Shadowlands Final Report Card

I mean right now, no.

S4 had the easiest 15s, etc all expansion. 15s in S1 were much more difficult in relation.

Now throw in the pug atmosphere. Where you and I may know that the hardest dungeon at 15 is not really that difficult. But you already see in pugs where they attempt to do heavily stack meta classes way before 15s.

When something has the perception of being overly difficult, regardless of it being difficult at a specific m+ range. That will largely carry over into how people will act towards the dungeon.

No, they weren’t, people just took a bit longer to gear up to normal+ levels of raiding gear because they started from farther down the line.

Guess what, DF S1 will be the same since we’ll all start M0 geared rather than normal raid+ geared.

The gear cap dungeons have never been difficult to competent people.

Oh there are different reasons it stinks at different m+ levels.

I mean. The amount of people doing +25s (a handful) and +30 (absolutely no one) in season 1 increased steadily.

Yes, but the perception of how a dungeon runs, or a class plays, will always effect things. As an enhance shaman, I hold my own. Yet getting into anything close to a +20 in a pug in basically impossible for me.

But that’s not what we’re talking about.

KSM numbers are about the same.

That is what we’re talking about.

It will never make maxing your vault/chest difficult.

This is why I wish we had a Challenge League / Challenge Mode in addition to our existing M+ rotation.

Challenge League could be dungeons with fixed bosses (if the bosses randomly rotate), fixed routing if the path through the dungeon changes like Waycrest or Mists, and fixed Affixes. Attempt as many times as you like, each week you have 1 loot lock-out per dungeon per Bronze / Silver / Gold clear time.

I’d still want to keep our existing randomized rotation but Challenge League could be its own thing that uses the same sort of underlying M+ technology in a different way - the difference between TGP and MDI.

It’d also be fun because Challenge League could be a different pool from the standard play if Blizzard wanted to go in that direction. It might be confusing to have two different forms of 5-man content progression with different dungeons but I think it could be fun.

Honestly, I’d love to actually get my gear from timing Gold keys rather than prayge to Vault every week. I hate relying on the Vault as a main source of loot.

All that said, Ion doesn’t actually understand fun so I don’t expect to see any radical shifts in game design.

Strength- Attack Power Increase how much Melee hit for
Agility- Crit Chance Increases crit chance for attacks (Attack Damage for Rogues/Druids?)
Stamina-Overall Health Pool
Intellect- Increases Mana Pool/ Strength of Magic Attacks
Spirit- Increases Mana Regen/ Health Regen
Luck- Increases luck of getting upgrade when item drops or finding items off of mobs ( I made this one up!)

A Warrior grinding mobs/quests might want to add Spirit to lessen downtime. (In theory obviously not used in current WoW)
A Hunter might want to add Intellect for Mana pool to stay in fight longer(In theory obviously not used in current WoW)

Obviously RPG is different for some people for me its Character building but for some it might be living through a Character’s story.

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Including you with your useless responses saying you disagree with no reason why. Then when people dig in they learn you don’t know what you’re talking about. Why do you like to waste other people’s time? Is that really the best thing you can spend your time on?

This tells me you would rate 95+% of people running keys as incompetent. While this might be true for us regular M+ runners if Blizzard tunes this stuff for the top 1% then this game will be a ghost town


Not TRYING to be mean but uhh


About 20% get KSM.

I give the art team an A
I give the raid design team an A
I give the lead DEV an F
I give the PVP team an F only because a Z isnt a grade

Overall the expansion was worse than WOD ever was.

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So why would I want strength if I was a mage or intellect on a warrior? Make my RPG stats useful to give me that full immersive world big daddy.

You basically just want classic back
which you can have and this is why retail is way better than classic. The secondary stats we have now all work in completely different ways with the worst being mastery which largely just increases damage since most masteries are just conditional damage modifiers (like raise damage from frost spells by X%). You don’t have to do nonsense like fill up arbitrary “junk” stats like hit or defense rating and then play this juggle game with gear where you want to maintain the amount without going over.

See the thing is, even if your classic garbage nonsense came back and primary stats were “useable” by everyone. Warriors STILL would never go for a “spirit build” and casters would never take strength items because it isn’t optimal. Even in a pure RPG like Dungeons and Dragons, people try and maximize their primary 2 stats and have just enough in their “dump stats” to avoid or minimize negative modifiers unless they’re specifically going for an RP element like minimizing strength to be a feeble person or minimizing intelligence to be a idiot.

But yeah you just want classic which you can have. Enjoy farming up that “spirit set” and tediously grind your way through mobs instead of just buying vendor food and healing up faster
or, you know, actually get good attacking stats/items and plow through stuff and not need to pig out on a backpack full of food while fulfilling some RP fantasy but whatever makes you happy.

You might be happy to learn though that at least professions, in DF, are gaining unique stats relevant only to crafting and it totally won’t be a tedious and irritating nightmare to micromanage for players.

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I hated having to transmog every time I got one of those god-awful candle helmets

You see that’s the thing there should be choice. I should be free to make those mistakes. You’re right a Warrior would never take spirit or want spirit on their weapon but the choice should be theirs to make. Maybe a priest wants stronger heals or be able to regen mana faster while casting (Not sure which Expansion but a Spirit Shaman build was very strong). Again let them make that choice. Where getting away from what you originally asked me about RPG in MMORPG and these are just some examples of what an RPG to me would look like. Honestly BFA had some good RPG moments in some of the story lines and I wish had more of those.

You are free to make mistakes. You can stack mastery or whatever bad stat you like. The only major difference is that you won’t completely gimp your character, you’ll just be sub-optimal.

This sounds like a personal issue. Don’t play alliance? Git gud? etc. Plenty of PvP’ers excelling in both factions.

You’re in a minority if you believe the highest ilvl of the BIS should be earnable by the bottom of the bell curve through sheer attrition and grind. Accept your niche and embrace it. I do low teen keys and heroic raids. I’ll never have capped mythic gear or mythic raid gear. I accept this.

SL start was a C+, ended a D (would have been D- without Fated, Dinar, and the Fated Upgrades).

You are free to make mistakes. Blizzard is just preventing you, as best they can, from being utterly worthless but try hard enough and you can do it. Go buy yourself a set of cloth greens and equip them to live out your fantasy of being a warrior-wizard or some agility leather to be a warrior-ninja. For leveling/world questing, you’ll probably still do fine. I knew someone who, I think maybe it was legion, was too cheap to buy heirlooms for all the armor types so just bought the cloth ones and leveled with those.

Started at a D — became a C to C+.

The biggest expansion issue with the expac was the long time period between 9.0 and 9.1 that really damaged it because 9.0 didnt have a long-term luster and had glaring issues which impacted the playerbase.

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F and this is coming from someone who actually mostly liked BFA

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