Shadowlands Developer Update

Easily. Numbers go up, numbers go down.

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Too little too late. I might have been happy with this news if you hadn’t shut down all feedback over this during beta… and abused employees to the point of suicide.

Thanks for nothing.


Ya know. A lot of my posts about how this isn’t a job well done and should have been done in the beta were before reading this.

I can respect the dev team Admitting they were wrong.


Now get rid of aoe cap and make specs fun and to play again.

All this will be in vain if specs aren’t fun to play. Some people simply don’t enjoy their specs being butchered in 9.0 ( mechanically speaking not even considering numbers )

If you wanna bring players back you have to go all the way.

Oh yea also make soul cinders and w/e soul willl be in 9.2, farmable with a seasonal cap just like conquest and valor

Thank you.

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It’s all nice and fine, but when will currency and reputation be account/server bound. If you want to be alt friendly, a player shouldn’t be grinding they’re reps on they’re alt until they are sick, just to unlock the same things as they’re main. It’s 17 years later and reputation still needs to be grinded on every single alt.


This might be weird as i don’t see a single soul asking but… What about companions? For real, my guys are level 50 and doing juicy lv20 quests for lots of gold, runes and anima. Even if i swap, I’d be losing all of the advancement with my guys, and what about the torghast rescued companions, do i get to keep them?

Gotta re farm conduits? Since you’re slotting them in the soulbind and disappear from your bag, do you have to re obtain all? And covenant upgrades? I’m sanctum tier 3, that was a huge anima sink, don’t really feel like losing all of that even when I do wanna try Kyrian Priest or Venthyr DK

Also, in an interview with a Chinese magazine, I’m 99.99% sure you mentioned the double legendary wasn’t coming in 9.1 but it was something to look for in a .5 patch. Seems like the perfect moment, as the new tuning already announced comes, it could serve to re balance some legendaries synergies.

For more insight, check Izen Hart videos on the subject, good analysis on potentially broken pairs of dual legendaries and will give a re purpose to the extra resources from recycling legendaries. There gotta be millions of 190-210 legendary vessels flooding the AH that nobody uses and nobody will use as even a world quest gives higher item level.

The vestige is a good system, but the fact you can only use it to craft and not upgrade seems like a giant oversight. It’d be a way to repurpose so much junk items made for the Rankings. Remember each rank was around what 15 vessels? So there gotta be so so many useless vessels that you Can’t even sell to a vendor and nobody will ever buy.

Then, shippable Stygia and Codex/Anima. What’s the purpose of obtaining the anima as tokens if literally the only thing you can do is deposit them in the reservoir? Why is it not just a currency when the tokens can’t be sent to mail or anything? In the case of stygia, it’s a very niche resource that only becomes good once you’re high Ilvl with codex and can farm it in large quantities, but loses value for them as the stuff you buy are either torghast things a high Ilvl doesn’t need or low gear. It’d be perfect if you could give it to a starting alt so it can get a raid piece with domination socket from the get go and get easier torghast. Little purpose serves to have L12 free account wide for low alts when you can’t
Do them with the upgrades that high Ilvl characters really don’t need now that we have the box of many things.

Also, what about the hounds in The maw? Those you got from killing a rider and served in 9.0 before everyone could ride in the maw. Now they’re useless; you could make them 150% so it is still an advantage to get sometimes, as well as daze immune (not all have the saddles :sob:).

If we’re talking QoL, what about a calling giver or portal to Korthia from your sanctum? Currently, you have to have hearthstone to sanctum to pick up your callings , then if you have, portal to oribos, run and get to korthia to do the daily stuff, just a cycle of hearting and running for what’s an equivalent to Emissary quests you got automatically. I did understand its purpose in 9.0 as there was nowhere else to be but the main zones, now that we’re more in korthia than anywhere else besides instances, and the anima reservoir is moving to Korthia as well, why not also include the Callings? As a person with alts, i can recognize the “chore” it is to pick up and return callings and then, to korthia, when there’s really nothing stopping it from becoming an Emissary style quest option, just replacing factions with the heads of your covenant allies.

About the souls quest, has there been any plans to equally get soul stones in Korthia? Currently I’m picking up some in the maw during the assaults but when the next week comes, the quest is reset, meaning it’s an all-or-nothing, unlike the replenish the reservoir quest that lingers from week to week, what’s the purpose of this? Why reset the souls amount? I’d understand before when we didn’t have maxed soul collector and that quest gave renown. We now get it from replenish and shaping fate, only as a catch up for souls, meaning it’s no longer a strong drive to leave linger for a week before to take advantage of the catch up chance to get renown extra fast. It could just work like reservoir

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Little to no people asked for that in previous expansions. They understand reputation is tied to the person doing and earning the reputation. Same idea with gear, it’s based on your work for each character, only external powers like torghast rep purchases don’t seem heavily affected by becoming account wide.

You gotta have limits to what becomes free and what doesn’t. One could say in the future “why not make raid gear tradable/account wide? An alt shouldn’t be doing the same dungeon/raid progression once I did it already”

Not really, rep and currency can definitely be account/server bound. There is no viable reason for reputation or currency to stay on one character as it just hinders a player. Actually running raids and dungeons are character bound since you go in with one, but having to grind everything over and over is tedious, even though Blizz says they are alt friendly. Yet, half the content is locked behind some currency or rep. Look at covenant currently, you’re only viably playing 25% of the game, and getting even less rewards for it.

Some currencies are fine to be account bound, but in most cases it is irrelevant. Legacy currency and rep should 100% be account/server as that is no longer needed for the current version of the game. All progress and questing rewards for older content should be account bound once it has been completed on one character.

Playing alts or doing RP is a massive part of the community, it is a big part of enjoying different parts of the game. A person shouldn’t be shot in the foot and locked behind something simply because they have to regrind everything on another character. That is not constructive gaming, it is not constructive for a MMO RPG and most currencies and rep give you no actual advantage over another player. PVP and PVE gear from current content does. So valor, honor, conquest, those are fine for player bound. But, all the rest can be your account working together on everything. If you can farm the same thing, with continuous progress on your whole server/account, people won’t feel like it’s a job, because they will always progress the same thing, for all their characters, at once. They can RP their DK through TG and still be sure to get rewarded and using that reward on their mage.

This leaves me with a lot of questions for how this is implemented.

  1. What happens to the mission board companions and their levels or assignments if I swap to another?
  2. Can I set the missions on my Ventyr board with all my experienced people and then swap to Kyrian to do level up stuff for their companions at the same time?
  3. Can I recruit companions out of Torghast for the other Covenants while I’m not actively using the one they serve since I’m technically all 4 now?
  4. How would conduits work if I swapped? Would I need to level up all the exclusive ones other Covenants from scratch thus requiring me to stock up on the boosters that drop in Korithia or are they mirrored from the exclusive of my current Covenant?
  5. What about Anima location links, soul upgrades and all that? Do the swapped Covenants have to be upgraded with souls and anima and stuff or will they be maxed out?

Essentially you’re asking, if you fly to Europe, is your driver’s license still valid for the US, or do you have to do it again.

Basically a band aid when we needed a tourniquet.

Exhausting? It’s not like you worked your tail off to make this stuff happen.

We really need to be more thankful as opposed to saying “Good”.

I’ve never heard of those characters… I’m not sure your WoW buddies have much to do with all of this. Please show a bit more respect. A true fan of Warcraft doesn’t run around talking like that.

Let us buy 226 conduits with anima please. Don’t make them too expensive.

Having to go all over the place for them and still fight RNG is not fun.

These are great additions and revisions! Thank you SO much for listening to my regular request for platinum hair color for Void Elves, as well as additional options (including shorter hair/facial hair/added skin colors) for Nightborne!

Warcraft FOREVER!

I loved this. Im gonna start using it, is sooo good XD

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Yes, there are reasons, and it’s called playability and individuality of play time. Ever since the start, the idea of an alt came as a new experience, not a rebrand, so not “changing to another class” but “creating a new being”, as so, everything was character lock, almost literally, from mount to toys.

Over time, we have gotten ways to make things account wide since those don’t provide much of an edge in end game content. Having all the mounts for all alta doesn’t break much of anything since functionality speaking, the hearthsteed already flies and runs, and water strider on water, the rest is cosmetic.

As time went on and more and more content pilled on , we had to start talking about catch ups, so the idea of catch up mechanisms and catch up gear came to be, and heirlooms for leveling. None of that existed in Vanilla.

But currencies such as valor, honor, conquest or badges and whatnot, never as those were indeed, endgame.

The thing with reputations is that they can also be endgame, line archivist codex or Venari with the sockets upgrades, just like raid gear. Now, admittedly speaking, most reps aren’t , which does make some sense to that point, but breaks what reputation is o begin with, what is being hated and exalted. Mandatory things tied to that like the pathfinder were made account wide for that purpose, but purely cosmetical stuff which is what most reps offer anyway, has little real purpose to be considered in the mandatory section for an account wide, and breaks the fantasy of each character a different being. You mentioned RP, and if anything, that’s a big part of the RP that people complain was lost when we got so many QoL changes

Your point about the covenant and content licked behind grinds however, is plain wrong. Yes there’s stuff “locked behind” but it’s more about “tied to a different direction” and gives that stuff exclusivity. You wouldn’t want everyone to have the +15 mount or the PvP mounts as that’s reward for their effort and recognition, the covenant specific cosmetics serve the same purpose. You can now a maldraxxi if they ride the armored boar or a night fae for the long dragon furry mount. Making everything for everyone flat out breaks the existence of uniqueness and flatlines the recognition with a covenant. For players endless demands, they did say they were gonna make cosmetic stuff wide for anyone within a character, why not account wide? Yeez for the fantasy reason again? We still get that partially; a renown 1 fresh venthyr can ride the gorgon mount, but don’t expect a level 50 mage from BFA to be exalted with a faction they haven’t even met, it’s just absurd. Sure it could but then again, why be a reputation? No reputation is mandatory at all like old times with attunements where your accusation will be rightfully needed and still people didn’t ask +Vanilla+. Nowadays it’s an after thought, an extra thing to do more than a must.

The legacy stuff is, like you said, legacy. Not mandatory, doesn’t affect you in any way to have or not. There wouldn’t be much of a reason behind “i want it bc i do”. However, there should be boosts for rep like tabards and, if the main rep source was tied to a now forgotten content like a raid or dungeon, then it should have a way to compensate for the implicit impossibility to obtain it. Otherwise is bogus

Half the content behind grinds? But what is a grind, doing a raid? You could call the content to the main zones, quests, raids, mythic+, pvp, exploration and rares/collection.

Main zones are free to navigate and now fly around, quests as well since lv50 with threads of fate, raids are only Ilvl restricted, no more attunement rep grinds or quest lines needing time or keys like TBC; mythic+ is also Ilvl soft restricted, as you could be ilvl100 and enter a +2; PvP is not restricted at all, exploration as well and collection, is tied to anima and other activities directly related to that like Malie or the death charger drop. So really z when you say “restricted” you’re misusing the term and only thinking about legendaries, stygia, codex and anima. The first can be sent account wide, i just did yesterday, the 2nd can’t but is very easily farmable in 9.1 and not needed at all for any reason behind collection and maybe one piece of okay gear for alts, codex is purely very late game, once you’re fully geared, by that point you’ve naturally collected the necessary part to reach it anyway, or have that aspect as the only remaining , progression playthrough. And anima is hella plentiful by now.

However, i did say in this very post, how you should be able to trade these currencies, anima stygia and codex fragments, as their token nature serves no purpose whatsoever for 2 of them, and the other has only real benefit for low or new players/alts even when you can mostly start getting it by the handful with a high Ilvl character, whom by that point, won’t need that stygia (legit i have thousands of that and serves no purpose at all for my 229 character)

Will you need to grind renown for each covenant separately upon switching?

they gave an explicit reason why they waited till now.

Is there any reason some of these things need to wait until 9.1.5?
If you truly believe, you should hotfix these things right now.

You agree you should remove conduit energy.
So why not hotfix the cooldown to be less than a minute instead of a day?

You agree we should be able to swap covenants freely.
So why not remove the penalty for swapping?

You agree balance needs to be done to covenants/legendaries/classes.
So why are we not getting balance hotfix nudges for things that are underperforming/overperforming?

Almost all of these things should be able to be hotfixed in, you keep using the excuse of system limitations and all this rigamarole. We aren’t that naive, when you tell us things like “we wanted archivist research to not have a cap but had a technical limitation”, we really know that you heard our feedback and realized it was stupid for it to be capped, but didn’t want to admit it. There is no technical limitation, it’s a currency, stygia doesn’t have a cap, hasn’t had a cap, and somehow didn’t have this limitation, so either your programmers are going backwards and have learned nothing, or you lied.

Also when are you planning on fixing the bugs I’ve posted about? I know you have a priority but come on, some of BM hunters trinkets doing less damage when you choose a specific talents for over 2 years? ITS BEEN TWO YEARS! Fix it!