9.1.5 PTR when?
Ion and the dev team are proud of what they have done. Restricting us as players because its how THEY wanted the game to be played. Thats all it is and they were upset that people didn’t like what they had done so they just doubled down on everything and as usal now its a look we did what you wanted kinda yay us look at how good we are.
It is pathetic
Agreed with that one.
The soul problem I see with blizzard they are so busy bringing in old systems and revamping them a.k.a anima power and then having to fix them that they do not make as much content as they could. If they stopped with the stupid systems and would focus on content rather than making sure their forced garbage systems are working we would have more content to enjoy and better game play. But no garbage system after garbage system stacked on top of each other that they have to fix constantly.
If possible I would like that for those who focus on Raids only the content of raids was relevant. It’s very annoying having to make content that I don’t like as mythical plus and pvp. Rethinking the interactions between mythical dungeon and raid is essential. And come back from the raid sets!!! I hope this helps to improve the game.
“When it comes to the limitations on Covenant-switching, millions of players experienced Shadowlands for the first time through the lens of their Covenant of choice, and that would have not been possible had the choice carried less weight from the outset”
Admit your mistakes. Where is the downside of allowing people to experience all of the covenants without absolutely disrespecting their time? Does locking them into one thing make them any more attached than a Stockholm Syndrome patient?
It means so much, SO MUCH, to admit your mistakes to a community who had (and continues to) loudly and almost unanimously tell you which pain points in the game add little to no value other than an analytical metric that does not equate to more subscribers.
It is so painfully, insanely, and laughably obvious to the vast majority of the players in the game which systems are total garbage and simply do not work in practice. Shards make you feel gutted whether you have them or not, conduits make you feel weak for no reason when they are not religiously maxed out (doing what btw? Korthia for endless hours to max out all the conduits you don’t want until the lowest are those which you do want?), and the admission of the complete failure of conduit energy is a good start to hopefully a long, LONG list of apologies you owe to players.
And please stop making me run Choreghast, it is such terribly designed content that was made even worse when I had the audacity to play alts. Really love grinding tower knowledge through layers I’ve already cleared. Really rewarding progression that definitely does not make me want to quit the game every time I step into it.
I am chewing you out because there’s a good game somewhere buried deep, deep in here. The raid team sees it, the art team sees it, but the fact that Ion and his cronies still have jobs is a spit in the face to people who have real love for the people that make this game a reality. You can hear us Ion. We know you can. Leave or listen.
It’s their pride. They want the game played how they want it and are too prideful to admit they were wrong.
Any thoughts on making more WQ’s for those alts who aren’t level 60? It seems a few of the zones will only have 1-2 WQ’s active which makes it hard to finish off that quest to aid the covenants. Oh and usually it is Revendreth and Ardenweld that are lacking. But it does seem like all of them at one point tend to be really low on them.
Couldn’t agree more. It takes 5 mins on ptr for streamers to point out the obvious gaping holes in their design. Things like azerite needing a vendor. That comes a patch later. Corruption etc. Literally everything they add the players tell them how to fix immediately then in the very best case it comes a patch later. Usually in a watered down way or it never comes at all. For God’s sake open your ears and listen to the feedback of people clearly more passionate about the game than yourselves and swallow your dam pride! We are trying to help you
Friendly reminder that you lost 2,300 dollars YTD from me for changing your rules on Multiboxing.
Instead of attacking the playstyle and erroneously linking it to automation you could have made significant changes to trading and sharding. Such as flagging accounts for multiboxing puts them on their own shards and their gathered loot BoA. Stop punishing the M+ multiboxers for what AH botters were doing. Get smarter about this and you’ll be rewarded financially.
You can still box last I heard. Just without a software advantage. Good luck trying to get them to reverse that stance on the software though.
The actual rules on automation were always about whether you were handling the events or not. Clearly key replication requires an originating keystroke. That means they were wrong about adding this to the ToS.
I’m not rewarding them for big mistakes like this and it’s a matter of principle. So I say good luck in the future and I’ll happily report the losses your artsy fartsy opinions have put on the company.
They shouldn’t reverse it ever, it was detrimental to the entire communities experience to allow it for so long and that damage can’t be undone.
Day 275 of asking you to make a wing in torghast for levelling that gives soul ash AND soul cinders and renown. Not a daily offered in oribos for 1 time per day, an entire wing. I know you can do it because you promoted it at blizzcon.
Agree. Would be nice to have a way to get ash, cinders outside of instanced content also. Not talking about mission tables either lol. Add ash rewards to wq’s/dailies, etc.
Please consider adding additional ways to earn grateful offerings, increase current rewards, or reduce/eliminate the amount needed to buy cosmetics. (Without having to grind 4 covenants in a single day, each day when restrictions are relaxed)
A anima for offerings trade would also be welcome!
Can I suggest allowing players to do their covenant campaign while leveling up if they’ve chosen threads of fate. If you still need to do it for a fresh covenant but don’t want to do the normal leveling storyline it’d be a good direction keeper while not being as constraining.
A few requests from a humble casual player:
Can shaman get some of the soul shape options to replace ghost wolf?
Can you make it possible to choose Goblin or Gnomish engineering at any engineering trainer?
Can older expansion low-percent fishing drops be added to a fishing vendor?
Can the pet dungeon teleports be added to a toy rather than having to go to the specific NPC?
Can you increase the health of old world bosses (pandaria especially)? Sometimes they die so quickly you can’t even get a tag on them.
Can you add a stable master to more rested areas and quest hubs around the old world?
Can the reincarnation cooldown reset at the beginning of M+ even if you don’t have it reset for every raid boss pull?
Can you add covenant to the mouseover or inspect of other players?
Can you please please please put toys in the Blizzard API export?
Thank you.
Would like to see SL dungeons and raids as solo content much like Torghast. I haven’t run any SL dungeons above normal, and I haven’t run any raids at all. I have lots of reasons for this, but the short answer is I would rather run alone.
Would like to see more ways to solo gear grinding. Running Korthia dailies gets tedious.
moto of activision-blizz