Shadowlands Developer Update

Hi, I’m just one datapoint, but I’m not resubbing until you guys add some face options for Tauren.

Only 4 female and 5 male face choices is embarrassing in this day and age.

You guys doubled the number of Nightborne face choices because they “only” had 6 choices. You can do the same for a VANILLA race who has had fewer than 6 choices since 2004. I believe in you! :sparkles:


I feel that Draenor/Echo Isles has been skipped on server connections, raiders are leaving the server and possibly casuals as well.

Our server has drastically dropped in numbers. Possible server connections in 9.1.5 for a few servers who were left out?

People from dead servers are clustering in bigger servers so the game can be playable.

Here’s my feedback:

You mean to tell me you devs couldn’t come up with a system to punish players that did wrong instead of removing jokes, emotes, etc?


You could coat that olive branch in gold and I still will not care…

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I really couldn’t agree more. I’ve been playing since the very beginning. when World of warcraft was invented. It is my favorite game and pretty much the only game I play. lol… I remember getting online and saying to myself “Alright it’s time for some fun!” Now I say to myself “Oh {Bad word} I better go do this or I better go do that!” It’s like I have chores to do or a job to do before I can go enjoy myself. Allow me to elaborate… Shadowlands was so easy to cover {Map wise} the fun of exploring is literally gone. with all the help you get now you don’t need apps. {Which I have never ever used, EVER!!!} You would have to be a so and so if you need an app to play now. lol. But I digress. Don’t get me wrong though, I love playing this game and I probably always will. {Except the Dreanor expac.} I still go back and play that 2d version where there are only humans and orcs. lmao! I 'll tell you what though… Next expansion, you guys should just keep doing what you feel is right , BUT…in this one set an island {A Big One} aside where there are no arrows to tell you where to go or what have you. No self built in help or very very little. And say, “Alright people here’s {name of place} go and see what you can find and see what you can do.” {All on our own} :slight_smile: Now that is exploring and playing a game. The enjoyment of figuring things out for yourself is much more satisfying. {To me} . On a side note, the movies from BFA were the best movies that you guys have ever made. I’m a Tyrande fan but those movies made me fall in love with Sylvanas. So cool. Take care all. For the alliance!!! lmao! love ya WoW!


Whatever, do you burn your bra too? lmao!

nearly 2 months later still no release date for a bare bones patch


Don’t try to justify your mistakes. Just admit, fix, and move on. It was a bad dsign. People were literally forced into playing covenants they decided not to play, no longer wanted to play, or had no desire to play, because of the system.


why no… I never have. the garment in question tends to be pricey for a good one.
Also I was born After the invention of spandex , as well as the re design of the support garment industry. most of my bra’s were not the cotton and iron wire monstrosities that were happily burned by the women’s libbers of the 1960’s.
see there, :point_up_2: I treated your insulting and specious question with straight logic.
and my thought still stands , how much better would the game be if the female developers ideas had been entertained fairly? , instead of being disregarded simply because the idea came from a woman.

It would be no better. Corporate culture is all about power and who you know. It wouldn’t matter if they were a women or a giraffe. If they don’t have the ear of the person who is making the decisions or the power to make themselves heard, nobody will hear them. Upper level management is profits or you die, kill or be killed.

Last time I checked, men and women are from the same species. They make babies and all


Years ago they stripped down talent trees to make things more streamlined. Easier. Then they created systems to put those extra talents right back in. disgusting really.
I have played since 2005 and this is the first expansion that I could no longer justify the hamster wheel.
I would much prefer the complex talent trees and more content. Their idea of “engagement metrics” is appalling.
This isn’t freakin Farmville.


Here some helpful info.

  1. Increase hunter energy regain by 3.7%, can drop it to 2.7% if dps to high.
    Marks dps increase by 13%.
    Beastmaster DPS increase by 9%
    Survival by 3%.
    The end result no stand around, well we wait for the energy to build.
    Feral Druid energy regain to 5.9% as it worse scaling than Hunter to haste. Increase feral dps by 7.9%.

These too adjustment make life much less boring in game.

BTW for enhance it needs a flat 2.4% increase.

Well that all the classes I spent wondering on, how to fix,