Shadowlands Hunter class changes

For what it’s worth, “I lost something I loved and I want it back” is, in my opinion, a much more valid stance than “hunter should never be melee and only BM should even use pets.”


They do need to add more ranged specs into the game. Every class they have added after vanilla has been melee. The problem is that I don’t think Hunter’s are the place to do that.

Don’t get me be wrong I empathise with losing a beloved spec, but I would like to see the theme of ranged survival taken into another class.

Personally if Hunter gets a 4th spec I would love to see it be a tank spec.


Monk, windwalker with Xuen as the permanent pet. Always sort of liked that idea. Of course I am thinking it being the melee SV instead.

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Since master marksman no longer gives a free precise shot, I wonder if we’ll even cast arcane shot at all during trueshot. Between the focus eating and GCD wasting precise shots and the stupidly long rapid fire channel, trueshot feels like one of the worst DPS cooldowns in the game


WoD wasn’t when Hunter was at its peak. It peaked in Cata imo, and going into MoP as well. WoD was when the class started winding down in terms of quality.

Doesn’t matter of course. There was no reason to delete Survival in order to replace it with a warrior spec.

I’m a human being and human beings use this thing called logic to draw conclusions. Blizzard never ever ever admits when they make a mistake. At least the new Blizzard doesn’t. So unless you think that new Blizzard is a perfect bastion of utterly exquisite and flawless game design, then cut the crap with this “You aren’t allowed to interpret data” whining.

I’ll look at the data and draw the most likely conclusions. What is the most likely conclusion when Hunter lose way more players than every other class? Here’s some multiple choice:

A. The Hunter class design changes drove away those players.
B. The color green was no longer in style and so people quit playing Hunter.
C. An unreported on disease broke out that caused the deaths of only Hunter players, reducing the total amount of Hunter playerbase.

Take ya pick. Use that human brain of yours to draw logical conclusions from data. Us humans are pretty good at doing that.

Also, I’m not making this data up. Unless you wanna claim that World of Wargraphs are deliberately lying. Are you claiming that?

Why? Why take a spec that was a Hunter spec and give it to a different class? Why not make a new class and give them a tanking spec instead of Hunters?


Here’s a tip for you, logical people don’t try and use numbers that are beyond bad, with dozens of variables they can’t account for, in order to try and support their conclusions.


Well when you don’t have better numbers you can’t do much else. Do you have numbers that better reflect the change in population with the hunter class between the end of WoD and the beginning of Legion? I’ll wait.


Simply put every class they have added has been melee. I think it’s healthier for the game as a whole to add another ranged spec into the game. Preferably also a mail spec. Now it doesn’t have to be old ranged survival but a new ranged class would do more for the game.


I completely agree. Another ranged weapon using class would be great. It could even have a melee spec too. But removing a ranged weapon spec from hunter and adding in yet another melee spec has only made everything worse. If they wanted to add a new spec, they shouldn’t have removed an old spec to do it.


Yes, even Legion MM was better than current one. Hell, I even miss Sidewingers spec.


AT least for me, I thought MoP was the best time for hunters and most classes in general. Even though alot of us were stuffed with too much to use, it was kinda better than having not enough to use and the world content was fun and rewarding to do. One of the (IMO)expansions followed by debatably the worst one.


Always thought it would be interesting if we saw either a warden spec, or class added. Thought we might have seen it when they added DH, since that could have been an interesting expansion dynamic between the two classes.

This has been one of my main points of feedback.

That’s what I miss most about RSV. I loved managing my Focus. I can still do a little with BM, but it’s generally flooded with focus. They do that (I think) because not having enough focus makes a ranged spec feel clunky. It’s perfect for a Rogue which relies on burst, but it feels bad to me as a Hunter.

Edit: I got to thinking about this, and I think I should clarify it a bit. I think a build/spender like a warrior would suck on a Hunter, but a build spend like SV used to have (basically a non-white damage ability) keeps the rotation full and reduces chunkiness. The more uptime you have and the better you manage you focus cap gives you more damage. I really hate waiting for focus regen, and I really hate capping my focus because it feels like I’m losing DPS when either of those things happen, and I don’t like feeling like I’m losing DPS.


Or if they are going to “de-prune” a shot, it should be serpent sting. It serves a different purpose than arcane shot, and it seems easier to sell as something that all hunters would do. Arcane always felt weird as BM (yes, even in Vanilla) but I agree that it makes zero sense in a world with Cobra shot as a focus dump (as opposed to a focus generator, which it used to be).


I for won love arcane shot coming back. It is spell damage…it ignores armor. As in vs plate wearers is huge. Vs casters with shields use cobra shot, vs melee use arcane shot…it’s good it’s returning…hunters mark kill shot and a six second pet rez timer are the bad things…

Kill shot returned our sustained damage and burst lowered to compensate. Bad…

Hunters mark returned…extra global our overall damage nerfed again to compensate for the damage buff it gives…in turn to do the same damage now we’d be forced to use it on each new target or it’s a damage loss…that means more wasted non feel good gcds every 10 or so shots. Vs druid rogue this will be a minor help in arena but not much. It will hurt in a ton more scenarios than its benefit could help. Take the damage off this ability make it for applying to stealthies situational.

6 second Rez in pvp is disgusting sense theirs an entire thread made on this topic I won’t repeat my take on this here. U can see it’s problems in the other thread. But very very bad.

In a melee heavy environment I have a feeling at and is going to be great like back In the seasons u could stack spell power and finally do a bit of damage to plate wearers. I for one am excited for this coming back, scare beast, and tranq shot…other than that they can scrap the rest imo

can we trade lame hunter’s mark for old aspects? 3 min cd cheetah is getting real old.


Trailblazer exists, we don’t need old aspect cheetah. How about aspect of the monkey or even aspect of the fox for MM, we don’t even have a talent option recreate what they gave.

Trailblazer isn’t the old cheatah. Old cheatah would only turn off when u were hit. Not after 3 seconds of not attacking. Plus it was baseline. And further not on a talent row of better options like camo


old cheetah would only turn off when hit when you modified it with a glyph, those glyph don’t exist anymore so old cheetah would be even worse than trailblazer if put back in.

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