Shadowlands Hunter class changes

Yes I know you were dazed if you didn’t use the glyph of cheatah. The only real good iteration of aspect of the cheatah was when you had the glyph on. But trail blazer is still not cheatah. U have to stop attacking for 3 seconds just to use trailblazer. That is way worse. Just add real cheatah back in with glyph of cheatah and problem solved.

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You really think the damage that arcane shot does is going to be more than the Kill Commands you lose from not using Cobra Shot to reduce KCs cooldown?

We are going to have to agree to disagree about Hunter’s Mark and Kill Shot. I am very glad Hunter’s Mark is returning and I am just fine with Kill Shot. I used them both plenty when they were available in the past and have missed them (especially Hunter’s mark) a lot.

Trailblazer is a talent. Make it baseline or bring back Cheetah and make trailblazer replace Cheetah.


Solution: bring back glyphs.


this is the best take on cheetah and there’s no argument.


Except armor hardly matter nowadays.

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Warlocks became the tankiest DPS class in PvP after demon armor was reintroduced. All it gave was a slight hp increase and a massive armor boost. Armor as a stat still matters but the importance of armor type has significantly decreased.

430 cloth helm gives 206 armor, 430 plate helm gives 767 armor. In classic t1 warlock helm gives 83 armor, t1 warrior helm gives 608 armor. This is something classic got right imo.


Well yea, you’ve put it better. I’ve picked the wrong words there.

Yes please!

Better than anything we’ve seen since in terms of ways to customize our gameplay for specific content.

Note: better on a concept-level.


You know, that bristleweed trap thing sounds like a ground based damage skill sorta like the fire traps I used on my assassin waaaay back in Diablo 2. I’d genuinely enjoy a few traps that worked that way. The lightning traps from Diablo 2 would probably be game breaking, but the way the fire ones worked… Man I like that idea.

What I would like to know is why they put so much effort into these interesting abilities you get from the factions or whatever, meanwhile our talents are bland and boring.

Dunno, but I wish they would stop with these borrowed power systems. It doesn’t feel good going from xpac to xpac and losing abilities/power you had for 2 years.


I agree we havent had anything permenant since WoD, last time we had any new talent row. Since then its borrowed then deleted borrowed then deleted.


Yup. Honestly don’t have a clue what they are getting at. Introducing new abilities and balancing them and then just tossing them in the trash at the end of the xpac. Whatever happened to character progression and growth? Too hard for a multi-million dollar company?


I agree with the borrowed power systems comment. If Blizzard intends on keeping borrowed powers, I wish they would give us this zone, which has a place we can go to like a forge, or tower, or something. Basically ALL of wow’s borrowed powers stay there forever, and you can choose a few of them. So every Xpac maybe they add more, but they never get taken away. But you can only choose a few at any given time.

This is what I wish they would have done with talents… Decided what direction they want a class, or spec to go. Then design a TON of talents that are all interesting an interactive. Where they wouldn’t be a “cookie cutter” build. I’m not sure if it’s possible, but that was my dream until they removed the older style talent systems.

A long time ago someone told me that Blizz measures WoW’s success based on time spent/“engagement”. As you may have noticed, both iterations of borrowed powers we’ve seen are attached to some sort of grind. With that in mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason talents are an afterthought is partly due to how borrowed powers can have a grind attached to them.

Combine that with how easy it is to “hype” something like artifact weapons and Azerite traits. Those can be sold as major features, despite the negative effect they have on overall character growth (this is why I was not excited about artifact weapons back in Legion).

On the flip side of this, I’m under the assumption that lorewise we’re pushing the limits of what mortal characters can do in-world, especially since we were going to lv120. This could change now that there’s going to be a stat/level squish, but I’d have to see it to believe it.

By this token, there are much better ways to write off borrowed powers. Something I suggested at around the end of Legion was that our characters should have absorbed some of the power from the artifact weapons (a minigame during the quest to neutralize the sword of Sargeras where you have to balance energy bars; if you fail the minigame you die and have to run back to your corpse to try again), making it our own in the process (applicable largely to the ability granted by the artifact weapon, though traits are an alternative). I’m trudging through the BFA campaign so I don’t know how the Heart of Azeroth is getting written out, but something similar can come from the prolonged communion between our character and Azeroth.

The only real downside to this is that it goes counter to Blizzard’s tendency to throw things out at their leisure. They might not like the idea of shackling all surv hunter design to Fury of the Eagle, for example.

Well what you call growth others call bloat (not me. I like options). However it’s what led to pruning. I believe that’s sort of the intent of borrowed power to give the feeling of something new without leading to bloat.

And then maybe a skill sticks like Wake of Ashes. Not sure why Fury of the Eagle didn’t.

I think it’ll be similar with Torghast, a playground of skill modifications, and maybe something sticks for the expac after SL.

I don’t know if this was already brought up but this is something I would like to add also

This is a bm perspective but also hunters in general need a couple of more base line tools for kiting in pvp.

I would like to see a baseline binding shot to all classes, 2nd charge of disengage and moving a recharge timer to 25 sec up from 20, and moving our turtle to 2 min cd or keeping turtle on 3 min and give us a small damage reduction cd like 15% on 1 min.

this won’t make us extremely op but will give us a fighting chance against the all the gap closers melee have and still not as good as the melee short cd defensive on 45 sec cd


It’s understandable to not want a bloated spellbook, but when I think ‘bloated spell book’ I think 4 or 5 or 6 pages of spells. I’d rather err on the side of too many spells rather than over simplicity and having too few. I remember Blizzard saying something to the effect of the pruning allowing them to introduce new exciting abilities in the future, but they never really did that. They pruned a ton of old abilities and maybe introduced one or two abilities per xpac, as well as siphoning a lot of pruned abilities into the talent tree. They deleted many beloved abilities and have failed to introduce enough new exciting abilities to make up for it. This is of course doubly true for Hunters, whom Blizzard apparently has no clue of how to design.


You know… I find this endlessly funny. Yes I keep bringing up FFXIV, but it’s kind of relevant as one of the other huge MMORPGs out there currently. Pretty much every class in FFXIV has 2 - 3 rows of abilities. Not 5 or 6 total. 2-3 bars of 12. These include offensive, defensive, and support CDs granted.

I’m going to use the Bard class because that’s what I mained for 2 years playing FFXIV until I decided I needed a break and came back to wow.

At level 80 as a bard you have
Burst Shot
Refulgent Arrow
Caustic Bite
Storm Bite
Quick Knock
Rain of Death
Empyreal Arrow
Apex Arrow
Iron Jaws
Pitch Perfect
Mage’s Ballad
Army’s Paeon
The Wanderer’s Minuet
Raging Strikes
Battle Voice
Nature’s Minne
Second Wind
Arm’s Length
Head Graze
Repelling Shot
Leg Graze
Foot Graze

Other than the bottom 2 listed, all of these listed are pretty consistently used. Just looking at it, it’s easy to think that it’s way to complex, but it’s really not. Once you have it figured out it’s actually quite simple, just need to keep your attention on specific things.

So calling what WoW has bloat when every class/spec has a bar… bar and a half of abilities they consistently use, is just funny to me.