Shadowlands: Consolidated Priest Feedback (What does and doesn't work)

This hasn’t been implemented yet. There are two copies of the PI spell in the game, one in use, one not. The changes made to PI were to the version not in use.

Did they boost the damage to SW:D this build? I assume this change will be reflected in the damage we receive, so if we use it to execute without a kill it’ll really hurt…

yep. the %100 bonus damage is only on targets below or at %20 health and it does reflect if they don’t die.

Not a fan.


no one is…no…one…is…

He meant “low key” in reference to the desire to see who my main was. As in it’s something they’d wanted to know but hadn’t wanted to ask about. Nothing in reference to your logs, performance, or status.

Mine are nothing to write home about either tbf,

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what are you on about? I was talking about Hpellipsis. I don’t care if you flew to the moon yourself. You came in rude as hell, talking numbers so you can walk your rude self out of this conversation. thank you and good bye.


I think they might change that to it only damages you for the base damage of the spell without the %100 bonus damage. I don’t know if that would be any better. I would prefer the live talent just being baseline without any changes.

Historically they haven’t but one would seriously hope so. The backlash damage at base serves its purpose (Flavour, breaking cc in pvp). Doubling it in specific circumstances does nothing except deter people from pressing it, the damage isn’t even anything special to justify a penalty (Not that abilities should even have penalties in WoW… especially when no other spec does).


that’s exactly how I feel.


Which would be hilarious. It would mean using it above 20% health on a boss would be pointless because it does absolutely no damage, and using it on a boss below 20% health would also be pointless because if you didnt kill the boss with it you would risk killing yourself.

If that’s actually how it works, it makes the spell even worse than it was before rofl


I don’t think this is true. If it risks killing you at 100% increased damage, then above 20% its doing half that, which is a sizeable amount of damage. If it does little damage, then the execute bonus isn’t going to kill you, though it is needless and annoying to have. It’s also instant and generates 15 insanity, we are going to press it. It might not feel good to do so, but we’re going to.

How are going to bring back so many abilites for other classes and leave priest in the dust this hard. It just baffles me… Like HEEELLLLOOOOOO


No. It won’t. It generates 15 insanity and does slightly less damage than a mind blast. It’s used every 12 globals (Cd 10 globals) standing still, and with the amount of movement in modern wow encounters, saying you “Only use something when moving” isn’t saying much.

Let’s also consider for a moment that if this ability is tuned to be a movement ability (Less damage than half a mind flay, and then some to offset the insanity), then attempting to promote it to “Execute” by doubling it is… incredibly poorly thought out.


Just like the rest of the SP changes…


And no one should be surprised


Shadow Word: Death is basically a PvP ability now. I think that’s the intention. All priests will be able to get themselves out of breakable CC with the ability if timed well, which makes priests stronger in PvP but it’s pretty much useless for PvE.


my thing is why didn’t they make the damage reflect component a pvp talent. I think its targeted toward the %1 high ranking pvp players to give shadow more viability against cc not the average player. But then again I don’t do much pvping other than random bg.

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Make it an undispellable dot.

This would be preferable. I get the RP angle but that’s just annoying as hell that I’m executing myself if I happen to be off a few % when fighting an opponent.

Especially frustrating in pvp.

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