Shadowlands Game Designers Protecting Us from Covenants

Any time people aren’t receiving maximum benefit, they claim they’re being punished for playing “the wrong way”.


Good to know we needed to reach as far as Diablo 2, Final Fantasy 6 and Breath of Fire to defend current day systems being implemented.

Also, Path of Exile? We’re going to bring ARPGS into this. You’re going to bring a game which most people play single player and per character builds into this?

It takes what, 7 hours to reach 80 in PoE?

Dragon Age Origins was a great game, you’re right.

That’s an absurdly specific edge case and is a problem with that guild not the system. Instead of designing an entire expansion around your authoritarian guild leader, I think maybe it’s time for you to find a more flexible guild.

You can literally complete the entire grid if you farm hard enough. Legion artifact weapon stole FFX Grid System and it work exactly like that (you can get all Artifact trait).

Think you and the others like this need to stop looking at this game as an action RPG where the only point is numbers.

Diablo 2 before halfway into LoD, there was no re-spec option. If you made a character and did not like it you made a new character from scratch, though leveling was pretty quick. Path of Exile also had this same concept before they came out with respec options later on too. Again, another game where it was quick and easy to level so you did not miss it or notice it much outside of naming characters.

A lot of Korean MMOs also tend to lean this way, as like the anime fantasy from the Japanese stuff you tend to be the hero and even though there aren’t many, most of what is out there did not / does not have a respec option, either. Again, though, also very easy to catch up with levels.

Dragon Souls was also apparently one of the games that did not have a noticeable respec option right off the bat, either. I don’t think Dark Souls did at first, either.

Glad we are using games that were improved on from their original iteration and korean MMOs which are known to be disgustingly grindy as a reference point.

The souls series had a huge debate about the respeccing aspect of the game.

Doesn’t matter, you asked, I answered. Players get antsy about this whole thing because the RPG element of any game says: No, you should not be able to swap. You pick a path, stick to it. If it’s wrong or you cannot do something, start over. Players got angry/upset at having to continuously start over because they could not fathom how to get past certain points or wanted to 2 shot things instead. Either way, got to the point that games were beginning to do this; but the RPG aspect of a game actually tells you you should not be able to. If you want that, stick to another game IMO.

But I thought we just got finished discussing I can change my talents and my spec freely?

Yes, and in my opinion, even that’s pretty stupid, but oh well. I do not control the game, else there would not be any of that in the game at all. Of course I would also tell people that they cannot link charts and stuff or you get banned, like in FF14.

You think it’s stupid we can change our talents and spec freely?

Can everyone outside of this conversation please have a look at this as an example of the kind of people defending covenants.

I’ve never seen someone get mad about this, impressive.

Cool, glad I could impress you when I’m not trying. Maybe I should try to impress you then so you can not be impressed? Isn’t that how it goes? Also, it’s mainly only the mega tryhards getting mad at the covenants not being able to be swapped freely, so enjoy.

Mega try hards have already leveled multiple of the same classes because they are mega try hards. This is going to hurt casual players way more than the hardcore players.


Those hardcore tryhards already have multiple of the same class.

Wait a second…

Am i mega tryhard? NOT LIKE THIS.

That’s not gonna be an issue because the casuals aren’t even going to care one way or the other. They’re going to look at what they like/think is cool and not care about who has the bigger e-peen in the group. Try hards do that.

The problem is spreadsheets and min/max players not the covenant system. Covenants are fine as it stands. The argument of “I like the armor skin not the covenant ability” is just silly. The “ability x is better for dps but I like the armor of x covenant”. This is a very silly debate about covenants.

No actually, you’re going to apply for a key but will be turned down because they looked at icyveins to see what the worst covenant was for m+ and saw you picked it.

Enjoy being declined from keys.

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Cool, that’s why I got my own key, right? As long as they don’t have trashy dungeons like in BFA, people will be fine. Also, again, only a problem for mega try hards because once again the casuals aren’t even gonna be worried about it. Sunday and Mondays are also a very good day because 99.9% of the time most people just want to get stuff completed, whether it be on time or not. They need bodies and don’t care.

Editing here too: Also, if you’re a tank or a healer, you already get a big step up into groups anyways because a lot of times people wait 30+ minutes for tanks or healers to que up as a triple DPS group.

Also though,

I agree with this a lot.

It’s a silly debate because you said so?

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No, it’s a silly debate because people try too hard. If people would just relax, they’d enjoy the game a lot more, but e-peen is a thing among DPS.