Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

She founded the Blood Knights.


Bfa gave horde alot of female charaters to use in the future at least like the allied race leaders.

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Garrosh, Fandral, Sylvanas, Zaela, Benedictus, and even Varimathras could have just as easily not been taken in the stupid directions they were. I hope Blizzard gives up on dumpstering friendly characters and just sticks to introducing new villains.


Well the problem is having a good female character on the Horde that is dead so she can make an appearance in Shadowlands and was killed before The Maw went into overdrive.

That rules out creating one to kill in BFA for Shadowlands so we would have to have planned one at least Legion or WOD and killed her in those expansions.

I am not as familiar with the dead horde roster as I am with the Alliance’s. Who would they have to draw on for the Horde? Some Dark Rangers? Zaela?

Any of them even going to be of notice like Uther and Keal’thas?

Could you imagine Fandral now after Teldrassil?


So we should never have villian characters other than ones made on that spot? That sounds boring to me

So you want Tyrande to become a villain? I sure don’t.


No I want the characters to go down there natural arcs and paths, I mean a literal demon and sylvanas are characters that where always gonna be evil.

I’m sorry I accidentally said something that doesn’t fit into “dark lady bad”. But killing Duke Lionheart and his men and killing the Watchers is just as much grounds for “hur dur always ebil” as killing Garithos. I refuse to defend or excuse those writing decisions.

Also Matron Mother Malevolence chose the Illidari over the Legion. There’s zero reason Varimathras couldn’t do the same.

I’m going back to not responding to your silly posts now.


A demon who was sylvanas right hand isnt the same as a demon who helped the illidari

thats because mother malevolence is best mommy :drooling_face:


I envy the Warlocks who got the Eredar Twins for their Order Hall


But the Illidari are also evil. They enslaved and slaughtered and oppressed an entire continent for years.


Yes, but they are playable now, like the Horde, so it is different.


Speak for yourself

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Thrall’s Horde was the Horde I was sold on when I first started this toon back in vanilla. If I wanted more of “ORC SMASH RAWR” I would have gone and played something else besides this.

Now with Sylvanas gone maybe
just maybe, we can finally get back on the right track.


I headcanon that my orc killed himself after SoO. I love Thrall’s Horde too but a single character isn’t what prevents it from existing. It’s a bunch of people in a writers room.

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For context, my main for the past dozen or-so years has been a Night Elf Druid, so I’ve been drenched in Emerald Nightmare story. It feels like every other quest I accept has to do with the Emerald Dream/Nightmare.

That’s what people said about Northrend: there’s only so much you can do with a frozen wasteland. As far as I remember, Outland was just Hellfire Peninsula back in WCIII, and they expanded greatly upon it. Arguably, the same could be said about The Shadowlands. Literally, the only lore we’ve had about them has been
 Some bits from Odin, and then “that’s where your character goes when you die in-game”, oh and also Death Knights go there sometimes maybe. Yet, they’re making an entire expansion around it. There’s no limit to what the art team can imagine and the story team can ruin.

In my opinion, to reduce the Nightmare to “one time in one book” is
 Well, I hate to say it, but it’s just wrong. Hell, the Emerald Nightmare is what caused the Wailing Caverns and Sunken Temple incidents. It’s what trapped Malfurion Stormrage in a slumber for several years. Some of the first “open world” bosses were the Nightmare Dragons. There was even an alpha-build of an Emerald Dream zone. The Emerald Nightmare has been touched upon in Classic, WotLK, Cata, and Legion, at least. It’s also central to Worgen lore.

Additionally, the Emerald Dream (at least before the slurry of retcons in the past few years) wasn’t just an “endless, perfect forest”. The Emerald Dream was the playground/sandbox for the Titans to build Azeroth. There are some areas that are just like Azeroth, except half-built. Literally, half-constructed mountains just sitting. Plus, all the titanic and dragon lore and now Void lore too?

There’s easily 4+ zones in the Dream.


That would be the hope. Thrall could service as a fairly good “just” MU Orc leader with a little development. Rokhan and Gazlowe are great conceptual leaders for the Darkspear and Bilgewater. Voss 
 could work as a good Forsaken lead; if she were actually to get something built on that foundation she’s had for ages. Lor’themar is always sassy fun.

The reps we have in charge now may be underdeveloped, but they are good ones. Who knows, maybe we’ll hit that one in a million shot and Blizz will actually develop this little council system and take us back to a bit of that Thrall’s Horde; or at least a new flavor of it.

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I know I’m nitpicking a bit but I don’t see how the Sunken Temple is related to the Emerald Dream/Nightmare. Ysera sank the temple but that’s it, according to Gamepedia.