Shadowlands Developer Update

Hey, I hope you can transmit this to the “developer’s team” because your idea is not that great anyways.

My idea is this:

  • Make our characters be pledged with ALL COVENANTS all the time.
  • Our renown with covenants is account-wide.
  • Make it so ALL RARES AND CHESTS drop Grateful Offerings.

That way everyone could be happy to collect all cosmetics, mount and things with no hassle of changing covenants to kill rares in Maldraxxus and then change again to kill rares in Bastion.

Make it so I can be Venthyr Enhanhcement, Necrolord Restoration and Night Fae Elemental with no extra travels and changes that nobody wants to do. One spec change and BAM! My extra abilities and soulbind changed and that’s it.

Make it so I can get the mounts exclusive for Necrolords in Maldraxxus when my current covenant is Venthyr.

Make it so I can easily do the Ember Court and with no changes go and to the Night Fae garden.

Make it so I can enter all Covenant headquarter and buy from all the vendors all the time.

Make it so we can play all the systems at the same time.

Make it so we can change soulbinds and conduits in the Covenant ambassador’s place in Oribos.

Make it so in 3 clicks I can change betweek being Venthyr Enhancement soulbound with Nadjia to Night Fae Enhancement soulbond to Korayn.

Cut the hassle.

Open the system.


I assume that doesn’t include the mounts

He’s been a troll and a bad one on these forums for years

He once tried to explain how 5mask were easy in Visions early on without actually doing a 5mask


YEA WELL where is my JET BLACK hair color option !!! why do we neeeeeeeeed 3 shades of BLONDE FOR :unamused: :rage: :rage: :rage: !!!

All these additions are welcomed so thank you for this but it really should have been introduced like this, not how it was.

I hope you guys will also consider removing all the cancel “restrictions” on the AH, and maybe make it actually run faster than the “classic” ah prior to all the added “limiter cancel system” that’s currently in place. In fact when you first annouced AH changes I was excited I hoped you were going to actually make the AH faster and better , but instead you added a “limiter” to slow down the AH for players such as myself, literally gave us exact opposite of what the AH players wanted.

I think its embarrassing that you guys actually made the AH worse than it was years ago by adding these new “limiters” to cancels in the AH. All this encourages is mutiboxers running 8 accounts (to avoid limit) to cancel scan as much as they want 24/7 on the AH. Yes thats whats going on now, mutiboxers are botting the AH’s and blizzard are not banning them.

Also talking about “limiters” why dont you remove the AOE cap even your boss, Mike Ybarra wants it gone, so why dont you do that too. Undo all this reintroduced system crap that Ion’s team has added to the game throughout the years.

Re introduce master looter, and auto accept party. Learn to stop punishing your players, or else you wont have any. Remember blizzard, players play games for fun, so make the game fun. You current game still isn’t fun. Nobody wanted azerite gear, corruption gear, conduits, domination gear or sockets. We told you all this from the start.

Serious. Fix the ah issue or you still will be losing 2 more subs and 1 whale.(me Please go look at my purchases in my account if you don’t believe me blizz )

Also maybe fix the profession API its only been not working for what 8 months?

So i appreciate all the work but there is still alot to fix, replacing the game director might be a good idea as well, as I have literally zero faith that he can turn this around. All he’ll do is add more crappy systems and try to pawn it off and the “next greatest thing” as thats his MO. Just replace him and lets actually get this game heading in the proper direction to work with the players instead of always always against them.

Thanks you sooo much! I am so cited about the Char Custies!

Please can you guys up grade our garrisons next?

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I’d really just like to have my weekly arena record work and reset every week like it should. The game is in a horrible situation in PvP with all the borrowed powers that EVERYONE was telling you would be impossible to balance. I have been back in the game about 9 weeks (Knee surgery) I can’t work and I can’t walk. With literally no other options but to listen to Screamin A. Smith, it’s still a struggle to bring myself to log in. Why are there 7 levels of honor gear to grind? Why are 6 and 7 more expensive than upgrading conquest gear to combatant or challenger? Please make this make sense? And please just let me see what my weekly record in arena is without an addon.

This is a great change, but you’re still missing one thing:

The introductory quest in the Maw needs a skip.

“I’ve heard this story before”.

I actually love this idea. Make our Covenant switch like our Soulbind switches currently. I’d be all for this.

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Orc and Human Demon Hunters please.

I have one other suggestion aside from the promising updates already mentioned. Would it be possible for us to be able to pick up our Calling Quests from the Covenant Pane if we click on the Covenant Calling we’re wanting to do?

I suggest this, because I can’t count the number of times I’ve thought I had the quest for say “Terrors in Tirna Scithe”, only to complete the criteria and find I need to do a dungeon now. It would really be a helpful quality of life improvement if we could pick up callings the same way we pick up quests from the Adventure Guide.

When it comes to the limitations on Covenant-switching, millions of players experienced Shadowlands for the first time through the lens of their Covenant of choice, and that would have not been possible had the choice carried less weight from the outset.

Watching Max from Limit and I have to agree. This is horrifying to read because it makes me question if you will ever learn anything because its delusional.

I had another day to think on this and it makes me even madder. This is such a god damn slap in the face to the players. How about you guys stop making excuses and admit it was a complete failure that could have been avoided, apologize to the players and say it will never happen again. Anything less then that proves again you dont care at all.


If anyone “sounds” angry that right there shows you as the culprit. You must be new to this game but most of us have made suggestion after suggestion in alphas & betas repeatedly, as well as during live game play and been ignored far more than being listened to.
These are a nice start but they have a long way to go after treating us, the players like the enemy time and time again when all we were doing were trying to help.
Name calling only negates your existence in this thread and really aren’t worth acknowledgement but I had a few minutes to attempt to enlighten one so less fortunate at comprehension.

I don’t think Blizzard are quite yet done with milking easy faction transfer $$$ from the remaining alliance players/guilds switching to horde. There’s still a lot of money to be made there, so I highly doubt they will allow cross-faction grouping anytime soon.

Why is “The World of Warcraft Team” signing these messages? What happened to communication from Ion Hazzikostas? Is he still bunkered up because of the scrutiny on the company from the California lawsuit?

I’m not sure why any of us should care. This is literally what happened in BFA and what was predicted all of shadowlands:

  1. Blizzard develops systems with clear flaws

  2. Beta players point out those flaws and suggest changes

  3. Blizzard ignores the feedback giving excuses like, “that just effect hard core players” or “you think you want it but you don’t.”

  4. Everyone hates it for months or years

  5. Blizzard fixes it citing the game changing, accepting no responsibility for ignoring feedback and implementing a bad system

Rinse, repeat. Stop lighting me on fire and asking me to thank you for pissing on me to put it out.


Both the Covenant switching and the use of cosmetic rewards will also apply to alts once the Renown threshold is reached on one character.

Does this unlock cosmetics and mounts from ALL covenants that you’ve earned across characters once ONE toon hits max renown, or do you need max renown in each covenant to unlock the related cosmetics/mounts?

Im confused.

This post says “Once you’ve reached a high Renown threshold”.

However the main post here:

9.1.5 Content Update Preview (

says “Players who reach max Renown for their Covenant”.

So which is it? “high” or “max”?

And if the second, what is considered max - as it is at release, or the total possible maximum"?

The conduit energy change is welcome.

I’m not so happy with the covenant changes. This means a third round of stupidly expensive and time-consuming legendary crafting on my moonkin spec because you nerfed BoaT to the ground in 9.1, I just made Pulsar, and now I will have to make Sinful Hysteria. It will also lead to “Hold on, if I’m DPS I need to go switch to Venthyr. We don’t have a lock. Can two people run out and go to the stone?” Ugh.

Why can’t you just balance the covenants instead of pulling the ripcord like this? I don’t want to be essentially forced to level all four now and craft a ton of covenant-specific legendaries in order to feel like I’m pulling my weight.

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If I had to guess, max in 9.1.5 and “high” for 9.2 onwards.

So 80 Renown.

How do you balance several radically different abilities in different forms of content?

How do you make it so an ability like Frenzy, which needs to be used 10-15 seconds before you want it’s major pay-off is equal to an ability like Convoke, which has it’s strength in it’s immediate impact (especially healing and defensive-wise for Bears/Trees) is equal to the Necro ability which is all about sustained HPS/Multidotting.

You can’t. And that’s not even factoring in stuff like the utility each Covenant gives between things like Soulbinds or Dungeon buffs.

Balancing Covenants was always going to be a pipe dream, even if it wasn’t Blizzard in charge of balance them.

AMG it’s about damn time. I chose my covenant for RP reasons only to discover it was literally last for damage after everything was “balanced”. Although this will mean I’ll have to completely change my legenderies… again. Would be nice to make that a little faster toward the end as well.

Let this be a lesson, Blizzard.