As I am still doing the Uldum invasions once a week since I still did not had the paragon pet drop, I have to say that I find the itemlevel scaling in BfA extremly out of whack. Killing an elite NPC in Uldum that is level 50 takes longer than killing one in Korthia. Because of this I practically avoided going back to BfA or Legion content since the launch of Shadowlands, everytime I did regardless the lesson was that gaining 10 levels on my character did not mean much.
Thank you for the dissertation no one will likely read!
Would of been great, if the conduits were actually ones for the specs I like to play. When you constantly get ones that are for specs you have no desire, or will never play 95% of the time, it gets old quick.
It’s too little too late.
The fact they do this same cycle every expansion and they continue to make the same excuses, “awe dang we should have listened to you, our bad” I swear it’s all part of their system, they release these trash systems nobody likes with the knowledge they are gonna make the game feel terrible, then they come back around a year later with their holier than thou garbage, We your saviors the WoW Dev Team have answered your call, now praise us and spend money, and they try and pass these changes off as actual content, it’s so transparent and honestly so pathetic.
Except for Conduit Energy, they weren’t “wrong”. Covenant selection went exactly as intended, as a meaningful choice. That we’re seeing a loosening now, halfway through the expansion, is not exactly surprising (I still expect a daily cooldown or so on switching Covenants so progress raiders and wannabes don’t change for every boss)
Will there be a mechanism for alts that are in a covenant, have not completed the campaign, but another character on the account has completed the same campaign be able to skip the remainder of it even if they are on chapter 2 via the existing mechanisms in place? I have 6 alts and on two of them I have no desire to re-run the campaigns but am at chapter 2 or so through no real effort on my part. Will the skip mechanism let me move ahead to the end regardless of where I am currently?
People are asking about account-wide rep this expansion because SL has too much grind to advance all the borrowed power systems.
A normal per-character rep grind like Death’s Advance where we do a handful of dailies is expected. Legendaries AND Death’s Advance AND Archivist research AND unlocking covenants AND farming conduits AND still needing to farm Ve’nari rep to open transportation around the Maw because even teleports depend on rep is a problem.
They have introduced some helpful features like sending ash around, the memory item for alts, and making some of the Ve’nari and Archivist upgrades account-wide. The covenant unlocks will help too.
One thing personally id like to see is bringing back the old jab animation for tiger palm in the form of a gylph where we actually strike with our weapons. Just feels wierd how as monks we only use weapons in animation if we have fist weapons on.
As a casual player, I have to be constantly reminded that the Conduit system exists. Honestly, If I’d left the whole thing untouched I wouldn’t have cared.
Thank you!
Please make reknown account wide, like reputations already are.
The word ‘reputation’ and ‘reknown’ are basically interchangeable I feel.
If you are not willing to do this, please provide a detailed explanation as to why…
And what of the world’s greatest BM Hunter Venthyrs? are we forced to use flayed shot to get in a half as group of nit wits and apple jacks put in a nice stew of failure products so the only psychotronic player makes thee feel his propagated waves of fury! as “they” all die in pain and agony -= I hope you ALL DIE in fear and extreme agany on the mythic PAINSmith on my ptr realms too!
So does this mean if I am renown 64 Venthyr on my Rogue, then I decide to
level up an alt Mage on Kyrian and level it up to renown 64 on the Mage. Does
that mean on my Rogue I can just swap to Kyrian and go straight to
renown level 64? Or does that blue post just mean I will have skipped
the covenant campaign but I will still have to grind out the renown
Thank you for moving so quickly on this. I really hope this positive trend continues.
So does this mean if I am renown 64 Venthyr on my Rogue, then I decide to
level up an alt Mage on Kyrian and level it up to renown 64 on the Mage. Does
that mean on my Rogue I can just swap to Kyrian and go straight to
renown level 64? Or does that blue post just mean I will have skipped
the covenant campaign but I will still have to grind out the renown
hey Kaivax, how about at least reverting Keystone Master “progress” back to being account-wide??
For example:
- character A completes 2/8 dungeons at 15 or higher
- character B completes 4/8 dungeons at 15 or higher
- character C completes 2/8 dungeons at 15 or higher
…for a grand total of 8/8 dungeons completed, and Keystone Master achieved
I much preferred the way it used to be (account-wide progress) over this “character-specific” 9.1 model where each individual character needs to grind out 16 dungeons (8 on Fortified, 8 on Tyrannical).
Honestly, the previous account-wide model was much more enjoyable, and allowed for a great deal of flexibility.
There was some built-in “bad luck protection” from getting the same keystone over and over (cough Sanguine Depths cough) just by cycling thru a couple of alts - it was great
Can we please Transmog Shadowlands Legendary gear. That would be pretty awesome and needs to be a thing. Pretty please.
Make heroic warfronts easier to do plz. like islands, make them solo or small party queue. still trying to collect the epic sets from the quests there.
I hope this is just making stuff up for the sake of stubbornness and not what they actually think, because holy crap the devs are bad at their job if this is their logic. It doesn’t even work within this statement.