Shadowlands end boss predictions

Sylvanas of course ambushed Arthas and took her time killing him only to be driven off by Kel’Thuzad.

We should expect a Raid where she ultimately cripples us and has us dangling in the air as she starts draining our Anima slowly only for Tyrande to ambush her and kill her with the Night Warrior Powers!

Sylvanas can be ambushed due to wanting to draw out her enemy’s demise. Her Sadism is her weakness. It was used against her in BfA by Saurfang who planned on using her sadism to convince her to accept his Mak’gora and rebutted her Sadistic Speech in a way that she revealed her true colors.

Sylvanas was a Sadist even before she became Undead as her inner thoughts(seen in the Arthas Novel) delight in vexing Arthas when she bombed one of Quel’Thalas’s bridges to delay him. Dying made her Nihilistic on top of that!

Sylvanas’s Sadism was always her flaw and will hopefully be her undoing!

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We know the void expansion is coming, there’s too much writing on the wall. The real question is how they are going to tie the jailor to it in order to bridge the expansions.

You mean like the one with Arthas? I think you give her far to much credit here. She has always been arrogant and impulsive. I’d amend that to she doesn’t get into battles unless she thinks she can win. Weather or not what she thinks is fully grounded in reality is another matter.

Is she? Or did she play into the Dreadlord’s plans to find a way out of a bad situation when he saw that the Legion’s plans were going south.

I’ve always seen the recognition of the player as nothing more than manipulation on her part. Like giving the dog a treat when you are trying to train it. The part about her sisters could be genuine. But even if it is, it’s something she actively tries to supress and will toss away in a heartbeat if it in any way hinders her getting what she wants.

I just don’t see her the way you do. Nothing she has done is anything out if character in my opinion.

Giving her the epic death battle to me is giving her more than she deserves. I’d rather have just put a bullet in the back of her head the moment she said burn it at the start of BfA.

I mean, Arthas was not like anyone else, no? He’s her Moby Dick, and even then she didn’t outright confront him; like you said, she played dirty and ambushed him.

lol she had those Dreadlords behaving for an awfully long time though.

I mean, I see no difference between Sylvanas telling us “good work” to inspire loyalty and Khadgar telling us “good work” to be polite. Compliments are always gonna be empty at best.

Vareesa did kinda lead her on and then reject her at the last moment, so I personally don’t blame her for no longer wanting to go down that path.

I agree. With the Jailer giving her a crapton of power, she’s definitely going to stop playing along with the rest of Azeroth. My gripe is us suddenly having a previously-unheard-of villain who can just give people massive powers from 50 dimensions away. It’s literally what Toriyama does with Dragonball whenever he needs a new series to make some cash. Like, “oh, here’s a brand new villain that makes all the previous villain look like clowns, but we’ve never even heard about him in-universe!”

If I just beat someone in a war, and they’re still try to sass me, I’d also make them watch as I kill everyone they love. I’ll tie them up and pry their eyes open even if they try to turn away.

didnt blizz say the jailer would be the end boss?

They already said it is going to be the jailer. No need to speculate.

The Jailer.
Blizzard said so.
They’ve never lied to us, right?

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Either sylvanas or the arbiter. I really hope for the first, but have a feeling it’ll be the second.

I wish, but the devs know he’s too OP. No one would be able to clear mythic if he was the end boss.

Ambush the mega powerful Deathknight who’s army grows with every battle. She committed suicide there every bit as much as she did after Arthas died.

One Dreadlord. Who got a nice comfy and safe place to relax where he didn’t have to do a whole lot more than keep manipulating the elf who thought she was in control.

The difference is Khadgar actually means it.

If this is what you honestly think, it says more about you than anything.

I can see why you like her. The two of you were made to be besties.

We learn that the jailer is a Titan that didn’t agree to the “other Titans’” plans. They decided to be - or were forced to be - the jailer. A kind of hades vs Zeus thing.

We learn about this epic Titanic civil war at the end, and the void Lord’s are erhe other “half” of the Titan Pantheon. This transitions to a void Lord themed expansion.

Vereesa isn’t really dead.

You realize what Moby Dick stands for right.

Pretty sure the Dreadlord couldn’t get through to her at all and had to stoop to manipulating Putress instead lol.

But yeah, I wouldn’t say I’m someone who reacts well to provocations. Having to be the outright hero who forgives everyone is pretty disgusting. I don’t agree with attacking people randomly to get powerups from your secret sugar daddy, but if you have enemies already, you might as well kill them all no?

Sylvanas will 1000000% be the 9.3 final boss.

It stands for an obsession. The problem with your analogy is that he didn’t become that for her until after she was dead and free of his control. The first time he killed her it was simply her hubris that killed her. For someone who only gets into fights she can win it was a failure to assess the strength of her enemy.

Unless that’s just what he wanted her to think. And if you believe that the whole thing wasn’t her idea in the first place.

Enemies that we just got done working with peacefully and were in a state of non agression with. But no, I’m not in the kill them all camp. I’m in the live and let live, don’t start nothin’, won’t be nothin’ camp. I have no qualms with ending an enemy, but they need to give reason first. Especially immediately after I was just fighting side by side with them as allies.

MoP and Legion were cool cause honestly you didn’t know who was going to be our next fight. Both I think did alright with the lore.

Cataclysm and Wrath of the Lich King I also liked. You knew who the bad guy was from the very beginning and you spent the next year building up to kill them.

I just hopes its its a cool baddie whether its the Jailor or some unforeseen threat.

Wait, Sylvanas only sought out Arthas after she was already a banshee lol. When he first killed her, he was legit barreling through her homeland and having a “here’s Johnny” moment…

Yeah, now we’re getting into speculations lol, and that isn’t gonna get us anywhere lol.

And now we’ve looped back to where we started. The reason Sylvanas was so desperate to start a war is because she has her deal with the Jailer. And the reason Sylvanas needed to have a deal with the Jailer is because Blizzard needed a way to introduce their @sspull villain.

I can’t really argue that point. They have been setting this up since the end of Wrath, but they have been so vague about it that it was pointless. Some actual build up and foreshadowing beyond Sylvanas getting extra agressive all of a sudden would have been nice.

Lol, the thing is we actually got the opposite. At the start of 7.0, Sylvanas was pretty dutifully watching Varian’s back until Vol’jin got shish-kebabed. Then, after Genn ruined her plans with Eyir she didn’t even really chase after him or anything.

Sure, she never broke character, but the sequence of events that led her to the current situation is purely bad writing

It’s gonna be Arthas who is the REAL Jailer or “Jailer” is a title or position of power or something like that.

I swear if it’s something stupid like “oh ho ho ho the Light was the real bad guy all along” and Yrel or something is the last boss I’ll be turbo mad.

The biggest twist ever… The mad Night warrior Tyrande Whisperwind …