Shadowlands Developer Update

Thank you! Better late than never. I appreciate these changes.

The inclusion of THAT line right there… is sending me MAJOR red flags

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Now’s the time to make suggestions guys so they might be implemented in a years time.

Yeah, now. Talent trees used to be a choice, too, as just one example. There did use to be actual choices in the game, but every time, players complain until Blizzard eventually caves.

I have AOTC and disagree with this entirely…

The only reason I’ve run is for the currency. It was fun for the first couple times like island expos but just got boring and repetitive after like the 2-3 time you run it.

I’ve been raiding solely because I like my guild. I’ll stop playing if it breaks down but we’re pushing Mythic now.

Whatever. It’s too late by now. Anything that is just a quality of life modification in the game, won’t be enough to make me going back to play.
No substantial changes, no propositions of fresh new content and mechanics. Just a going from a bad game to a okay game.


I cannot imagine being so insecure about your own opinion that the only way you can fathom to try and convince people that Torghast is good is to say that anyone who dislikes it or finds it monotonous is to claim there’s something wrong with them. Frankly, you’re just trying to skirt the rules and are calling people re***ds, which anyone who reads your post understands. It’s pathetic.


Ok I suggest no more of these systems like artifact weapons , azerite gear and soul binds / conduits.

In other words no more secondary passive talent trees. If they want to give us borrowed power , then make a special talent row and when the expansion is over that last row gets replaced by new talents (castable or passive) . If they want to carry any ability over to a new expansion then here is an idea.

Blizz go through the talents and any one where a class has said the talent should be base line then make it so . If there are talents no one ever picks then remove them . That will open spaces for you to give us new talents with out having to worry about the bloat of the past.

You need too allow something too be done about the old legendaries, like being able too scrap them for ashe or embers or something useful.

Do I have to relevel mission table followers or … can you have multiple mission tables running at the same time?

I don’t think their garbage. I think it would be rough without an add-on, and I think its going to be a pain if I swap and have to regraind followers table. I’m betting on one mission table to rule them all, or you have to level them all up but you get to send out for all gold on multiple mission tables

How about removing the valor cap and putting in a valor gear vendor. The only reason PVP is season one had some many people is because it was the only way to get a certain piece of gear and leaving everything to Rngesus is not fun. Sometimes letting us work towards something can be enjoyable. The valor cap serves no purpose but to prolong playing. If someone wants to upgrade gear it is punishing to do it from any other key that is a not a 15. Once you have 236 gear. If you are at valor cap there is no real reason to keep playing if you Mythic Plus.


not a chance ion…you are up to something nefarious and talk is cheap…


Yea now that the dumpsters are on fire they are ‘open’ to feedback… Its almost an insult at this point.


I want the mop/cata Enhancement Shaman with all our totems, SS debuff, Earthshock back I want everything returned. Doubt that is going to happen just like the reversion of the SV hunter.

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You guys do this every time the game dies, We should have had all of this at the very beginning of shadowlands.


I’ll just put in my $.02. You say that you want the choice of your Covenant to carry weight and I understand that. For lore reasons that’s how it should be. However, first and foremost, this is a game. Players are here to have fun. Restricting things like transmog and Covenant-themed abilities was not a good idea. I’m honestly surprised you decided to go with “but my feelings” over actual gameplay. This is not the same company it used to be.


They full out admit that conduit energy was a mistake but quadruple-down on “Covenants did what we wanted” - if by “what we wanted” was “drive away more than half the player base” then sure, I guess?


can we get more detail on the pvp ilvl scaling are yall shooting to balance it much more, its in very bad shape right now.
why can’t you guys just make 2 sets of pvp gear without the upgrades?
honor gear has only a 5 ilvl threshold from the gladiator gear regardless.
make it more about skill rather than the gear this would be a tremendous approvement

I think the frustration comes from those of us who have warned against putting power on covenants and Blizzard making everything about the game being a power game, instead of having different paths for different interests.

The problem with being locked into covenants when covenants are your power path is multifold.

  1. Players aren’t “bucketed” into one specific group. While there are a very few who could cheerfully run endless instances without coming up for breath, moth play an MMORPG for the full experience. They are deeply tied to their RACE fantasy, their CLASS fantasy and their FACTION fantasy (and somewhat in that order, based on my research - with class and race being equally important and faction being a secondary consideration). The absolute worst thing Blizzard could have done is made fantasy versus efficacy a thing. What you did, and what we warned you would happen, is you would have players either choosing fantasy and then being ostracized by the community or choosing power and being unhappy because the optimal covenant doesn’t fit their fantasy, thus making the majority of players unhappy and putting Blizzard into a deficit of good will.
  2. Balance. Blizzard has enough on their plate balancing 36 specs, 72 if you consider pvp. In the soul bind system, Blizzard now has to balance anywhere from 432 to 864 specs (36 specs * 4 covenants * 3 soul binds). This is, frankly, beyond absurd and should never have been approved to be developed in the first place. This is Blizzard not having someone further up the food chain reining in what is clearly an unsustainable system.

The answer to both of these things is to have had Mawwalker be the power progression, It is who we are, and why we are special in the Maw. Covenants should have just been cosmetics at worst, OR each soul bind should have provided a common boost (so Niya offers, say, crit, Dreamweaver, haste and Koryan mastery).

If it were me, I would have had Ve’nari help the Maw Walker uncover the First One’s mechanisms that would enhance the Maw Walker if they were soul bound to a specific denizen. You then pick ONE soul bind that you earned though both your efforts through the zone and your covenant campaign. When the soul bind is complete, that unlocks the conduits, and you can have the one soul bind flip configurations based on your spec. This soul bind then becomes your companion thought out the remainder of the expansion. Maybe you offer a variety of options to make that choice relevant, but the power remains on you - with the companion offering QOL world enhancements (like how your champions in Legion offered different benefits).

This then ties the Maw Walker directly to the First Ones’ technologies, it explains how we can jaunt through the Maw with impunity, it allows us to be effective in Korthia, and can be leveraged as a lore element for 9.2. It also brings Blizzard back to tuning for 36-72 specs, which is a specific challenge.

Our frustration is that it is blatant when Blizzard bites off more than they can chew, or when their game design is just not working and there is no one within Blizzard taking responsibility for holding the pipe dreams at bay. No one holding senior developer egos at bay.

While we (the players) are customers and not clients, I find it shocking no one is owning the “voice of the customer” within Blizzard, and no one high enough in the company is seriously questioning the development decisions when such bad feedback is coming back so early in the outward testing cycles. No one is checking the playability of the game. You have 9,000 people in Blizzard and no one is doing a sanity check on what the devs are doing.