“What are the biggest things we’re hearing are getting in the way of your fun”
Still missing my ranged SV hunter. Please bring back Cata/MoP SV hunter!!
“What are the biggest things we’re hearing are getting in the way of your fun”
Still missing my ranged SV hunter. Please bring back Cata/MoP SV hunter!!
This is great. The covenant cosmetic limitations being lifted is a big win over for me.
Now this… THIS has my attention and I am very excited to see what this entails. Thank you for the update.
Glad these changes are finally coming, thank you.
It was exhausting to wait for almost a year after player feedback, but it’s nice to finally see these put in. Admitting fault (particularly on CE) is a big step forward.
These changes were mentioned when SL was in beta and goes to show that SL beta servers really worked a year ago as feedbacks were listened to and changed are made
Posted it on another topic, but here for visibility:
If you wanna make a good start on listening feedback, as your post implies:
Then it should start with making TW overall more attractive. First, It was briefly attractive back when it was giving good experience even if it was a bug. Currently, its giving so little experience its not even funny. It’s way too inefficient, and it could very easly be fixed with a quick hotfix as opposed to waiting for 9.1.5. So revert the nerf or make it so you get about a level per dungeon which is reasonable because otherwise i have 0 reason to touch it on alts.
Second, make the rewards way more attractive for max levels. It doesn’t drop anima, and the gear is a joke since its below heroic dungeon level. If you want max levels to run it, make it so it gives better ilvl. Or make it upgradeable with timewalking badges(up to or just below M0 would be a decent start). It’s simply very underwhelming as a whole.
Third, while not needed, it could really help to add more dungeons to the pool because some interesting ones are out(Example: Grimrail, Steamvaults and Azjol nerub) and some very tedious or uninteresting ones (Grim batol, Arcatraz or Black Morass to name some) are part of the pool, and more variety would help.
It’s a shame, really. TW is a interesting feature, but its so unrewarding right now that its not worth the hassle.
There’s more, everyone! Look here. Maw intro can be skipped. Legacy loot rules. Island expedition solo queueing. 100% drops on runecarving. SO much more.
These are great changes. I appreciate that you acknowledge the Conduit Energy change should have come sooner, and I think I understand the reasoning behind the covenant lock (even though I think the design of tying them to power AND restricting them was a HUGE mistake).
I think the thing I’m most excited about is the ability to freely transmog covenant appearances. This is something I’ve wanted since the beginning, and now I have a real reason to play alts beyond just leveling them.
Some questions I’ll be interested to see answered from the PTR:
Took you long enough. If only we had told you this IN THE ALPHA AND BETA.
For F’s sake can you guys please start listening to community feedback when we give it instead of a YEAR later? This is so annoying.
I won’t apologize for my feedback. The game has been in a bad state for a long time and they’re just now addressing it.
I’m happy they are, but it should not take a year to receive this sort of communication. I’m willing to forgive, but not forget. If they continue along the course they’ve been taking over the last month, I will thank them with my continuous subscription and praise where it’s due.
The fact you still take the time to include this is pure, downright copium. “We were right it was great” - what in the ACTUAL F?
I have an idea.
You don’t need to rationalize a bad decision. We don’t care. If BFA taught us anything, it’s that we have to wait over a year before player feedback is adhered to and the burden placed on players by systems is reduced.
This is all you need to say, and thank you for saying it.
Hope this sort of responsiveness and reception to player feedback continues. Going forward, please make it more timely.
i’m not surprised. remember the corruption vendor in 8.3? i don’t think this step in the right direction is anymore than a corruption vendor bandage.
This is a good start but I still need
Great changes!
Appreciate you at least owning up to the mistakes and know its late, even though most of the points are the exact same ones brought up when the systems were introduced.
What about soul cinder catch up? Make it work like valor is now. You have a ‘season maximum’ and you’re not so constrained to have to do it every week. I don’t think people would mind running torghast multiple times to catch up on alts or other characters that didn’t do it for a week or two.
Once the new currency for the next round of legendary ranks come through, then you can just remove the cap and make it work like you did with soul ash and make the new currency with a ‘season maximum’.
what really caught my attention is the part where they said legion will become apart of the time walking but with a twist can’t wait to see what they mean
Please blizzard stop timegating these fixes.
I was looking in my discord and I told my guild to wake me up when HoF/9.1.5 drops cause problems for 9.1 will be fixed by then.
That was posted May 31.
We want to play your game so please stop slowing consumption rates to compensate for high end players (like what you did with account-wide essences in 8.3 after horde nyalotha HoF closed, and just last week with spec specific conduit upgrading when Sanctum horde HoF closed).
You are dunking on so many players and it makes us tired and apathetic. Please put these things we want in on day 1 of the expansion, and do the same for 10.0.
That may not be immediately testable in the first version of the 9.1.5 PTR, but we’re working on it.
Lmao, you’re either an ultimate shill or one of GD’s best trolls. Legit can’t tell one way or the other