Cross faction content when? Its just slowing queues.
Hell no! Again with their mentality, of doing all the opposite of what the feedback was given. Fno I am saying sorry!
Example pvp. Make smaller gaps between brackets(or remove rate cap). Now low pvp gets more item level than higher items. was NOT what was asked.
To complicated for a player to keep track what item lvl give you what…
Aoe cap… Since alpha beta! Begging expansion as bad idea. Now some skill do 3 other 5 others 8… Now some uncap but very tinny little damage after 5. Again to complicated to keep track…
Why GW2 ff14 attack players and retain? Is easy to understand the game and what does what. Is really sad to see wow TRYing to fix the game…
Wow has become a testing playground to see how long a costumer can stay paying for the game base on lies (and harrasment this days)
Do what the costumer told you! What you care how we play? If we want the pull all the doungeon or not. What you care if all can get pvp gear??? We are paying a monthly fee all the players the same. Wonder if wow will ask more money for a player to get better features ?..
Wow is dieing very fast. Exodus has a reason
Most of these changes are in response to the 9.0 ptr feedback not 9.1.
It troubles me that they are still defending this decision. “million of players” yes but if given the choice to “experience it through the lense of thier covenant” or swap when they want to do we really think that millions of people would have chosen what blizz forced us into?
What we’re they supposed to be again? All I experienced was
The only thing they admit they got wrong. The word “sorry” would mean a lot too btw.
This was news to them? Really?
Honestly the main thing for me is that they are still defending most of their choices as right at the time. They were not and they should admit it like they did with conduit energy
Any chance of making PVP a more melee skill based contest and not a freaking stun fest? What is the point of all the rest when most efforts is spent just trying to not get stunned or live through the waves of cheap shot attacks that follow from others.
I get that stuns were meant as some sort of equalizer for the more squishy classes but why not simply improve the spell cast times and damage output?
Let Brawls actually be brawls and allow for Battles to actually require battling and actually mixing it up with each other and show real skill and not a race for quicker presses on stuns followed by cheap shots by their allies.
A suggestion/request: make it so Glyph of Lesser Proportion is applied to a specific Call Pet slot or better yet, specific pets. Some pets (Clefthooves come to mind) are so large that they actually end up getting in the way when trying to interact with NPCs or such, which gets really frustrating and makes the idea of the shrinking glyph really nice. However, I don’t end up using the glyph because it affects all my pets and I don’t want most of my pets shrunk, just the really large ones. I realize making the glyph pet-specific likely isn’t feasible given how the glyph mechanic is implemented so at the very least if we could apply the glyph to a specific Call Pet slot (i.e. Call Pet 5) that would allow us to have only one active pet shrunken and our other 4 active pets would all remain normal size.
We pay every month, what so they care how we play, why is so that’s for them to do what we told them what we want?
Really… Millions of players saying we want red… blizz: Well we hear your feedback. And we such pride and effort because is so so hard to achieve this feature, the engine the story line bs, bs, bs we give you color blue!!! Clap at us!!! We did you a favor.
Again why is so so hard to follow what the client ask? We told exactly what to do with pvp, short the brackets, we told the issues with one skill one shot. And classes that can’t die. How boring m+ is. Etc…
Well ff14 Gw2 and new world will get my money
Where did you read that, because I read exactly the opposite, that Covenant choice was almost evened out. Of course, if you only look at characters in progress guilds, that changes, but progress raiders should be used to that extra level of effort and playing in ways counter to their subjectively preferred playstyle.
While I agree with Turnberry in their assessment of waiting for long periods of time, I would like to point out to the powers that be (Blizz) that we the posters on the Guild Permissions mega thread here on the forums have been waiting a very very long THREE years for a blue to get back to us (again) after Ion himself told us that said borked permissions were broken by Blizzard accidently when introducing communities, that they were working on a fix, and that they (Blizzard) would like more feedback (that we gave several years worth of on said mega thread) on improvements we as Guild Leaders etc… would like to see in addition to Blizzard fixing our supposedly unintentionally broken guild permissions.
We’re all still waiting,
and waiting,
In case you’ve actually forgotten us Blizz, we are here (still)
Link: The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1) - #4122 by Mizbehaving-medivh
So when Devs meant “meaningful choice” they meant of stay on wow or going to another game? Right?
haha… Now THAT is a sugar overload.
Ion is good at what he did before, designing raids and stuff, but since he was a game director, we haven’t seen any good expansion really. As their superiors have not taken action in this regard I still do not know, the only thing that occurs to me is that they literally have no one else.
wtf?? say… sorry?? to a company that actually lied to us and
u do realize someone actually died from this, are you a retarded moron or something?
man do you actually think, do you have any common sense what so ever?
do you work for them or something? … a human life is gone…
Add Thin Kultiran toggle option, GGs
I am sorry, but your not going to get any love from anyone for multi-boxing… Its hurts the player experience from everyone that you have to encounter, weather its from PvPing to Herb & Ore farming. Its something many of us have hated since the release of the game.
I see no benefit to it at all. Except for those people who perform shows where 20 toons are jumping around in unison, and dancing etc… other then that, its just cheating.
You clearly didn’t read what you quoted. I offered you the olive branch that would mitigate your concerns and also reward the company with more money.
Read better.
So to recap we get COSTUmization for a sub race that needs to be unlock, and the population of that race is very low to begging with, and swapping covenants with out waiting or doing the quests.
keep in mind while complaining about how slow the changes are … that making any change in the corporate atmosphere is a slow process , like getting a 300 person caravan or traffic jam started and moving… its slow , very slow to get it all moving .
that’s not excusing the fact they should have caught some of the this at the planning table … and the rest of it much faster, considering the amount of feedback available…
but I’ll take what’s offered with a thank you .
As a client who pay, i don’t care what circus they need to flip, over time bla bla bla… If they don’t make changes to keep clients who pay their salaries, happy… Well. Is simple exodus
What’s wrong with that? Most the players I know enjoyed getting to pick a ‘home base’ and choose a group to help out. Plus, it would have been very difficult deciding cov upgrades (anima and souls) if you had all four bases available.
People on the forum and min/maxrs may have suffered, but everyone else got to live out a distinct storyline in a zone they select, similar to how the story quests in MANY other expansions were (maybe all but idk).
I thought it was great and I am not ashamed to say it.