Shadowlands Ending Lore Bingo

Or the alternates:

  1. The Void MC’s Zovaal through Anduin.
  2. The Void breaks Anduin free, forcing him to follow it instead of the Light.

I’m calling it here…

9.1.5 -

  • Primus uses Slyvanas’ lingering Jailer power to craft an Arbiter Sigil that allows us to follow Zovaal into the realm of the first ones.

9.2 - Wrath of the Lich Prince

  • Following Zovaal, we arrive too late. He already acquired the knowledge and is heading to Azeroth.

  • Azeroth is revealed to not be a Titan of Order, but the infusion of the First Ones’ powers as they died.

  • Zovaal needs Azeroth to gain access to the Sepulcher.

  • ICC Raid revamp Anduin as the Lich King End Boss, Galakrond as his mount.

  • Ysera is our connection to the Shadowlands and Elune in Sholazar Basin.

9.3 - Sepulcher of the First Ones

  • We catch up with Zovaal for our final showdown within the tomb of the first ones.
  • Hi!, reused character model Argus.

  • Before we can deliver the final blow to our villainous foe…

… you should have gone for the head…

10.0 - Word of Warcraft: What if?.. (we entered the multiverse of meta marvel maddess…)

  • Zovaal’nos uses his infinity sigils to reshape our reality.

  • We go back to where it all started, level 1 Azeroth.

    • Azeroth, what if?
      - Azeroth where Arthas never took up Frostmoure.
      - Azeroth where Tyrande is evil and Azshara is good
      - Azeroth with even more trolls!
  • We play through a “classic version” of alternate universe Azeroth, while gaining the trust of Medivh to open the Dark Portal and send us back to our reality.

11.0 - World fo Warcraft: The Holy Crusade

  • Put your faith in the Light… but not too much faith.
  • Exiting the Dark Portal, back to our reality, we find the Light has taken hold.
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Honestly, yeah. Im up for some creepy mommy dom.

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Every character’s themesong would be “You Don’t Know My Mind”

Don’t we already get this in the Caverns of Time?

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Yeah… kindof.

While it’s a bit of a troll post, I honestly think we will be getting the following:

  • 9.2 sees us return to Northrend.

  • Revamped ICC, Anduin is the boss. His horse is a drop off Mythic.

  • Arthas’ Soul Fragment was used to forge Kingsmourne. (KINGSmourne)
    • Arthas tells us we “can’t” beat the jailer, ala his dad in original ICC.

  • We will “lose” vs the Jailer, and in a last ditch effort, we will use the help of Wrathion and the Dragon Isles (10.0 prepatch) to travel back in time to stop all this from happening.
  • We travel too far back, and everything changes, its Alternate Reality Azeroth.

Garrosh is evil, Garrosh is defeated, Garrosh escapes to AU Dreanor thanks to Wrathion…

It is Garrosh… with more steps. :frowning:

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Oh no, it’s going to be full elves again


Why is all the likely scenarios in B and O?

They do think we’re going back at some point (when and their following through is a question):

Leaving in the pre-patch currency like that is indicative.

No. definetly not. Its literally blizzard being lazy as usual (they are)

And they are also incompetent. See them making the same mistake over and over again

I blame it on the parasitic design of the last 3 expansions
But there is more lying under it.

(basically blizzard chose to reinvent the wheel 3 times in a row to then remove the wheel)


I mean, with the portal being opened up between ICC and the Shadowlands, along with the parallels to Arthas…

It was…

(looks at Marvel check list)



I can’t believe some of yall had the nerve and audacity to report this thread lmao


Wouldn’t it be Era of Mortals part 3? Part 1 was the ending of Warcraft 3, no?

And Cataclysm was part 2.

Did medivh say Age of Mortals? I can’t remember

The roots will heal in time… as will the entire world. The sacrifices have been made. Just as the orcs, humans, and night elves discarded their old hatreds and stood united against a common foe, so did Nature herself rise up to banish the Shadow… forever. As for me, I came back to ensure that there would be a future, to teach the world that it no longer needed Guardians. The hope for future generations has always resided in mortal hands. And now that my task is done, I will take my place… amongst the legends of the past.

So he doesn’t technically use the phrase “Age of Mortals” but he sort of implies it, right?


While I like your comment, how was Legion’s design parasitic?

but right now…it seems, “Times of mortal” is simply wrong…we have plenty of examples in which powerfull entitys rule the age and influence almost everything on a cosmos scale…we mortals play there second fidle.

You could basically remove the artifact power system and the game would be the same. yes you wouldnt have the same powers but since it doesnt interact with other systems…

The systems only exist so blizzard can replace it with a system that is literally the same. Thus it adds nothing to the game


I think someone just saying “Age of Mortals”, or at least implying it, is what we’re looking for. Not if it actually is in fact the Age of Mortals.

Doesn’t Alexstraza say this when you kill Deathwing at the end of the madness encounter? Considering that is when she and her fellow aspects also become “mortal”.

Alexstrasza: You are Azeroth’s true Guardians… And the future of this world is in your hands… For the dawning of the age of mortals has begun.

I believe it is that point that begins the true “age of mortals” though. Not the ending of WC3, which is basically the end of the Guardians.

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