Shadowlands Game Designers Protecting Us from Covenants

You must be replying to someone else, I didn’t say anything about paywalling.

I think Blizzard is too far down the hole to say “Hey lets go back”. There is no going back when the current players have already reach a level of expectation and comfort level they’re at.

Back in BC I remember being a warrior tank and then seeing first hand what a paladin tank can do for AoE. They clearly were the superior AoE tank for threat. So we each fit different niches. I think blizzard is trying to do that.

But again, it’s too far gone. It’s like what they tried to do with flying. They tried to put flying back into the bag. But they couldn’t.

Also I learned now, if they do Classic BC I am playing a prot paladin lol.

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Yea that wasn’t for you.

They could make it cost something non-gold related, a BoP currency like they often do now so you can only get it on that toon specifically. But yes, I agree I do not like pay-2-win stuff in the game either.

Yes some choices can mean more than others, that’s fine. However, covenants should be among your highest/most important choice because it’s what the entire expansion system is. That should make its level higher than 98% if not 100% of all other choices and thus why it should not be swappable or have a super high cost it does. The RPG aspect of it should not be sacrificed because people want to be the best at everything in 2 seconds.

Players definitely need to be protected from themselves. Too many people will always choose performance over fun. The hard part is allowing for both.

But players have been able to be the best at everything in a two second swap for the past few expansions now.

Blizzard had been chipping away at the RPG experience of this game for years now. So it’s impossible to start building it back up because the current audience, like they are now, will get upset.

There’s many compromise I feel would be better for the health of the game.
RPG can coexist with min/maxing. Ask for more rp content if you want that. Just don’t put it as the best for everyone and that everyone want that. Clearly a lot of people don’t like this, this make the game more a niche type of game and some games can excel with this, but they aren’t wow. Wow was made for everyone even the min/maxers.

So what you mean, is covenants are important because they made them important. Well that’s a tautology. They can unmake them, and they clearly said they are ready to scrap the system if it doesn’t work.

Yes, and to be honest they need to be upset and get over it. It needs to go back to the game it was with Classic/BC/Wrath style with the class design it was in Wrath or even MoP. Wrath/MoP had the best class designs I think this game’s ever seen, however for systems and RPG wise I think BC/Wrath probably had the best systems themselves.

I do agree though that the last few expansions have been very bad about it, so this is the best time to do it and push that reset button. Could it kill WoW? Probably, but the way it’s going it will be a sink or swim method basically, as WoW’s been declining each expansion for the most part, going away from its RPG roots.

Excellent suggestion here. This system, along with the other half dozen systems the plan on launching with, will likely be wildly unbalanced. This has proven to be the case with almost every system that’s been introduced. At least throughout legion and bfa.

Being locked in to a covenant would be fine, if the covenant abilities are well balanced and are not going to change. They probably won’t be balanced. They will likely undergo many, many changes. Isn’t it going to be incredibly aggrivating to be punished for changing covenants after they just nerfed the heck out of the one you chose?

So only people who don’t understand how to use spreadsheets should be eligible to buy the expansion? If I want to tank and do pvp, but apparently both options are garbage for my spec, does that mean i should stop paying for the game or allow myself to be miserable and blame you, because you’re okay with my spec being trash?

These issues will impact casuals far greater than min-maxers.

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Do you change classes when they nerf your spec/class wildly? If so, then yes for you it would be. I do not change them even if they nerfed me like they did in Legion like 400 times because Aff was broken towards the 0 scale first, then towards the 300 scale in the Nighthold and later tiers.

No, the people with the spreadsheets should just keep their spreadsheets and not show them off to everyone else.

Do you mean class? Tanks generally do not fair well in PVP.

I’m a casual. Spreadsheets help me reach my goals, which are probably different from yours, and definitely different from people who think everybody’s goal should be to be a bad player who enjoys themselves even though their spec is broken and devs don’t intend to fix it this expansion.

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Respecing in wrath was a non-issue. I fail to see how you think wrath had greater rpg values. They even added dual-specs then. They didn’t even up the cost of respec basicly since vanilla but gold has gotten easier to obtain with each expansion. For me they learned that penalyzing people making bad choices is worse than the rp value it brings to lock people out.

The solution they go about it this time is there should be no wrong choice, they will try to balance them. And we will know then if they can really nail it, but they will probably have to hammer them down first making them all irrelevant mostly or all the same. Which for me is worse than putting a lock basicly on them.

God…wut…oh, okay. Whew.

The goal is not to be a bad player, it is to have fun and enjoy yourself yeah. That does not encourage being a bad player, it encourages relaxing instead of being stressed over everything. That doesn’t mean fail at mechanics, either.

Yeah, we will. Think at some time today they are doing a streaming/interview thing too to talk about SL. I’m hoping they also announce a release date for it.

Release date of Shadowlands and it’s beta sounds fair. I think the rest should be mostly gameplay, maybe from the maw.

I just hope we can test this system fully before it goes live, and that we get the fixes needed before it goes live. Unlike having something like patch 8.3 and corruptions. xd

THIS! Reward don’t punish!


The way I’d do it is that if you want to change, that’s fine, but you can NEVER rejoin that covenant, ever. They no longer trust you for abandoning them.

Currently some of the covenant abilities are literally DPS losses to use. lol

I sure like being hugely disadvantaged because I picked the covenant that actually resonated with me.

The system is a bad one because Blizzard is incapable of balancing it at all.


It’s also a self inflicted wound. People have been telling Blizzard what will happen since the moment these things were announced in 2019. The response we got back was basically “nah, it’ll be fine.”

Problem is, the people running the show don’t want feedback. They want to be told that their decisions are great, because they have massive egos.