Shadowlands has strong Horde Potential

Not neutral if she’s working for the alliance.

Pretty sure I’ve done the same alliance side.

There is literally an entire book called “warcrimes” where this things were adressed and saw how she said that she understand that it wasn’t the entire horde,and her role in both of those events how they did know that? thew were all right there.

They also know that anduin is pretty much at the forefront of the faction, the most peaceful guy in existence.

The “fear of the alliance extermination” comes pretty much out of nowhere apart from genn on storheilm and even they should know that his attack was directed at sylvanas and not the horde.
The alliance is not interested in exterminating them and they should know that, they are supposed to be smart.

i doubt it. otherwise people would scream to the four heavens about it.
when they are trying to compare the horde atrocities to the alliance and trying so hard to justify the injustifiable.


Well, yes. That’s just another problem of the writing in this expansion. The alliance was clearly supposed to look like they wanted to wipe out the entire horde in retaliation of Teldrassil. That’s why Saurfang screams that “they’re going to come for all of us” after Sylvanas did it. Part of the reason she did it was to trap the other horde leaders with her and force them to share in her blame. Either they all stand as one so their citizens can survive despite the blood on their leaders’ hands, or they fracture and get picked off be a vengeful alliance.

The fact that the alliance doesn’t actually act that way is part of the writing problem.

Edit: Genn really shouldn’t be forgiven for “just going after Sylvanas”. She was still the faction leader. It’s because of his attack that the horde player dies (for a moment). An attack on her is an attack on the horde, and that it wasn’t treated that way in-game is yet another writing mistake. It’s not a virtue of the alliance.


That’s a silly comparison.

In our reality amongst certain nations it’s agreed not to deliberately attack medics because in our reality a wounded soldier is going to be out of commission for awhile. Even serious injuries they can completely recover from is going to take them off the field.

In WoW though healers can bring people back up to fighting shape in an instant. Including entire armies if they’re powerful enough. So targeting healers is less amoral and more extremely tactically sensible and anyone providing that in a war zone is chosing a side.

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Genn attempts to assassinate a World Leader, right after they lost one … and suffers no consequences from this. Sh*t, Rogers doesn’t even suffer consequences for it, and Anduin actually has the ability to punish her without an international incident. It portrays him as weak, infectual, and its no wonder that Saurfang fell for Sylvie’s nonsense when Anduin wont even reign in two high ranking Alliance leaders who attempted to ice the Horde’s new leader; with no real good reason.

As for Jaina, this girl disappears from a battle with the Legion and noone hears a word from her except Kalec; until she shows up at Lordaeron to break the Horde lines. The reason she did this is because of an incredibly public fallout between her and the Kirin Tor about letting the Horde back into the city … to stop a world ending crisis. What should that tell you about Jaina’s temperament from the Horde perspective; who would have no way of knowing her internal growth?

Also, like I said. The Alliance are the poster child for the Justice League. They are flawless, perfect, paragons of moral virtue that will always have anything they do that is even slightly questionable explained and justified away to death. Because of this, the Horde has to be portrayed as raving psychotics out for blood … because the Alliance is too much the Peerless Protagonists of this story to even be for a moment the Antagonists of the Horde’s story; in a friggen Faction Conflict expansion. “Horde Bias” is truly a joke when you realize that from the offset of BfA there was absolutely zero routes to a satisfying conclusion for the Horde or its playerbase.


Have you even looked/read that quest. She dies saying that the horde player needs healing as well. And the quest given by a Paladin. Skeletor and Cobra Commander never reached these levels on cartoon villainy.

And we now know she is in The Maw being tormented. The Horde Shame Tally needs updating, @Pellex-Hyjal.


Genn and Rogers attempt to assassinate the person who ruined their respective homes, right after the Horde ditched the Alliance to die in the Broken Shore and broke off their peace…


That door kind of got closed in Dalaran.


maybe but then again, it is anduin who we are talking about.
They really saw him as threat ?

Forgiven for what? for attacking the murderer of his son and who destroyed his kingdom for no reason?

and then again,other horde leaders already know this, is not like genn is trying to wipe out the horde.

yeah the issue here is that they help both sides equally.

Why should he suffer any consequences not only for attacking the maniac that is sylvanas but also potencially saving everyone in the process? same with rogers.

That she was right for leaving the kirin tor after the horde literally did what she said they were going to do, backstab the alliance and destroy and entire city full of civillians.

Maybe they should have abandoned sylvanas and show that they aren’t with her. They really were scared of jaina? or they were scared of sylvanas? come on now.

The alliance is not perfect, and i agree that they went to far with the morally black in the horde, but i don’t think that you are telling me something that i didn’t know already.

Why? because of jaina? at that moment she wasn’t even part of the alliance anymore.

and alleria did tried diplomacy before the war started.

She wasn’t exactly reprimanded for it when she was in the Alliance. Just a “Nice job breaking it” in private from Varian.

Anyway, it seems like the first instinct of BEs in general is to go it alone if they can.


i think that you are being dishonest if you think that things could have not have worked with diplomacy.

Lets not forget that the horde invaded quelthalas and allied with the trolls who did wanted to exterminate them all.
and today they are allies. the alliance also was allied with silvermoon in the past.

So who killed more, jaina killing like 5 belfs and the silvercovenant some 20? or the horde and trolls who invaded their lands and tried to conquer them?

And is not like she did it because she feel that it was a great day to kill belfs. at the contrary of the horde who was with the full intention of killing them all.

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I’m not saying it couldn’t have worked. I’m saying I can understand why the BEs didn’t want to try it.


Neutral like Dalaran? I’m pretty jaded towards Alliance assisting “neutral” characters since it tends to mean they are helping the Alliance but the Horde can’t hit them back.


If a military commander commits a war crime, and you, a military officer, are in a position of power, not only are you obligated to refuse supporting that person, but you are encouraged to rebel. That Liadrin didn’t do this is why players look down on her. It’s why it’s hard to enjoy any horde leader.

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Yes. Politically, he lost his claim for revenge after the peace treaty at the end of MoP. It doesn’t matter how monstrous Sylvanas was before then, the old wounds should have been left behind.

As a person, it’s understandable why Genn would do what he did. As an army leader, it was insane and he should have been imprisoned for the rest of the war for it, alongside Rodgers.

Edit: And yes, the horde leaders were supposed to be afraid of Anduin. That particular writing problem is about him though, not the horde.


Maybe, but alleria did offered them an invitation to try to renew bonds, they declined.
i bet that they could have at least tried once sylvanas went full hitler.

That is because the horde is the one doing all sort of atrocities to victory, always.

if is not using some superweapon is releasing an old god,
they even use azeroth’ blood as a weapon even knowing that they are hurting her.
is like the horde is the cancer of azeroth.

Politically, sylvanas or the horde didn’t have any claim on his nation and still choosed to be the agressors.

i don’t think that he lost claim to anything, he never abandoned his desire to recover gilneas. Never.

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That happened before MoP. It became irrelevant after the peace agreement. Yes, he should have gotten his lands back, but it no longer became a valid reason to restart a war.

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Why it would not be a valid reason to restart a war? what you are saying is insanity.
He 100 % deserves his vengeance and he 100 % deserves his lands back.

We never got to know the terms of the post-MoP “peace”, I believe

But I doubt Genn would’ve accepted letting his kingdom remain a blighted wasteland ruled by corpses

Specially since the peace comes from taking down the Warchief responsible for that

Unfortunately Genn wasn’t really a character until… Legion?


No he doesn’t. As a part of the alliance that agreed to peace, he forfeited those reasons.