9.1.5 Character Customizations: New and Improved You

99% of the time, I see my character from the back, at maximum camera distance. The only time I see it up close is at the character selection screen for a few seconds before logging in. Customization doesn’t matter that much to me.

Hunny, even though you don’t care about customizations, you still look fabulous.

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I can’t even be the hero I want to be.

I want to be a Sethrak. :pleading_face::snake:

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Corrupted eye colors too, we don’t have any void eye color yet :frowning: i think void elves have all the high elf eye colors people could possibly want, but in terms of void eye colors we have nothing. The pink eye color is cool, but i don’t think that pink could be considered a void color xD

Troll beards and (if at all possible considering it might not work with certain kinds of armor) upright Worgen.

The female dwarf is left in the dust…

Sethrak for the players!


Can we get the luminous hands from legion that people wanted? the outline version that was all over legion weapons and the npcs. not just a minor color change on the skin? this hand stuff just looks like you bought it from some sketchy guy outside goodwill instead of buying it at your local target store.


If we’re suggesting customizations we want…I’d love my tail at long last. Worgen as a whole got tails in official artwork so why not in WoW. Oh and I’d also love to see Sethrak become playable, both factions helped them and we don’t really got a reptile race yet so it’d be something nice and new


worgen tail would be cool

and since we stole everything from blood elves and had to give up nothing, maybe they can get our hairstyles. and can we actually get void stuff next time

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Yeah worgen finally getting their tails would make a lot of them happier for sure. More hair styles for Void elves would also be nice too, so people can stop saying I copied someone else due to limited hair styles. I for one am keeping the blue skin though…


It’s even harder to see when you choose the lighter skin tones :confused:

At this point, is there a reason why Tauren are the only race with so little face diversity?

You can’t say “bEcAuSe FuRrY” since Worgen have 16 F and 7 M faces, Pandaren 20 F and 21 M faces, and Vulpera 6 F and 6 M faces.

People are identified by our faces (see: picture ID, passports). Why are you missing this opportunity to gain parity of identity for Tauren? You guys are the ones who copypasta’d a mishmash of different Native American cultural themes and motifs into Tauren. Do you realize the implication is the Native American-based race doesn’t deserve to have individuality like the other races? That they all look the same? The cattle connotations are cringeworthy enough (e.g., subhuman, ripe for slaughter), but then you guys make it so much worse when you don’t give them the same level of fundamental differentiation (i.e., faces) as other races.

It’s 2021 and while you guys are tooting the diversity, equity, and inclusion horn, maybe address how low key racist your fantasy depiction of Native Americans is. :thinking: :woman_facepalming:

While I’m at it…
Pandaren could use some actual facial structure differentiation a la Vulpera snout shapes.

Troll males and Goblin males only have 5 face options, too. Why? You guys should really work on parity for the “primitive” “tribal” races. :thinking:


I really like the new customization options, especially for the Blood Elf jewelry. I also love the newer hairstyles. But I have a question, why does the jewelry color (silver or gold) not also apply to the hairstyles especially the tiara? It is very frustrating to put together a beautiful customization with silver bracelets, earrings, etc. only to be limited on hairstyle, otherwise it doesn’t match.

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More character customization is almost always good!

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Dark Ranger options for Blood Elves, please.


Can’t remember if I posted here or not…

This is great for the people who play these races, I hope they enjoy them.

However, I can’t wait until all races have the same number of customization slots and a wide variety of options to choose from.


Heightism at its finest.

While I love this skintone, I would have loved an onyx one more. Maybe consider it in the future.


as so called woke as society has become im suprised the game even has genders lol