Shadowlands Developer Update

Now people can actually make real choices…before, due to the system being so rigid, we were forced to pick the covenant that performed the best to put us in a position of success with the rest of the content…now we can choose whatever we actually want and swap it as needed.

Or that’s the theory, since most of us quit no one is going to really experience any of this garbage game.


thought it wasnt possible to “Pull the ripcord” funny how the customers where right the whole time. How about that…same BS different expansion, yall do this EVERY SINGLE TIME. Then when its broken the camals back and you have chased most away you FINALLY bring changes to how it should have been to try to double dip in excitement to the base.

This is an absolute hollow gesture. Yall obviously dont play your game and only care when people show you your all wrong with their wallet. Your pattern and hussle has gotten so predictable and old and disrespectful to those who still pay to play this game and its headache inducing systems…start listening to the players and content creators from the start and actually MAKE THE GAME FUN NOT RESTRICTIVE.


Remove the cooldown on druid forms when leaving them, it should have never been added in the first place.
That has impacted the fun of playing a druid for far too long, classic druid is still more fun than retail.

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Conduit energy and accountwide renown are great changes. Do those and hold off on covenant swaps.

Please leave the weighted choice and diversity in the game

Adding mythic difficulty to old dungeon contents would be nice. Mythic hellfire ramparts!!! jokes aside, i have 1 month of subscription left. looking for a reason to stay.

p/s: the need to grind to a certain renown makes the free switching sound quite contradictory? don’t you think?

I was going to write something extremely negative but all I will say is that these changes are literally a year late. Players had brought up the issues of the covenant system during the Beta, and using the lore as an excuse for bad game design is disappointing.


Lets see, keep doing what has caused a lot of players to quit so that Overclockedx is happy…or reverse it so that players will actually want to play the game the way they want to and will have no affect on how Overclockedx plays…


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The tone of this announcement feels warmer than in years gone by.

Blizzard hasn’t learned a lesson.

Case and point … Ion H. is still the head of WoW.

If they were changing, truly changing, this guy would not have the position he has. Move him to a raid encounter developer and get him away from the head position.


That they could care less what we think and will only make meaningful changes when their metrics could look bad at investor meetings.

Are people suffering short term memory or something? This is literally the THIRD time they’ve done this where they made their players beta test poorly thought out systems for a year then changed them to be more tolerable.

Legendaries took us until 7.3.5 (the literal last patch) to allow you to help your alts with them, or to target the one you actually wanted with some measure of control. Artifact Knowledge wasn’t made baseline until 7.3 either.

It took them until 8.1 to allow you to buy the actual piece you wanted, it also took this long for them to put in Paragon Chests again, but it was far more effective use to play their token lottery a few times and probably get the one you wanted with their ridiculous prices for good prices taking weeks of currency stockpiling. Then they threw essences into the game. Sockets being too powerful to be left solely to RNG was rectified in 8.3.

Now they’re doing it here, where they address every single problem with the expansion people told them would be a problems for an entire year BEFORE the expansion only to be told “It’ll be fine, we’ve learned.” then proceed to ignore literally all beta feedback about the system and keep with it. Then have to listen to players address issues with the system for an entire year after the damn game launches. Paying for the privilege to work as Blizzard’s QA department without a paycheck really is getting old.


My sub runs out soon. If we were all smart we would let them run out and not come back till about 2 months into the next expansion if there is one.

This worries me more than anything, the Devs still wont admit they were wrong and royally messed up shadowlands… they still maintain it was necessary to do things this way and its only now after we have done it their “intended way” that they will listen to the players? Despite all the feedback against it, implying they will continue this mindset forward on future content and xpac designs… wow.

You were told this by preach, asmo and pretty much unanimously by the community, it as cost your company many MILLIONS (the aggregate of your bad designs), remarkable any decision maker was able to survive through such incompetence, maybe the law suits were just the excuse needed to clean house.

You mean exactly the same feedback blizzard has been getting since WOTLK and the phasing in icecrown?

Any acknowledgement that the narrative does not meet blizzards (previously high) quality standards? Like WOD was awesome narratively you could do the questlines you wanted then treasure hunt to skip the bits you didn’t… I did practically all of frostfire ridge on repeat characters because it was so great.

Any plans to make leveling up outside of shadowlands viable again? Just seems you funnel players into one zone and one raid every patch, why do you discard the rest of the game every patch and will this design be continuing beyond this xpac?


Honestly, I don’t think 9.1.5 is going to help them much. I really don’t. Like they’re fixing the problems current players are having and might have alienated others. Though it isn’t like this will undo all of the losses between 9.0 to 9.1 or even most of them. This only changes “needlessly restraining, terrible game with an incompetent developer team” to “terrible game with an incompetent developer team.”

But the best part of these changes isn’t that everyone saw it was coming. It’s the fact Blizzard right now is backed so far into a corner that they just grabbed for literally everything players have been begging for. So much for the people screaming that “WoW is just fine, it’s the same thing as 9.0, nobody is really quitting the game!” I guess. Even Blizz devs had to acknowledge the game was on life support with how desperate it comes off.


More important thing is to Fix your XXXX class balance, WW do way too much AOE. it is literally joke level! Mage has been OP for too long! PVP class balance is a complete disaster.

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This is the most concentrated WoW dev sentence I have ever read. Your egos are so fragile you can’t even admit you were wrong when you are forced to make all these changes because more than half the player base has already bailed.

Y’all need to learn humility. You were wrong. It was not better or necessary in literally any shape or form. Use your Alpha, Beta, and PTR test sessions for testing and feedback rather than publicity. Stop treating the live game as a beta. Stop acting like you can do no wrong.


No Players would like multiple choices.

A choice for the aesthetic the prefer and choices based on content they do and the specs that they play .

That’s not going to happen. The WoW devs are thoroughly convinced that because they’re employed to develop the game that they automatically know the best course of action. Like I’ve said before, being a developer of a product might enlighten you to the inner workings and you might be able to code a boss fight, but that in no way means you know how to entertain an audience and play to the room.

It’s the equivalent to people that may have a degree but say visibly stupid things and their response is “Well, do you have a degree in this field?” I don’t need a degree to recognize bad game design or a product being unenjoyable. I didn’t need to be a game developer to know covenants were going to explode in their face.

It’s like the Appeal to Authority fallacy on steroids with some egotistical idiot thoroughly convinced because “he helps build the game” that he therefore knows what’s in the best interest of the game. Being able to play kickball doesn’t mean you’ll be a good baseball player because they’re both sports played on a diamond with bases.

Or talking to any jerk off that has a 4 year degree in something useless, then thinks because they have a Bachelor’s in something stupid that they’re just intelligent now. Does not work like this at all.


Bull. Absolute bull.

Players were given aesthetic choices. They complained they had to make four characters to collect it all.

And let’s say Blizzard did this. Let’s pretend they changed the covenants so they worked like this:
Maldraxxus: +10% raid damage.
Venthyr: +10% PVP damage.
Night Fae: +10% M+ damage.
Kyrian: +5% damage everywhere.

Pretend for a moment that happened. If you played all aspects of the game, which would be the best choice? Seems like it should be Kyrian, right? But it’s not. The best choice is to pick any covenant and then come to the forums and complain you’re forced to play suboptimally. Which is exactly what’s happened this expanison.

Players DO NOT like any sort of choice that results in anything less than the theoretical maximum at all times. Players do not like any sort of sacrifice.

To be honest, I’m surprised players haven’t complained more that they want to be able to switch classes at all times without restrictions.