Hey, I hope you can transmit this to the “developer’s team” because your idea is not that great anyways.
My idea is this:
- Make our characters be pledged with ALL COVENANTS all the time.
- Our renown with covenants is account-wide.
- Make it so ALL RARES AND CHESTS drop Grateful Offerings.
That way everyone could be happy to collect all cosmetics, mount and things with no hassle of changing covenants to kill rares in Maldraxxus and then change again to kill rares in Bastion.
Make it so I can be Venthyr Enhanhcement, Necrolord Restoration and Night Fae Elemental with no extra travels and changes that nobody wants to do. One spec change and BAM! My extra abilities and soulbind changed and that’s it.
Make it so I can get the mounts exclusive for Necrolords in Maldraxxus when my current covenant is Venthyr.
Make it so I can easily do the Ember Court and with no changes go and to the Night Fae garden.
Make it so I can enter all Covenant headquarter and buy from all the vendors all the time.
Make it so we can play all the systems at the same time.
Make it so we can change soulbinds and conduits in the Covenant ambassador’s place in Oribos.
Make it so in 3 clicks I can change betweek being Venthyr Enhancement soulbound with Nadjia to Night Fae Enhancement soulbond to Korayn.
Cut the hassle.
Open the system.