Shadowlands Developer Update

Did you write this to the Dev team to make them feel better, or to the community, because no one believes this.


Those of you that say the game is dying are extremely clueless and are just drinking the Kool-Aid.

Yeah and the reason is bad, and it always was bad. Sacrificing gameplay for lore, when the lore didn’t matter anyway 6 months later is terrible game design.


Thanks for making these changes. It would be nice to see a true Pve vendor for gear we have valor plz allow us to be able to buy specific items. Also, it would be nice if communication that is received during “PTR” for patches & specifically for expansions listened to earlier and game changes were made prior to going live with it and forcing live players to have to beta test this and say certain systems are bad only to have yall come back 1 year later or more and finally change it.

I’d also like to actually see more GM’s in-game to handle bots, complaints ext.

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They really need to either let us collect more souls per week or do away with the souls requirement for sanctum upgrades entirely. Now that anima rains from the sky, souls are just a annoying choke point. I hit 60 on an alt a few days ago and am now sitting here with 15k anima in my reservoir and nothing else I can upgrade for another week or two.

Thanks for these updates!

Would it be possible to add red eyes to Blood elves in the upcoming customizations (since they got purple/blue eyes last time?)

Wrong. Tying power to the covenants has been a clusterf**k. The players know it, the developers know it, we all know it… it was never “meaningful,” it was just a bad design. They should have detangled these things when everyone in the beta told Blizzard it was going to be a massive problem, and it was, but the developers doubled down on it for reasons only known to them. Simply put, the covenant power system angered a lot of people and drove away players from the game.

They were wrong about covenant power, they were wrong about conduit energy, they were wrong about many things. And now, once again, they have to fix a ton of stuff in a .5 patch, just like the prior two expansions. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


Where to begin? as much as I would congratulate you on admitting to failures and finally listen to feed back but I refuse, why? given what Legion and Battle for Azeroth has taught us as players is that we give feedback on a system that clearly has flaws during beta/PTR, You didn’t acknowledge them but suddenly months later you listen to feedback when it was relevant months ago during beta/PTR and this has happened three times now and some players are getting tired of having feedback being acknowledged months later when it should’ve been relevant, added or fixed during beta/ptr instead of months later.

If you want get a thanks and pats on the back from me going forward, its best that you guys learn these lessons now instead of using this moment for a one time thing to build goodwill to only squander it in the next expansion since it will be the deciding factor if you guys are willing to listen to feedback instead of being stubborn when something doesn’t go your way and if fails don’t scapegoat your players either. Its a step in the right direction for sure but it will take awhile to regain your players back and the lessons are learned throughout the dev team.


Too little, too late.


A day late and a dollar short, folks making money to goof off at work trying to buy back the favor of the player base after they screw up once again.


Next step: show us how you’re holding the decision makers accountable. We pay you monthly for this game service. You’re already cleaning house for the lawsuit anyway. What better time than now?


These changes all seem great but can we get some cosmetic changes related to weapon/shiled sizes and positions… Like for example, male draenie shields look like hubcaps on their massive bodies and it would be awesome if we could adjust those shield sizes with a slider for those who prefer them to be either bigger or smaller… As well as weapon positioning like having the option to change weapons to sheath on the back rather than the waist.

I take the liberty of informing you that the successive failures you have made in the game systems over the last few years, as well as the miserable experience in the storytelling of the last 2 expassions, have made me cynical regarding your commitment to the enjoing of the Players. Therefore, these changes, although they are welcome, do not amend ANYTHING, and it will not be until the launch of a new expansion in which the change of course is really seen in terms of the way this game is handled that I give it again a real opportunity.

In case it is of interest, I will leave here some points to be worked on, these points are of personal interest but they could coincide with those of other players.

1- Systems: stop playing with the systems in each patch, the systems must be in their final state when the expansion is launched and be quickly corrected in hotfixs in case of imbalance, errors, or major annoyances. In this sense, the patches must be reserved for system extensions and not for corrections, the corrections must be fast, not taking months.

2.1- Storytelling: it is simply horrible, this game does not know how to tell a story in a cohesive and interesting way for the player; This is not a TV series or a book the way they are telling the story since BfA is just STRESSING.

2.2- Multimedia: it is a problem, it is not bad that they have it, on the contrary, but you are applying it badly. The game must tell a complete and coherent story by itself, the multimedia should be there to enrich it, this is not the case currently; you sell books that must be obligatorily read to understand the story in the game.

3- Classes: you do not have 12 classes, you have 36, it is a ridiculous number and for some reason you try to make them more complex through subsystems, and balance everything. It has had successes and mistakes at this point but inevitably in its attempt to balance many have homogenized and others simply break. Reduce those 36 classes to less, it is crazy to pretend to balancer 36 classes with 21 talents each and many of which are active skills. It is not a question of whether you are capable or not, it is a question of whether you are capable of doing it in an acceptable period of time, and you constantly fail at the latter. Simply go back to 12, or rearrange the combinations of the 36 into another number of classes.

As a final note, do what you want, you have made me tired of the game and of you, if WoW improves it is possible that I return, I have love for the world and its lore. Ultimately, if you do not manage to put this mess together, the Warcraft I love will continue to live in my heart even if you bury it or keep it walking like the undead.


half the players unsubbed, the rest of the players logs on for 4 hours to do the daily grinds, logs off, plays other mmos, okay, maybe we listen to other players now only after we start becoming unprofitable, but don’t you guys think we’re apologizing, because we’re not ever going to apologize for anything we do, we still think our way is better


Yeah, that’s the thing. These changes only happen once the xpac is wrapping up. Happens every single time.

Hopefully they’ll get rid of the ridiculous transmog restrictions as well.


well since you are fixing the past mistakes. let you start on arcane mage you guys have neglected and dissed this toon for way to long . not sure why and u give a tiny buff and its still second and at times 3rd class .make it better cause you guys seem parcial or even raceist on that spec.

Seems like this was written by a marketing person who doesn’t play the game and doesn’t know how it works.

How about you listen to the players back during Alpha and Beta so when I purchase your expansion, I get a game worth playing, and not an extended Beta test where you’re going to implement the changes we want 6 months before the expansion ends?

And can someone fix the speed buff on my damn Runeblade of Baron Rivendare?! How about that while we’re at it; how about you stop nerfing fun? I buy your expansions and pay your subs because I’m supposed to actually enjoy playing the game, and that’s difficult when you keep doing this damn bait and switch.


Too late still not resubbing.


heritage armor? or those heritage weapons that were datamined. Im going full casual, and want stuff to collect :frowning:

Still have rating requirements on PvP gear? Then I’ll still not bother to PvP. The minor bump on the ‘bad’ gear isn’t enough. Bring back WoD PvP gearing. Why is that so hard?

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