[Shadowlands] Covenant Feedback From Passionate Player Without Beta Access

Blizzard makes some very strange hills to die on. This is one of them. I don’t get why they’re doing it, but I’ve accepted it because it’s not a big deal.

The people who this is most going to impact are Mythic Dungeon puggers… and the vast majority of those people won’t have to worry because they’re under a 500 Raider IO score anyway - they won’t get the invite no matter what their covenant is.

Correct, it doesn’t fit as is. That’s why I said they could turn the round hole into a square hole, in which case both pegs (both types of players) would fit in the same hole (since the original round hole has been adjusted to accommodate both players and everyone can have fun playing the game)

But sure, stick with your argument that one type of peg should enjoy the game more than another, for no other reason than because that’s how it is right now. Blizzard constantly changes their game design when they realized they did it poorly. All these posts are aimed at getting them to do so sooner rather than later.

It will impact anyone who cares about both enjoying the aesthetics/cosmetics/rp flavor of their covenant, and also being as effective as possible in gameplay.

As it stands right now the only people who won’t be affected negatively are those who simply don’t care about one or the other, or those who got lucky enough to have their best player power options come from the covenant they like.

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My only gripe is how bland some abilities are, some classes are still boring, and maw is pretty boring.

Torghast received some weird changes with it’s structure.

Past that OP, I can’t relate to your issues with the next expansion.

You’ll be able to do most content anyway… even when this goes live as is. Don’t know what to tell you.

Yes, we’d like the game to be more inclusive of playstyles. It could be better for everyone instead of just one group.

I mean, you’re a Lightforged Draenei Ret Paladin. Are you aware your race currently sims the lowest for your spec, by a full 200 DPS points? You’re not optimal as is and should race change.

Of course I’m not serious, but you’re already accepting some level of compromise here for aethetics. There will be a disparity between the powers. It may even be more than racials, but I think they’re going to fall well within most people’s acceptable levels of difference… if they want to make the choice based on aethetics.

I do think folks are making mountains out of molehills on this one.

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If you think that, you haven’t looked into them at all.

Tuning aside, they simply function differently. Some of them (for the same classes) do good single target damage, others are aoe focused, some interact with other abilities and change your rotational gameplay, some will very effective in one type of gameplay and nearly worthless in others.

I’ll use monk as an example.

One option for monk is an aoe ability on a 30 second cooldown that leaves a graphic on the ground. When you stand in that graphic during combat, your abilities have a chance to reset the cooldown making it usable even more often than every 30 sec.

Another has a very long long 3 minute cooldown, and you just press it and it buffs your throughput for a little bit.

So what if I really like the gameplay addition of the Night Fae ability that I can use often, adds rotational and positional gameplay to the spec and makes it more enjoyable… but I hate the Night Fae covenant? Now you are forced to choose between enjoyable combat gameplay or enjoying that covenant you are in for 2 years.

They’re not done tuning the numbers yet - they’ve said as much.

Then don’t pick the Night Fae covenant. Pick the covenant you want. Look, if you’re relying on 1 single ability from a covenant to salvage the class and make it enjoyable, I think you’re misdiagnosing the problem. You obviously hate your class - maybe it’s because Blizzard has dropped the ball (I’ve heard this feedback a lot from Monks) in that regard… not the covenant.

I’m going to stick with my Priest… because priest looks great in SL. Whatever covenant ability I pick will just supplement a class that works just fine without it.

This is the exact message I’m trying to convey put concisely. Thank you.

Just being able to do the content isn’t what I’m concerned with. Will I be okay with sub optimal choices in some aspects of the game? Sure. But just because I’ll be okay doesn’t mean that it’s right. I suppose you’re a pretty casual player, and that’s fine, but my concerns are rooted from doing a high level of content in both PvE and PvP.

You being indifferent because of your playstyle not being affected doesn’t mean you should try to downplay how other people feel about it because their playstyle is affected. Each playstyle is unique and people like the game for their individual reasons, but that doesn’t mean we can’t both have what we want. These things are not mutually exclusive.


Yep, more or less.

Sorry, but no. its a matter of priorities. Having the more enjoyable ability that affects actual gameplay is simply more important to me than the aesthetics of my covenant, so I will pick the Night Fae even if I don’t them. That doesn’t mean I don’t care about the aesthetics or wouldn’t enjoy the game more if I could choose a covenant I liked and enjoy an additional cool ability.

The point is, there is no reason at all to make them exclusive from eachother. No one has made any logical argument for tying player power to covenants. All you are saying is “I don’t think it will effect me so I don’t care if other people are unhappy with it”

Right now, some people will enjoy the game less because of the system. If they unlocked player power from it, no one would suffer from it or enjoy the game less.

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I’ll never quite get why people ever say: “If you don’t agree with me, you shouldn’t say anything”… you’re really not providing a compelling reason for me to shut up.

They can’t. The Covenant they want thematically/aesthetically is not the same Covenant they will perform the best with. What we’re saying is that choice shouldn’t have to exist.

When did I tell you to stop replying? You’re missing the point of what I said entirely.


Someone wasn’t here during the Argent Crusade Tournament…

What are you talking about? The Argent Crusade tournament was fine. Granted, they didn’t put it in the zone they originally intended to, but it wasn’t ‘rushed out the door’ in an incomplete state.

It took an entire year for ICC to come out. A. Year.

BINGO. You hit the nail on the head, my friend.


But again, in the hypothetical you set up, you’re literally depending on this one covenant ability… or else combat is not enjoyable and, as a result, you’re not enjoying the covenant you are in.

If the class is not enjoyable in combat before your covenant pick to you, then you’re playing the wrong class. You’re putting too much responsibility on the covenant to fix that.

It’s a weird hill for Blizzard to die on. On that, we can agree. Anyway, I hope you’re wrong… because if it’s as big of a problem as you think it is, the entire expansion is doomed to fail.

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Okay? But that doesn’t really link to what the person you replied to initially said. Content taking time to release is fairly normal.

Why in the world has this post been hidden and flagged for trolling? It’s genuine feedback and an important conversation that needs to be had.

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