Honestly, probably the easiest way to handle it would be to make Kill Shot innately cleave via Trick Shots, trigger Beast Cleave, and have the same CDR effect as Carve.
Flayed Shot is a really good example of why the covenant system doesn’t work, though. Neither Flayed Shot nor Death Chakram scale with AoE at all, while the other two do.
If all 4 are balanced on single target, then Flayed Shot and Death Chakram are dead abilities, because peeps will naturally take one of the two that’s useful in AoE and does the same output in ST. If Flayed Shot and Death Chakram have an advantage in ST, then it’ll feel terrible to have either of the other two in an ST situation (about as terrible as it feels to have Flayed Shot or Death Chakram in an AoE situation, actually), and it’ll feel absolutely mandatory to be running one of the ST ones for most raid fights.
There’s no possible way to balance that away. When two of the abilities have zero AoE benefits, you can’t balance them for both ST and AoE. The only real option is to make all 3 soulbinds for those two covenants grant AoE benefits. Unfortunately, they painted themselves into a corner with that one as well, because the soulbind tree abilities are the same for all 12 classes and all 36 specs, so they can’t balance, say, Venthyr to have stronger AoE without it breaking other classes (like warlock, where Venthyr and Night Fae are their only AoE options).
They haven’t left themselves any knobs to tune here. Conduits aren’t specific to certain covenants (though the number of each you can access is, another issue), soulbinds are global to all classes, and individual covenant abilities across all classes vary wildly as far as areas of strength go. They say they’ll balance it, but they’ve designed the system to be impossible to balance.
Incidentally, I’d like to highlight something else here. They removed reforging at the end of MoP because you needed an addon or sim to tell you the proper combination of reforging to reach the hit and expertise cap and maximize your other stats. They also removed hit and expertise at the same time, making that issue largely moot, but w/e. They’ve now implemented a system that is even more impossible to optimize without a sim.
Consider that you have different benefits from all of the following:
- Covenant choice
- Covenant ability
- Soulbind choice
- Number of potency conduits
- Soulbind passives
- Different path choices
- Legendary
All of those vary wildly between the various options. You have 4 covenants, each of which has 3 soulbinds, each of which has at least 2 path splits along their soulbind tree. Each path split generally has one type of conduit and then a passive that usually provides a benefit in a different area than the conduit (ex. most paths with a potency conduit slot grant a utility or defensive benefit, while most paths with an endurance conduit slot grant a utility or damage benefit). Each potency conduit slot has 5+ options (4 spec-specific or general options, plus 1 covenant-specific one for that covenant ability). And on top of all of that, you have legendaries, of which there are typically 8 options (4 general and 4 spec-specific).
Even with only a single potency conduit, that’s 4,320 combinations, and it rises to 17,280 with 2 potency slots and 51,840 with 3. It’s straight up impossible to determine which combination of covenant, soulbind, soulbind path choices, conduits, and legendary are going to be the optimal pick without a sim. Raidbots is now mandatory if you even remotely care about optimizing your output.
But they removed reforging because you needed an addon to tell you how to optimally reach hitcap.