Okay, looks like there’s quite a bit more being added, this is courtesy of Icy-Veins:
Maw Introduction Skippable
Players who have completed the introduction in the Maw on one character will be able to speak to Highlord Darion Mograine in the capital cities to skip it on their alternative characters on their account.
Allied Race Unlocks
Allied races such as the Kul’Tiran humans, Mechagnomes, and Dark Iron Dwarves, which had a dungeon requirement to unlock them, will no longer need to complete the associated quest to gain access to these races. Players will be able to skip it instead.
Additional Travel Points in The Maw
Players will be able to take advantage of additional fast travel options from Ve’nari’s Refuge to Perdition Hold and Desmotaeron within the Maw by unlocking access to them.
Remote Anima Turn-Ins
Completing quests from Archivist Roh-Suir will provide access to an Anima Diverter within Korthia where Anima can be directly deposited.
Alt Leveling Improvements
A variety of improvements will be introduced in support of a smoother experience leveling alternate characters through Shadowlands, such as an additional rank of Heirloom upgrades, and improvements to Threads of Fate such as the addition of Torghast as an option and Renown gains for completing bonus objectives.
Runecarving Recipes
Drop rates for Runecarving recipes will be increased to 100% drop rate in any dungeon difficulty.
Battle for Azeroth Legacy Loot Rules
Legacy loot rules will be enabled for players at level 60 in all Battle for Azeroth raids and dungeons, causing encounters to drop the number of items as they would randomly drop for a 5-player dungeon party or a 20-player raid.
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I am so happy to hear about the campaign skip and covenant swap. I have 4 paladins, one of each covenant, and it is truly a pain trying to acquire all of the transmog, pets, and toys from each of these covenants, ontop of participating in progression. Thank you for finally pulling Preach’s finger, I mean ripcord.
Nice. I hope you do something about the Great Vault regarding domination gear and legendaries, not just for now, but also thinking about 9.2 if you decide to bring back tier sets.
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on top of this, I want to add a couple things:
Can we please make covenant swapping via a tome? literally just add it to the talent UI and make like a talent.
Same thing with conduits, I really don’t want to have to go back to the sanctum to swap things around.
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Truly good work here guys!
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How will this affect Anima that you have already acquired?
Great now give us more Moonkin forms we’ve been promised for 10+ years
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Since maybe feedback is actually being listened to, Tier sets were the driving factor for me to raid, collecting them was a huge accomplishment. I thought they were coming back in 9.1, but was disappointed to see them not return. Bring tier sets back, it has been an iconic piece of WoW since the very beginning. Maybe then I would actually raid again (haven’t raided seriously since legion).
Grim and Arcatraz are two of the most interesting dungeons imo.
They’ve already said they’re planning on Tier sets this expansion.
Why would you think that? Originally they said they weren’t but changed their minds close to Shadowlands’ release. That’s not enough time to plan Tier sets for 9.1.
I’d wager the conduit swapping would work like essences, whole soulbind swapping would likely still need to go back to sanctum. And covenant swapping would require the usual talking to the npc in oribos.
I wanted to boost this message, because I feel the same way. I don’t even care if they have special abilities, I just want more class-themed armor sets.
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Hell no. These changes are all things talked about during beta.
So much for those frequent claims by certain people here that “Blizzard doesn’t read the forums.”
Looks like 9.1.5 is quite literally the Things The Forums Asked For patch.
OMG thank you so much!! I can’t wait to experience the other covenants on my main. I just haven’t had the time nor energy to level multiple alts and I really love so many of the Kyrian transmog pieces. It’ll be wonderful to not be hobbled in pvp because I didn’t originally choose the ‘right’ covenant for that aspect of play. Also thank you for the void elf colors. You all have made tons of players super thrilled!
You mean:
1_Grim Batol, which had glitchy dragons seemly at random, and takes an abnormal amount of time to complete compared to other dungeons,with trash packs that aren’t really more than just hp sponges or “interrupt”.
2_ Arcatraz, with a extremely oppresive amount of trash mechanics that are flat-out unforgivable like mobs that heals when standing on void zones. Or some packs destroying your hp in seconds if accidentally pulling a extra. Or last boss RP taking forever. Or the fact that releasing puts you back at the beginning and thus a long corpserun.
Seems like “interesting” for you, but there is nothing special about this dungeons and they are just hell when doing them with randoms.
I saw in the Twitter post that there will be legacy raid tuning, but the article doesn’t mention anything. Can you share any details?
It’s fanbois like you that are the reason they weren’t making changes in the first place. They NEED to listen to their customers and do their fricken job.
??? If they make conduits work like essences fine, thats what I’m asking for.
Whole soulbind swaps at sanctum?? why would they revert something you can already do with a tome? you don’t need to go back to the sanctum for that now…
covenant swapping with an NPC, yes i understand thats how it works, i want that to change.
I understand how the current system works, im providing feedback with how i want it changed. With your ‘whole soulbind swap’ comment im pretty sure you don’t know how that part works.
Why would anyone apologize for the bashing and thrashing when they do this every single xpac. They ignore feedback given during testing and then 2/3 patches later go oh we finally listened to said feedback and fixing it now… like learn from your mistakes already blizzard. Not that this is any surprise with their culture being as toxic as it is.