Shadowlands Game Designers Protecting Us from Covenants

Blizzard creates content like m+ which let you push characters to their absolute limits.

Blizzard crates mythic raiding where guilds compete for rankings and Hall of Fame.

Blizzard creates MDI and Arena tournaments with prize pools where 1% can be the difference in thousands of dollars

I’ll go tell the people who take enjoyment doing difficult content that a Warlock who times 15 says to relax and just do whatever man.


It’s not even the numbers for me. The skills impact play style. Who wants to have to choose between play style and preferred armor? I find it very annoying tbh.


The ones who take enjoyment doing difficult content isn’t the problem. Do it if you want, the problem comes when you’re doing it and you’re either showing off, badmouthing, being a dbag about it or mega uptight about the tiniest .00001 dps of every person in your group including the healer. It’s a social thing. You wanna push it, push it. Don’t shove it in everyone else’s face. That’s why I liked the FF14 way of banning people who post meters and other stupid things like that. You wanna run them? Do it quietly to help yourself improve, not to boast.

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I’ll take things that literally never happen for $100 bob.

Oh poor little you, created a scenario where we SHOVED our mythic raiding in your FACES to try and get a system you’re unable to see how it impacts mythic raiders to open up and be more friendly to all players.

It’s baffling how out of touch some casuals are like yourself.


nothin’ personal, casual


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Happens all of the time, to a lot of casuals especially when they’re raiding and having talents /skills/specs they want to play and people message them telling them things they don’t care about.

I think your self entitlement is quite out there. You must have really gotten very badly hurt and feel quite insecure. It’s aight, we got stuff to help you with that.

It’s baffling how people like you feel entitled to coach people without that person ever asking you to coach them in the first place. We can keep going, though.

Hold on, you’re going to bring up a mythic raider messaging someone with advice on incorrect talents and pass it off as things they don’t care about? Sounds like the problem is with you.

“Hey, thanks for the input but I’m not really too concerned”

That was difficult.

Haha yes the warlock on the forums said some nasty things about me and I’m literally shaking rn.

Yeah, once again didn’t message you.

You must have really gotten very badly hurt and feel quite insecure. It’s aight, we got stuff to help you with that.

What’d the attacker say ?

“Hey man you should be using VOP”

Filthy mythic raider giving me advice UGH!!!

People are just trying to help you, but I get it I don’t try to help people anymore because people feel personnaly attacked for this. At the end the other guy isn’t playing for you, it’s just up to you to decide what you’re gonna do with a tip frome someone. You can politly decline saying things like “I’m fine”, no thanks".

I think everyone wants something for himself in the game, the question is always how does this fit in the grand scheme. In the grand scheme wow wasn’t done to be niche, it doesn’t cater to one type of players it caters to them all. So everyone needs his own special reward for the type of content he does and it needs to be designed so everyone can have some fun doing what they want.

I know I said you in this, but I was not referring to you personally, just to people who do that. I guess I was too specific with that and that ego thought I meant you when I’ve never met you before this post. Pretty good, eh?

Apparently so, you’re quite mad right now so I mean yeah.

Yes, we can go and make this about me sure. I do not care about people’s advice if I do not ask for it, but it’s all cool yo.

Wait, how did you guess what I said?! Maybe I did meet you before, hm… quite strange you guessed the exact message.

It really was, you have no idea. I even have it macro’d.

So your basis for “mythic raiders shoving it in your face” is someone giving you advice, you declined it and everyone moved on with their life?

Hot damn!

Figure I’d quote what you said again because it’s actually hilarious:

Being a dbag when trying to help someone out. My sides are actually bursting right now.

I just had a moment of clarity, you don’t want open covenants because at least this way you can pick your off meta choice of ability and they can’t ask you to change. You’re actually embracing being mediocre. Props for owning up to it i guess.

No, actually the entire point of that was that ego trip people love to go on with the meters and bragging about it. No clue whether you pug or if you’re just one of those people who do only guild runs. If you do pug, you’d see at least one person is usually like that, unless that’s just been the groups I always join somehow. Thus, the ego and e-peen comments I made earlier.

Oh Idk bout those. I just get annoyed, like if I don’t ask people personally for their help then they should not give it. I know people do try to help, but most of the time if they don’t ask they don’t want it. At least that’s my assumption on things.

Yeah, and that’s fine, except when you’re trying to change elements like the RPG aspect of it like with the covenants that will be introduced in SL.

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Not sure I can continue talking to such a special snowflake.

Best of luck on your adventures in Azeroth.

By the way void twisted trinket sucks.

Tbh, the ONLY real issue I see with covenants is that certain covenants are outright better for certain specs than others on some classes… this fact essentially creates a repeat of the major problem people had with Azerite Gear in BfA, but with no simple solution to counteract it… any player playing such a class who happens to enjoy the spec-swapping play style will feel like Covenants are punishing them because they “need to be Venthyr for this spec and Night Fae for that one”…

Personally this won’t have any effect on me what so ever because I don’t spec swap… I hate that style of play with a passion and really wish that blizzard would stop designing systems that encourage it (the current talent system is the primary culprit to this)… I’m fine with systems that support it, but not flat out encourage it… and the fact that we have systems that encourage it along side systems that discourage it is very confusing… make systems support it without encouraging it or discouraging it… every talent in a row should serve the same general purpose to the same effectiveness, and every covenant should be equally effective for every spec… let people make choices to define their character/play style without making them feel like they “have to do this instead”… there should NEVER be a “wrong choice” when it comes to talents or covenants…

I think this is more you than me. You’re the one complaining about wanting to swap covenants freely, afterall as well as literally being openly hostile to people who say otherwise. I’m just saying for RPG sake, which is what WoW is; they don’t need let it be freely swappable and yeah, the vita eludes me.

And that tryhards are the ones who complain about it most.

The thing is this is not even in the game, and is applied on everyone which can stop some people from having fun in any content that they do. That they like it or not.

There should be rpg content and there is with content like questing. But covenants are the last thing they should lock if rpg reasons are involved. Lock race choice and faction choice if you want, those make sense.

Covenants are small rep, small companies that hire everyone and that will be gone next expansion. There’s no real rp reasons defending that system to be as powerful as they want it to be when the rest of the game doesn’t follow. And we will be able to change covenants, they just arbitrary atm want to make it not fun to switch them for a very very small rp gain. The gain for me doesn’t outweight the amount of problems that this type of design bring.

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Subscriber numbers don’t really provide much when they can make as much or more money with the cash shop. Isn’t WoW still part of their top three earners for their portfolio?

I think Blizzard saw a huge influx of players from Classic and want to replicate some of the classic systems into Shadowlands.

In Classic, my hunter had a means of draining mana. Not all classes had that ability. So if someone for whatever reason wanted to drain mana, they’d need a hunter, warlock or priest. I think those were the only ones.

Also not everyone had a movement speed increase like we see today. Warlocks are still notorious to being very slow.

Blizzard I think wanted to go back to that style of choice. If you want to drain mana, you pick warlock,hunter or priest. If you want to teleport across the room you pick the venthyr.

Issue is the BFA and Shadowlands players I don’t think respond too well to Classic/older RPG mechanics where one class excels at different things. They want to be able to do all the things.

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Classic is nearly as sucessful as BFA, but would never compare to Legion. I feel they’re going back to Legion mostly. The covenant systems will be fixed for min/maxers, the question is just when. Do we have to wait like azerith gear that the problems show ingame this time? :man_shrugging:

It’s probably their biggest or second biggest.

Thus, again why I said the try hards are the biggest complainers of it.

Every choice you make is/should be an RPG choice, as it’s a character you made. It is technically all an RPG choice, covenants are no different than your race.

It’s not a very small RP gain. What hurts WoW is when they first introduced the ability to talent swap freely. It used to have a very heavy and increasing cost so it discouraged it unless you had the gold for it and the gold ramped up like it does now for azerite. This was a design they used to discourage swapping talents. I think it was in MoP or maybe a bit before then? Somewhere along the line though they made it more freely/easier to swap talent points and that is where it began hurting the game RPG wise. WoW has lost a lot of its RPG aspect/elements in favor of ARPG type things, like legendaries in Legion for instance.

Things that were brought over by Diablo/Action RPG-esque type games should never been in an MMORPG, and then they also messed up big with being able to swap talents so easily/readily. Before I think you also had to go to a vendor that was in SW/Org in order to do it, or NPC rather not vendor. The amount of time it took to do all of that sucked and was also something that, if the group did not have a Warlock to summon people, it discouraged it too.

Well I think their most successful was WotLK by player numbers. But even back then I played a DK tank because they were supposed to be the “anti-magic” tank. I’m still salty they took away my choice to be a DW DK tank.

But they’re returning to their previous mindset I think where they want things to be specialist in certain scenarios. So like DKs being the anti-magic tank.

Paywalling something is just ecouraging disparities, because some people will be able to pay for it way more easy than others, it also encourage people to follow “cookie cutter builds” more because they are punished for trying other stuff basicly. With the wowtoken also, anything that cost gold or is gold becomes making the game more pay2win so I disagree about those.

Which allowed you to play any spec how you wanted with no cost if I remember. Which leads to more innovative and different builds like being able to tank and dps on all dk specs for me that was the top design they ever did in wow.

Some choices means more than others. Is choosing Ketchup or Mustard as important as your political alignement or who you’re gonna save from getting killed by the bandits?

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