it does not slither like CS does.

Honestly, I would prefer if that one had it’s old animation as well(just updated to the current graphic standards).

For Cobra Shot, I want it to look like a faster and somewhat “heavier” Auto Shot, but also
with a…sort of a dark green poison trail that starts off by a spiral/swirl-style animation close to the projectile itself, and it leaves the faint trail behind it as it moves towards the enemy. As for the specific color theme, anything close to the colors used for the old Cobra Shot animation would do it. Anything that isn’t this bright/neon green mess we have now really.

On another note, regarding BM AoE.

I would personally want a change to how we set up for AoE phases as BM, for it to be about more than “use Multi-Shot every 4 sec to keep Beast Cleave up”.

The idea is basically:

The Focus cost of your next Kill Command is reduced by 5 for each enemy you hit with Multi-Shot, up to 5. (The max number of targets you can hit with 1 cast of Multi-Shot)

During Bestial Wrath, all targets you hit with Multi-Shot will also be struck by your next Kill Command.

The idea is that this will allow us to partially move away from using Cobra Shot during AoE/Cleave, in favor of making sure that we can hit as many targets as possible with Kill Command(during BW windows).

Outside of those windows, it will be more about setting up for the next Kill Command for that reduced Focus cost by using Multi-Shot, while still sometimes using Cobra Shot to reduce the CD of Kill Command. Similar to how we use abilities right now, during AoE, just that the sole use of Multi-Shot here wouldn’t be only about maintaining Beast Cleave.

I find it fascinating that people seem to want/like flashy animations and looks. One of the biggest things that originally attracted me to the Hunter class back in Vanilla was its simple animations. I’ve always been a fan of the “quiet and unassuming, but still powerful” trope (AKA, never judge a book by its cover).

(Incidentally, it’s the same reason I always run around with simple transmogs. I would rather — and do — dress my characters like hobos than use the flashy and fancy tier armors.)

I’m mostly OK with the current animations that MM hunters have, although I do find Aimed Shot’s animation a little ridiculous (but I can live with it).

I doubt I would like it very much if Blizzard makes Hunters increasingly flashier. :confused:

^^^ This is exactly why MM and SV made sense as separate ranged specs. There really was and still is an audience for those two distinct ways of approaching ranged weapon gameplay. It is just as separate as Assassination and Subtlety, or Affliction and Destruction. Please take note all the regulars who keep suggesting for ranged SV to just get crammed into MM talents or replace it entirely.


I couldn’t find any patch notes but, here’s what Wowhead has posted for the last beta build:

Class and spell changes for Shadowlands Beta Build 36294. This Build includes tuning changes to Soulbind Traits and Conduit Ranks for every class, as well as some class and Covenant changes!

Flayed Shot
10 Focus, 40 yd range
Instant cast, 30 sec cooldown
Requires Hunter

Fire a shot at your enemy, causing them to bleed for (87.5% of Attack power) Shadow damage over 14 sec. Each time Flayed Shot deals damage, you have a 10% chance to gain Flayer’s Mark, causing your next Kill Shot to be free and usable on any target, regardless of their current health.

I mean…RIP Flayed Shot(even more).

(Based on current numbers, who knows what we’ll see next week :roll_eyes:)

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Blizzard is actually clueless. The flayed shot nerfs make it seem like they dont want anyone taking it and are looking for a replacement or something. before the nerf it could go the whole duration without proccing and the damage was already abysmal. ridiculous


Big RIP for flayed shot, it had one scenario where it was decent in (single target) and now it’s actually worse in single target than the other cov abilities.

I suspect we’ll see Resonating Arrow and Wild Spirits nerfed next, meaning all cov abilities are just trash.


Didn’t Wild Spirits already get nerfed like 2 builds ago?

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