Why are you opposed to covenant swapping? How does me swapping covenants affect you? You can still stay your covenant and pretend you can’t swap.
it kinda gave me some hope but knowing that I must have renown 80 to unlock the milestone so I can play on my alts it’s frustrating… and even if I do that, I know that I’ll have to make like 1 month worth of choreghast. I have some bad legendaries with some characters, maybe let people disenchant those legendaries to get some soul ash back.
There are a lot of kids and bad players that probably didn’t even aotc yet in this thread.
tbh I’m willing to bet alot of the people who quit did so because they couldnt aotc this tier. I have one guild in mind.
People who use the word “choreghast” are some of the most mentally deficient people ive met. It’s one of the most fun and best additions to the game. Might have been better to reward the cinders for 1 wing for the whiners, but I enjoy running it.
It’s sad that alot of the playerbase has devolved to not getting on discord for content like dungeons and torghast. Some of the most fun runs I had we were all coordinated on voice comms. Anytime you do anything on voice comms in this game you learn a lot of tricks you didn’t know.
Ignore the idiots imo. Don’t ruin the game because some dude can’t spend 1 day leveling a new toon to play another covenant.
Imo the biggest problem with this expansion was the amount of busywork. Dailies, campaign, cinders (tormentor, torghast, TWO assaults), worldboss. Then there was also conduit upgrade farming which was incredibly bad in 9.0 (i had every 226 conduit going into 9.1) and not too bad in 9.1 since you could get them off torghast.
IMO When you get on the game you WANT to do one of 3-4 activities. Raid, PvP, Dungeons, Torghast. Anything that forces you to spend your time doing something out of those is busywork. Tone down the mandatory power gain busywork so people can spend more time doing things that are fun and random inventive stuff without feeling like your time is constrained by all the work involved in having a maxed toon. It literally takes like a month of fullclearing the raid to rank all your gems from rank 4 to rank 5 and casual players are the ones who need that stuff.
Do the renown and conduit energy changes and keep the covenant choice.
Less grindy work for players to have toons raid ready. Keep alot of grinds in the game but tie them to mounts and cosmetics.
Not only that, but if they had implemented the system they said they’re going to implement, meaning covenant swapping only at max renown or whatever it is, the players would still still view the game through the covenant of their choice, and it would still have weight.
The person who wrote this either doesn’t play the game, or doesn’t know how the game works, both of which are terrible coming from a blue post.
No players are complaining that the choice of abilities for their classes were tied to those aesthetics choices . I’m saying we should of had those choices separate from the aesthetics choice .
Covenants are not the same as classes which is the only true meaningful choice we make in this game. Being able to switch the different covenant class abilities for ones class is not equal to switching to another class. It is being able to switch to another ability meant for that that class as if it were a normal talent from our talent trees.
I think most people are just tired of the complete lack of appreciation for their customers that Blizzard displays - myself included.
The shameless moneygrabbing - over and over and over again. The additional “services” that are nothing but money grabs. The “services” that have been added against the recommendations of most of the player base.
Especially in classic, what a horrible idea to allow boosts there. You can see from the numerous videos on the subject that no one but botters liked that idea.
Just a little bit of common courtesy and respect for your player base would have done a much better job of appeasement than any rushed .5 patches you’ve ever released.
Just my 2c as a long time player.
Good way of dismissing any arguments made by just telling yourself those speaking are not worthy, in your mind, to have an opinion.
Very open minded of you.
Imagine listening to fans and what they want in an MMORPG. Now if we could just get rid of all the time gating. If a player wants to farm nothing but a mythic 0 over and over to farm valor to upgrade random pieces of gear they should be able to and it’s beneficial for Blizz because that means people are playing their game. Right now? I come in, do the 4 mythic 15’s to guarantee 2 choices of 252 gear at the beginning of next week and log off because I’m capped on everything else and there’s no reward for farming anything at all in this game. Get rid of time gating. Allow people to farm. Capping things does nothing but tell your players ‘OK STOP PLAYING NOW’ and encourages us to go check out other games.
This is why me and my husband quit.
The game has drifted so far from what it began as. The focus is no longer the content and making something beautiful but rather a psychology experiment on how best to make people buy, basically, the same thing over and over again.
With the people who had any sort of passion about Blizzard games being gone it’s become quite obvious that they only see us in terms of dollars and cents and it comes across loud and clear.
Shame really, was such a great game.
The anima uncapping that Ion said you’re considering should just be hotfixed in. We know you can do it because you hotfixed removing the codex fragment cap which suffered from the exact same technical problem originally (items in bags granting a currency needed that currency to have a cap for some reason). It’d give people a headstart if they want to have extra to give to alts and the like.
This is one of the worst pseudo apology posts I’ve ever seen from the WoW dev team.
It is intellectually dishonest and still even at this late hour attempts to justify poor game design that was called out repeatedly and beta (but ignored anyway).
The changes were ultimately made because your game has massively bled subscribers and your panicking in response. I don’t see any evidence that as a team, the WoW developers have learned or changed in a meaningful way.
Pretty much the only WoW developers I respect at this point are members of the art team. Those people have been carrying a lot of dead weight for a long time.
You guys treat your player communities like abandoned dogs then act wounded when you randomly show up periodically to check in on how your players (I mean payers) are doing and they snarl at you.
Look at even the Classic/Legacy iterations of the WoW …where you dont have to even design anything new. The WoW team can’t even do that right and puts forth the minimum effort in maintaining the integrity of the game.
Bots infest many server communities and any actions taken to deal with them haven’t been effective.
Entire server communities are largely dead due to allowing uncontrolled paid server transfers. The WoW teams says and does virtually nothing and just allows people to languish Hopi g you might deign to communicate with them at some point about the poor state of a game your company is supposed to be maintaining.
This game had a monthly sub (even the legacy versions of it).
12-14 years ago you could deal with bots and the types of population/server issues faced by players, but now that your a wildly more affluent company you can’t somehow.
Disgusting levels of greed and hubris.
This new, whaddaya call it, commuter communi communication, is it? This new communication thing you’re doing is kinda nice. I like it.
After all, a large portion of the community has been vocal about wanting to see changes along these lines since mid-2020, when Shadowlands was still in Beta.
Correction: ALPHA
When it comes to the limitations on Covenant-switching, millions of players experienced Shadowlands for the first time through the lens of their Covenant of choice, and that would have not been possible had the choice carried less weight from the outset.
Wrong. The covenants were all allies in the beginning of the expansion but dealing with internal issues. And if this change was implemented at launch, you still would have had to experience the story through the lens of your covenant of choice because you couldn’t swap freely until renown 40.
Conduit Energy, however, is a different story. The system simply has not played out the way we hoped it would.
Yeah, I believe countless people said that it benefits no one or people just don’t care about it.
So just as the Threads of Fate system exists to allow players to skip the level-up zone narrative on subsequent playthroughs
Think we could gain renown while doing stuff other than just bonus objectives and filling the Aid [Zone] quest bar through Threads of Fate? We’re already part of a covenant, so activities like dungeons, side quest chapters, maybe even allowing us to do the covenant campaign while leveling. Also a lot of research proves that leveling through Threads of Fate is slower than doing the main Shadowlands leveling campaign, so maybe increase the XP gains while leveling through ToF to be more in line with the campaign or make it more?
Overall, really glad these changes are being made. But c’mon, I’m pretty sure we’ve all had enough. The feedback the players give during alpha/beta/ptr should be taken into consideration and acted upon during those periods of time, not a year in or at the last patch of an expansion, which you have done time and time again over the past 5-6 years with Legion and BfA.
We were not given aesthetic choices. We were told they were aesthetic choices but many players were forced (or at least strongly suggested) to choose between aesthetics and power. That’s not fun for most people.
Pretty much this.
Blizzard was told since alpha that identity should not come at the cost of player power. The only exception to this is class imbalance because you HAVE to have unique classes. You do not have to have covenants.
Covenants should have been homogenized in terms of power, but unique for aesthetics and quest lines.
Glad to see blizzard has fixed this issue. Annoyed it took them a year longer than it should have.
Turn the covenant class abilities into a talent row, delete the 4th unused one (pretty sure every class has one thats absolutely troll) and let Covenants be about your soulbind and the covenant ability (Steward, fleshcraft, soulshape, door of shadows). You’ll probably take most of these abilities and implement them later anyway (Divine Toll on Ret is too fluid, gonna be sad if we lose it). Take the top 3, put them on a talent row, easier balancing, be done with it.
Had the team moved the best three covenant class abilities to the talent tree (with the remainder into legendary or Torghast powers) as a number of us suggested in beta, most of this pain could have been avoided.
Yea, there would still be some annoyance over soulbind and signature ability balance, but the former could be tuned closer, and the latter are close/niche enough that they’re not make-or-break most of the time.
Choosing a covenant based on lore or aesthetics would have carried as much (and arguably more…) narrative weight than being locked into one based on how one ability choice sims. That so many droods and nelves went Fae and DKs went Necro would seem to indicate a substantial number of players were quite happy to choose based on said reasons. (Yes, Convoke is great, but Slappy Hands wasn’t good enough in all use cases to account for the DK+Necro skew)
I don’t bring this up as a told-you-so, but to suggest ya’ll really need to get better at not setting up such unnecessary binary choices. Be it here, on system design, down to wild swings of the buff/nerf bat.
Likewise, I should also hope that you’ll approach potentially controversial designs in a more modular fashion going forward. Were covenants (or azerite/garrisons/etc…) not so monolithic in scope, fixing one broken piece wouldn’t be quite as difficult.
Thanks! I am very pleased overall. I see the benefit from having to stay firm with our covenant choice in the beginning, and I like that we have more flexibility to switch now.
A++ from me
What benefit? if they locked it to renown 80 it would’ve been the same thing.
Instead they stubbornly drove off the playerbase until they had to backtrack to staunch the bleeding.
The one simple change that would fix pvp is removing the rating requirement on gear… All it does is promote boosting and toxicity. Players have to take rated content more serious than anything in the game because it’s the only way to get the best gear for pvp. We used to be able to do rated content just to have fun.