Shadowlands Game Designers Protecting Us from Covenants

So you’d rather covenants be worthless than make covenants not affect gameplay? Why?

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I did, it’s called a class. Throwaway, expac only systems should not by like that.

This isn’t a single player rpg, this is an mmorpg with more than one type of content. Punishing players who want to play all types of content is bad.

I’m casual and I care. I don’t want to be forced into certain gameplay because of an aesthetic choice, or forced into an aesthetic because of a gameplay choice. The devs reason for not making covenant abilities talents was “then you could he running around with angel wings using a plague themed ability”, but if I go kyrian for the gameplay, guess what, I’ll still be running around with angel wings using plague themed abilities because I’m a dk.

I wouldn’t mind as much if the covenants had class neutral aesthetics, but they don’t.

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And at the same time warrior tank became obsolete ,nobody wanted a prot tank all eyes were on paladin and i don’t think that up to this day prot warrior haven’t recovered half of their golden days

They are far from worthless, they have immense value. What makes you think they will be worthless?



This is the core issue at stake here. You are simply entitled. You got this Ghostcrawler “bring the player not the class”, Burger King “have it your way” NONSENSE stuck in your heads, you’re entitled and you think you should have it however you want. Ion Hazzikostas is grabbing you by the scruff and telling you “No, Voxplaga, you will NOT have it your way”.

I don’t know how you people look at Artifacts having per-artifact progression, Azerite having traits locked to roles and Essences being role-oriented and say to yourselves “Yes, Ion Hazzikostas definitely wants to continue Ghostcrawler’s design philosophy that I am entitled to do whatever I want at any time at the drop of a hat.”

Ion Hazzikostas has been trying to steer the ship delicately for 4 years now. You people haven’t taken the hint, now he’s having to take a hard turn to starboard to avoid hitting the iceberg and you people are going nuts when it was a long time coming.

Given how it seems they are incapable of balancing them, at this point I’d say making them worthless/cosmetic/not usable in instances may be the only way. Not saying that wouldn’t be a terrible idea because it is, but as it stands Covenants are going to either:

A) Force you to pick what is the best ability rather than what you identify with, thereby defeating the whole “important character choice” aspect because you’re no longer picking it for the reasons Blizzard claims they want you to (what fits your character, a purely RPG concept) but simply what sims the best or equivalent.

B) Screw you either way based on A above. If you pick the covenant you like and not the one that Icy-Veins et all says is the best for your class/spec, you’re at a disadvantage because you aren’t 100% optimal and given how this playerbase is that’s considered make or break. Even if you do pick it, if you do multiple things or multiple roles then at least one of them is going to be suboptimal.

So yeah either they make the choice meaningless and it’s a talent or something that has almost zero impact on content, thereby meaning it really doesn’t matter what you pick, or they make you pick and then you get punished in everything other than the one thing you picked because it’s not easy to switch (whether or not you should be able to switch is another issue entirely) and people want to be able to use the best covenant for each piece of content, not be stuck with one that might be good for raiding but not as good for M+ and PVP or even good for DPS but not good for tank and you switch roles.

A reward system would make sense for those of us that like to RP. Currently we don’t get anything for sticking it out with our selection.

I also like that others would be able to play the way they enjoy without having obstacles put in their way - instead they’re just giving up benefits.

The only problem is some of them are also power choices so it defeat the purpose. Extra anima and M+ caches being better are also choices that a min/maxers would want. Tmogs and mounts sure, repair bills would be weird but sure.

But at least with a flexible setup, the players that enjoy playing in Raids, M+, and PvP in combination with various specs could do so without an obstacle in the way.

If Anima is limited - then I could see that being an issue. But there have been a lot of suggestions already about possible rewards.

The idea of providing rewards for “loyalist” RPers while allowing the try-hards the ability to switch freely just makes a lot of sense.

The only down-side I see is for the people that want to look one way aesthetically in combat while being in another covenant - but if they’re that into aesthetics, they’re probably not enough of a try-hard for the ability to swap around to matter.

Jesus, this comment. Say this out loud and ask yourself if this is an appropriate way for a person to talk. Seriously.

When you’re not allowed to insult or curse on a forum, you need to do something different to verbally “overpower” someone else and make them realize they need to simply comply with your point of view. You need to just stand down and accept things the way they are. It’s that simple. Stand down and accept you are wrong.

Pass, thanks.

The rewards approach seems like one of the best compromises I’ve seen.

My personal preference at first was to just give all the abilities to each covenant and then re"skin" each of them to match the theme of the selected covenant.

This way gameplay options and choices are available - but in terms of story and aesthetics, players would be locked in.



Honestly, locking people to a cosmetic/aesthetic/story choice (with maybe a way to change once or twice if people just hated their first/second choice) would actually make this game feel more like an RPG.

Tying gameplay mechanics to it will just feel bad though.

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The gameplay mechanics is the biggest issue - because so many players play this game for the M+/Arena/Raid content and not for any kind of story.

JdotB has even commented about how he doesn’t enjoy anything about character progression and just wants to play the game.

In his mind, the point of the game and progression is with accomplishments, not with ilvl.

I’m not saying he’s right or wrong - but just that many players play with that kind of mentality.

There are ways of implementing new systems without alienating players like him and the casual players that enjoy a good role-play session.

The rewards approach seems like a decent middle-ground.

What I don’t get about the RP thing is if someone only cares about the RP side of it, why do they care if someone else can swap/abilities are the same? Am I missing something there?

I doubt Blizzard would want to do that because it doesn’t solve the problem of wanting aesthetics/rp choice to not be locked with min/maxing choices. Because yes some people actually care about both of those. I feel they’re pushing themselves in a corner, let’s see if they can get out of it maybe today.

you should be more worried about souldbinds then covenants.

It’s all the same thing, covenants systems. They are linked together.