Shadowlands: Fistweaving compared to glimmermer or atonement

I think it would be cool if Teachings of the Monastery caused each additional Blackout Kick to heal a random target for a % of damage done. That would give some sort of healing component to Tiger Palm + Blackout Kick, and it would synergize well with Rising Mist and Spirit of the Crane.

On topic: Holy pally Glimmer is essentially a copy of Renewing Mist + Vivify cleave (which existed in Legion). I wish Glimmer had died with BFA, but alas.

Also, discipline priest had Atonement as early as MoP (that was when I started playing), so monk is not the original ā€œdo damage to healā€ healer (unless Atonement was added at the end of MoPā€“I only started playing at the end when Atonement was definitely a thing).

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Atonement was actually added at the beginning of Cataclysm as a talent and was attached to Smite instead of being applied and then healing through damage. It functioned a lot like our new Shadowlands legendary, Ancient Teachings of the Monastery, and was mostly used for providing off healing in moments of low damage instead of being used as their primary form of healing.

Which means that technically, you are correct that discipline priest had the first ā€œdo damage to heal someone besides themselvesā€ ability.

I believe the main argument for Mistweaver being the first ā€œdo damage to healā€ healer is that it was the first healer to have an entire build and playstyle focused around doing damage to heal, instead of having abilities that they could use to do damage to heal, but needing to focus on only healing spells during periods of heavy damage. I could, however, be wrong because I didnā€™t play during MoP and never got to experience the playstyle firsthand.

I think the change you suggest to Teachings of the Monastery could be interesting, and it would certainly synergize well, but it would have to be a talent because the devs donā€™t want a ā€œdamage to healingā€ playstyle to feel mandatory on any healer but discipline priest. As a talent, I could see it being worked into Spirit of the Crane, but whether or not it was taken would depend on what it was competing with and the spellpower and range scaling of the heal itself.

Iā€™m honestly disliking a lot of what theyā€™re doing with Chi-Ji. The current flow of the CD is off with having to build up stacks of tiger palm and then alternating blackout kick and rising sun kick, and it actively discourages using the CD on trash packs because SCK will only ever give us one stack of the enveloping mist bonus. In addition, of course, is the fact that it currently heals for less than our normal healing rotation and when the tradeoff of losing yulon and another talent on that row is considered, chi-ji isnā€™t worth taking right now.

Iā€™d love to see more thought put into fistweaving, but for now it seems weā€™ll have to live with rising mist and we might get a bone when weā€™re able to equip two legendaries at once.


I think, like someone else mentioned, splitting mistweaving and fistweaving into 2 specs is the solution since they donā€™t seem to want to bring back stances.

The easy solution would be bring back stances that change the behaviors of our existing spells.

The other idea would be to make fistweaving its own spec, which would give them slightly more creative freedom to add spells/abilities/talents to make it fully fleshed.

I think the latter would be best and make the community happy. Those who want to fistweave would be able to, and those who want to mistweave would be able to. Blizz could do their aforementioned vision and make fistweaving the way of Chi-Ji and make the healing mists red while mistweaving stays centric around Yulon and stays teal. But Blizz doesnā€™t care enough about us


It bothers me sooo much that we have four celestials but only three specs. Making a Chi-ji themed melee+healer hybrid spec similar to discipline priest seems like such a no brainer. I was really hoping theyā€™d do so for Shadowlands, but it seems like theyā€™d rather have both ā€œspecsā€ crammed awkwardly into one.


Iā€™ve been saying something similar for a couple months now - they really need to go back through each talent row and ask whether or not things still belong. Every class. Every spec.

The fact Ion acknowledges context-driven loadouts (e.g. M+, raid, or PvP loadouts) indicates the talent system has already fundamentally failed in its design of delivering the desired player experience without a performance loss.

Remove loadouts. This isnā€™t Call of Duty. AoE should compete with AoE, cooldowns with cooldowns, etc. Once they can show talents have been balanced and delivers the diverse playstyle options the community wants, Iā€™ll be sold. Until then I am going to believe Shadowlands is $40 for an empty box.

Iā€™ll probably sit on the sidelines until 9.1 or 9.2 when they pull the ripcord and the game will actually be playable. Plus catch-up mechanics, it may actually end up fun by then.

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And instead of just being critical, I think my idea of a fix is making Invoke Chi-Ji baseline instead of Yulon. The talent should convert Chi-Ji to Yulon and have a competitor in the row to make Chi Ji passive and weaker, or a significantly reduced cooldown with the same level of power. Yulon would need buffed to justify the new power differential, but itā€™s a simple step forward.

The talent row would then give the option of Fistweaving (passive), hybridized (shorter CD), or pure Mistweaving (Yulon).

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Mistweaver does not need to be broken up into two specsā€¦ Swapping between stances is meaningless as well as its impossible to balance effectively and all people would do is make hotkeys to simplify something that does not need to be overtly complex. Tea already changes the effects of our spells so it already exists as a low time cooldown. Having talents that make changes to the playstyle would be a better solution and easier to implement in my opinion.


So is fistweaving a playstyle here in a month or no? Otherwise I should go disc? I like doing more than sitting back and plinking hots on people and staring at raid frames.

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You can fistweave if you want, but right now (9/25/20), chi-ji is very weak and the fistweaving legendary doesnā€™t compete very well with our other options, Tear of Morning and Clouded Focus. Even after the nerf to Tear of Morning it still does a lot more hps. Rising Mist will be viable, but thatā€™s pretty much it for fistweaving.

This still has the potential, however, to change before release if they add enveloping breath back to chi-ji and scale up chi-jiā€™s healing somewhat. Right now the major issue is that chi-ji is not worth taking as a replacement to yulon because chi-ji both does less healing than yulon and you have to consider the benefit you get from having yulon+another talent in that row.


Ok thanks. It seemed like when I tried fistweaving it was like WW. A lot of work for mediocre gains. Iā€™ll give it a go when prepatch hits here soon.

Iā€™ve been playing disc a lot and really like it in mythic+. But BrM looks better than BFA so that could be great too.

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Not everyone raided. Weird, I know. And please clarify, so they could do it because they were boredā€¦ are you admitting you were wrong? Because you said they couldnā€™tā€¦

I think weā€™ve made progress, my friend. Admitting your error was a big step. I would be happy to carry you in a raid! If I raidedā€¦

I think youā€™re going to find that Fistweaving is still, for a 3rd expansion, dead last in terms of melee healing.




Primal strike shaman may outperform now too. /s

Where are you getting this info? In terms of healing fistweaving is looking to be stronger then glimmer pally. Glimmer in raid testing is looming really meh atm in comparison to fistweaving with tears legendary.

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Not arguing that Fist-weaving is not in a bad position currently but Pally is gonna be pretty weak throughput(hps) in Shadowlands due to low spell coefficients on Glimmer. Damage is looking iffy as well.

Also, donā€™t forget Discipline Priest, even after the recent nerf theyā€™re still looking ready to brutalize.

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Disc also has spriest for ranged DPS and it seems that too might be looking great while WW is a dumpster fire.

Damn maybe BRM will be super fun and then I just tank pugs because the guild I raid with wonā€™t need a tank. :thinking: