Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

Yea but since were interacting with him being dead is kinda like, so what? He’ll go back to being a ghost afterwards.

Even vol’jin is kinda the same as above.

Im talking about a more broader issue, on the horde side at least from what I see there is a ton of apathy that has been generated over the years due to how blizzard has handled the horde, either being on the sidelines for most of the expansion or full on villans.

Most horde characters the players will more than likley interact with will be dead, and remain dead, and have no future impact past shadowlands.

So to the point of this thread on ‘horde potential’ i dont see much tbh.

Oh look there KT!!! We’ll help redeem him…more horde redemption storys…yay…/yawn


I think the general disappointment also stems from just how reflective of WoD Shadowlands seems on the surface atm. So … Blizz takes our faction for joyride again? Fills us to the brim with garbage again? And then runs away from the consequences of that into another dimension again? Oh, and who’s going to be our big named characters in that new dimension? Welp, Draka and Kael … so like WoD … its likely going to be following Thrall and Liadrin again?!

Even the idea that Kael’thas would be used to finally, after so many years, give Rommath a chance at development … one of the Horde’s most powerful arcane practitioners … seems unlikely; because Liadrin has always been a comfort zone for easy, lazy, writing for Blizz. Mopey Thrall being mopey about his dead parents, also a comfort zone … so even the best possible outcome for Draka … Thrall getting his WC3 Mojo back … seems remote. It honestly feels like Blizz has no clear vision on what they want the Horde Faction to be, beyond the plot device they can pull out once in a while to push the stories they don’t feel they could push with the Alliance.


You can apply that to any character but I don’t feel seeing Uther again is pointless.

yep apply that to the horde now, and how they’ve been treated this and previous xpacks. At least they said one of yo main characters was gonna have a big role dawg.

Blizzard treatment of the alliance has been pathetic and it is a surprise that some people still even cares about the alliance despite the multiples humilliations and insults that we suffered from blizzard.

maybe it is some form of protest that no matter the dumb stuff blizzard do, we aren’t going to let blizzard get away with their evil plan to ruin our faction and characters.
others already lose all hope and don’t care anymore. i guess that it is true for both sides.

That’s what I’m saying lol

In Nazjatar, we got a zone and a raid. For the Emerald Dream - something that is definitely Expansion-Tier material, we only got a raid.

I guess the difference to me is that the Emerald Dream stuff was never… on the magnitude of the others issues, I guess? Sure there was the Nightmare that one time in that one book… but the Naga or N’Zoth have been a constant presence in-game forever. Nazjatar could’ve been a whole continent around which an expansion was centered, same for Nya’lotha.

Whereas the Emerald Dream… there’s only so much you can do with an endless perfect forest and its dark and twisted counterpart, I think. Of course, if the writers decided they could add all sorts of funky stuff to spice it up.


Isn’t the Emerald Dream supposed to be what Azeroth would look like if intelligent races never colonized it? It sounds like an utterly boring setting for a zone, nevermind an expansion.


The Shadowmoon Exiles in Shadowmoon were friendly to the Alliance and we even got the leader to be a Garrison Follower.


My point would be this will be the same for Uther as well.

Not exactly the same when it’s just a “what if” scenario like we got in End Time. It’d be interesting if they’d actually commit to a major lore character going full tilt badguy.

Which is saying something considering how many naga we killed while in Nazjatar. Apparently not enough. At any rate, Sylvanas might have cost both sides their fleets but she also was trying to get the player character(s) killed, which obviously failed. Again, a splat, but not as big of a splat as things could have been.

I am just gonna say with draka the horde didn’t have a good female character to follow till bfa so it’s nice they are focusing on more

What’s your beef with Liadrin? She was the founder of the Scryers back in BC.

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paladins are boring and to be real I feel here character is a mess cause she has to basically break character every time the horde does something bad


tbh Liadrian is a liar. Or senile.


See Sylvanas.

Considering Ogmot was talking about “Two fleets bashin on ocean” and that was the whole naval battle we got this expansion, sounds like that splat was exactly as large as Ogmot was seeing it was going to be.

Do people like her though? For years everyone has dismissed her as a human with pointy ears.

That was Voren’thal, not Liadrin.

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But there weren’t any good female characters in BfA…

Unless you meant Thalysra, but she was better in Legion.

Moving into Shadowlands, I’m still of the firm belief that Draka is an abysmal choice, especially in terms of Orc characters. They totally should’ve went with Doomhammer or one of the underutilized chieftains. They already tried to use Draka and failed with WoD, if they need to use Draka again they should just use her still living AU counterpart.(heaven knows the idiots can’t handle writing a good reunion between Thrall and his actual birth mother)

She was always evil, and never gave much care to the Horde in general. Anyone who says otherwise is in delusion.

And I was honestly referring to Alliance characters.

If that’s true then N’Zoth’s upcoming defeat should come as no surprise to him, but it’ll likely be another case of Elisande. “I didn’t foresee this.”