“When it comes to the limitations on Covenant-switching, millions of players experienced Shadowlands for the first time through the lens of their Covenant of choice, and that would have not been possible had the choice carried less weight from the outset”
Respectfully, remove Covenants and conduits from the game, and it will be better off. Your team has invested huge amounts of time and effort into a system that everybody has hated from it’s inception.
Thank you for finally fixing this expansion pack.
PLEASE keep these things in mind going forward with new expansions. Less restrictions, more making the game fun, alt friendly and account wide.
Can we get the aoe cap removed now too?
Nope. They need to apologize for not doing this from the beginning.
Here is my 9.1.5 Wishlist
Allow me to use whatever covenant ability I want without switching Covenants. I love being a Kyrian, but I hate that I can’t use Condemn or Ancient Aftershock in place of Spear of Bastion in certain content.
For Void Elves, please detach the Void Tendrils from the Hair Styles. Let me pick what syle of hair I want and what style of tentacles.
Please give Kyrian a ‘Wings’ Mount that look like the wings that the Ascended have. The Aquillen is ‘okay’ but I much rather would be able to just have a set of wings sprout from my character’s back and be able to fly. You can even make multiple colorations based on the Kyrian Armor sets.
Does this trigger at 80 Renown or max Renown for the week? Cuz the former means November is the earliest this can be implemented.
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Thank god.
Graças a Deus.
Gott sei Dank.
Finally some good news.
Why didn’t you just do this at the beginning of the expansion? Lmao yikes dawg
Not gonna lie - this is annoying it took so long for you guys to realize systems like this were bad after we told you since Alpha and Beta this felt terrible. Stop treating the player base with spite when they outright show you how something doesn’t help.
Glad you finally fixed it. Glad you came to your senses. Disappointed it took so long.
wtf is wrong with you people?..stop holding a grudge and be happy it happened geez
Telling them we’re disappointed in how long it took them is not holding a grudge. It’s saying next time, in the future, actually be open minded and less stubborn. SL would have been infinitely better without such nonsense like conduit energy holding it back and they even admit it here. And it doesn’t matter that they should have fixed it over a year ago when inbetween then and now they made no actual effort nor changes to do so in the first place - it’s saving face.
Bold of you to assume 9.1.5 will be out by November
This is a good change but it is honestly coming a little to late for a lot of players.
Many players have voiced their opinion since alpha/beta about the covenant system and conduit energy. I have seen players from the super casual that just login to do LFR or a BG to the more hardcore that could not stand covenant restrictions. It makes you wonder if the people who were making the game were also playing it because nobody liked the way the systems worked since before the expansion was even live! I honestly do believe that the key decision makers do not play the game at all. I don’t think I have ever spoken to a single person that has said “I love that player power is tied to covenants. I love that I can’t swap freely. I love conduit energy”.
You guys need fresh leadership and new blood working over at Blizzard. The ideas and philosophy that the current leadership has is so far gone and out of touch with what the game should be. I also realize there is about a 0% chance someone who has some authority over the game will even read through these posts which is the sad part.
While we are at it lets remove aoe caps, bring back bonus roll tokens and increase the number of loot dropped from raid and M+ by at least 1 per boss / dungeon. The core parts of the game are what I still enjoy and playing with friends. Let’s cleanup everything else around it.
This is pivotal and fundamental to TONS and TONS of players and the fun to be had with WoW.
Thank you for realizing the value of this flexibility for players that simply want to play WoW more.
Some real feedback instead of complaining,
Make the game alt friendly!
I don’t enjoy playing and sticking to 1 class I enjoy being able to log on and Q with who and what’s available at the time
I’m referring to pvp
Sick of the amount of things I need to do to be able to play at a top level
Thanks for reading.
You’re reading something with emotion which doesn’t have anything. I’m fully entitled to provide criticism about a product I pay for. If you do not like the fact people will provide their honest opinions on the subject, do not read them.
This should have been day one. Please listen to your players. When they say a system is bad its because it is bad. Save yourself the hassle of having to fix it mid way through an expansion. Azerite gear was called out as bad in beta, Covenants were called out as bad in beta. Both could have been avoided
Cool! I’m interested…
I get that it was so long before this happened, I’m glad the team there is taking this approach, I feel being more proactive will be beneficial for the game going forward.
Awesome change!
Didn’t affect me BUT I noticed this fight against a type of gameplay was never going to go anywhere so this is a great change.
Again, great change… I appreciate that the team there is realizing that the logical-side of said restrictions just don’t make sense anymore.
Great. I appreciate the update Kaivax, and wish you could send a message over that more of these more transparent dev cooler explanations are very welcomed.
I’m interested to see the rest of the notes.
Forgive me for being fortunate enough to be one of the few specs like ret pelagos not needing covenant/soulbind swaps like ever.
And doing alts in this expansion is kekw
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Listen you are at this point where anything they do now is not good enough for you…it’s stupid
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