Shadowlands end boss predictions

time for some fun speculation post your theorys here

Anduin i can see going the path of Arthas and becoming the next threat
the boy just needs to be pushed out of his passive ways or just set against what the alliance and horde have become and i can see that happening in sl

youre predictions?

It’s either Old Gods or Legion, as always.


Millhouse Manastorm.


Arthas. He is the real jailer. The current one is a placebo. Thats why Sylvanas is obedient to him and he gave her a power boost in return. She calls him daddy on a first name bases.


The Jailer. At least until he pulls off his mask and reveals his real identity, Hogger.


Quite clearly its going to be old blanchy. That sinrunner model has evil all over it

God I hope so.

Pretty sure they already confirmed it’s the Jailer.

The real question is where Sylvanas fits in. Who’s side will she be on? Will she be a raid boss despite whatshisname saying she won’t be just like they said she wouldn’t be the one to burn the tree? Will she get beat and run off at the last minute? Will she get (throws up in mouth a bit) redeemed? Will Tyrande finish her off at the end of an epic quest line killing herself as well?

That last one is how I hope it goes…

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Unless they swerve us at some point towards the end, it’s going to be the The Jailer as per Ion.

Honestly, it’s almost the opposite of a challenge (having the identity of the final boss public at the start). It’s almost an easier way to tell a story and set up an expansion with a very clear theme, harkening back to the Wrath or Cataclysm/Deathwing days. We didn’t openly talk about the end boss for some recent expansions because it wouldn’t have made sense at the time, or it would have given away story spoilers and twists. For example, in Warlords of Draenor, if you were told you’d fight Archimonde at the end, it would have been a head-scratcher. But here, there is a major titan plus plus level antagonist that we are facing, and there are major steps in our journey to undercover the nature of the jailer’s plan and put together the forces to have a chance against him. That story will wend its way through all of Shadowlands and our content updates, until we ultimately do get a chance to face the Jailer.

Dreadlord Jaina.


you tought , it’s gonna be his wife

Considering how casually we’re offing Nathanos, her right hand man plus boytoy, I’d be glad if Sylvanas can even be the end boss of a raid. Blizzard basically realized that they butchered her character, so now they just want to get rid of her and forget it ever happened.

I get what you are saying, but we aren’t really offing Nat the Sub. We are just giving him a one way ticket to be with his Dom.

I don’t believe for a second this is the last we see of him.

lol I guess I’m just a pessimist then. Honestly, I hope we get a good and satisfying story for Sylvanas, but I’m 100% mentally prepared for her to complete her Garrosh journey.

IIRC they’ve already declared the Jailer to be the final boss of the expansion, and it’s unlikely for them to troll or lie about such a major point since they have to plan things well in advance. You can still speculate about whether the Jailer will be revealed to be a true baddie or if there’s one or more credible reasons behind his crusade, but it’s highly unlikely that they’ll change the final boss from him to anyone else.

What I think would be cool is, like I said she and Tyrande have an epic battle where they both die in the end. Like have the story of 9.1 be us following and helping Tyrande track her through the Maw as Sylvanas taunts her, the two clashing briefly in each chapter of the story as it progresses. All the while Tyrande getting more and more unstable and powerful. At some point it looks like Tyrande will win but Nathanos jumps in at the last second sacrificing himself to save her. All culminating in one epic battle with a cut scene where Tyrande fully gives into the Night Warrior power and blows up, killing them both.

But of course they are both alive so they get a second chance, because Shadowlands. Tyrande ends up in Ardenwield reborn as some sort of Loa/Wild God and Sylvanas ends up in the Maw reborn as some sort of death god and general in the Jailer’s army enslaved to his will instead of his partner.

Honestly, if Anduin just up and massacres a whole city out of nowhere I would consider the expansion to be a win.

Can you imagine how the community would react? The fireworks would be glorious.

I feel like the whole allure of Sylvanas’s character is that she’s too pragmatic to engage in “final battles” unless she knows she’ll win. She strings along with fools like Garithos until she bleeds them dry, but she’s also smart enough to beat Dreadlords at their own game. Then, after everything is done, she’ll have softer moments where she recognizes the player’s achievements or reminisces about her sisters.

But hey, Blizz needs to sell a new expansion, so sacrificing Sylvanas’s entire character to introduce the big bad also works. I guess.

If the jailer is just some random never before mentioned titan guy then the expansion’s story sounds like crap.

The Jailer…

Because we’ve literally been told he’s the end boss of the expansion.