Shadowlands: Consolidated Priest Feedback (What does and doesn't work)

For sure shadow priests and priests in general need love. For sure the silence from Blizzard is astonishing and the “it’s only alpha” doesn’t apply.
Our class is under performing even for non high-end content now and it will be worst for Shadowlands. Let’s not forget also that people who are strongly defending our class also want new players or more casual players to have a more fun experience, to join the community.
At the end everyone can express their feelings and it is totally what players should do. It is what we are doing with our friends and family, it is what we are doing when we are sharing our passions, when we are concerned.
And if someone want to argue that the deeply invested part of the community sayings are non-sense…we should totally don’t care, let him express himself and if you can’t stand it, ignore him.

Hmmm. How can I obfuscate the issue and make trivial objections to avoid the overall point you’ve proven with patch notes?

Twirls mustache


Can we just all start reporting Odin for trolling? Hes either that steadfast which is a problem or hes outright trolling.


Better answer is to not reply to him if you don’t want him to reply. He mostly replies and argues, not making his own feedback.

He has done nothing worth reporting in my opinion.


And I disagree with that assertion.

Correct, aside from that I believe Shadow Priests can do mythic raids.

Or, to put it another way: I believe that any combination of tank, DPS, and healer, with any combination of talent choices and Azerite traits, can do mythic raids. The only exception to this would be if certain mechanics literally required a specific type of counter (Ex: Interrupting a channeled spell, so the raid is unwinnable if your composition somehow didn’t have an interrupt).

It’s not optimal, and depending on the composition, will take far, far longer than the optimal/average strategies, but it’s doable. Apply the same concept to the gear cap of M+, +15.

No, I’m not. I’ve said this before: Balance changes can be/have been made due to and targeting high-end content, but the vast majority of all balance changes, are not targeted to top-end players/content.

That includes previous expansion’s balance changes, that includes balancing on Alphas on previous expansions, etc. That include every change made from 8.0 to now.

Not all balance changes are about content completion, but most are.

Hey, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong. I’m just going to let you be wrong now.


I can play your game if you want and just point out random changes that have nothing to do with end-game content. I’m willing to bet I can find far, far more posts that target either bug fixes, overall class changes, etc, than you can changes were solely made with end-game content/players in mind:


  • Frost
    • Ice Lance damage increased by 20%.
      • Developers’ note: Ice Lance damage hasn’t kept up with Icicles’ scaling, making builds that ignore Ice Lance possible. The intent of this change is to give Frost Mages a better incentive to use Ice Lance in their rotation.

  • Life Cocoon now heals for 60% of the Monk’s maximum health (was 1100% of the caster’s spellpower).
  • Developers’ note: This ability had gotten weaker compared to player health pools since the start of the expansion, and this will help it better maintain its value.

Patch 4.0.1

Ammo has been removed from the game.

Focus has replaced mana as a new resource for hunters.

Etc, etc.

Edit: Removing the little pictures because I can’t post pictures is frustrating.

Edit 2: Looking over it, I think the words “content completion” with respect to intent for balance changes isn’t exactly what I’m going for. I’m more referring to changes made targeted towards/with either all players or the majority of them in mind.

I still have no idea what youre trying to argue in favor of.


He’s arguing for the sake of arguing.

And just for fun, I tested a few things. I simmed my character with the same gear I have now but with the worst Azerite traits that I can choose as Shadow. I didn’t cheat and use Holy/Disc traits. I also chose the worst talents I could chose as Shadow. I also chose the worst Essences I could as Shadow. So this is still using borrowed power, but all of them are choices I could make.

I also simmed my character but with no traits, bad essences, and no corruption. It still has the same gear as I do with the best talents possible.

I then went to Warcraftlogs and chose Shad’har (probably the most straightforward fight DPS wise). I picked 3 fights at random from the slowest 20 Shad’har kills. They were 803k DPS, 786k DPS, and 802k DPS.

Guess what? A raid of 17 of either sim couldn’t clear Mythic Shad’har. That’s 17 people playing perfectly on a Patchwork simulation doing 0 other mechanics. That’s not even taking into account needing tanks. I’m also assuming only 3 healers doing no damage. This isn’t fair though because these groups were running with 4 to 6 healers doing minimal damage. This is also assuming we don’t need tanks. If we were to put in some sub-optimal tanks, it would get even worse.

For the record, my character sims at 84k DPS. The Shadow Priest with as little borrowed power as possible sims at 40k DPS (half the damage and I can’t actually removed all the borrowed power since RaidBots won’t let me). The Shadow Priest with the sub-optimal setup sims at 44k DPS.

I also left all buffs on, despite not being able to have a Bloodlust, Mystic Touch, Arcane Intellect, etc. And the fight in the sim is actually shorter than the real fight would take, which actually benefits your point over mine.

So, there you go. A perfectly played raid with “any combination of talent choices and Azerite traits” couldn’t beat one of the easiest bosses in the raid while ignoring every single mechanic.


He hasnt even done a plus 15 in a month. Looked at his RaiderIo. I hasnt done anything in a month.

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Agreed. The WoD design is underrated as well. We had 3 different playstyles that were all supposed to have their strengths and weaknesses, they just weren’t tuned correctly but they could have been easily.

This, it’s just too much. They keep messing with the same mechanic over and over again and nothing seems to change, it’s still unable to be balanced. Just… Let it go. Please. We didn’t ask for this. Give us our dark archangel theme back too.





10/10 man. You nailed it.


Than we can have spells that actually feel good to use agane!



Did you guys check the new build? there is minor changes to priest in general.

they made PW:D it %100 harder on targets below %20 health which means it will hit you %100 harder if they don’t die.

they list the night Fae ability as changed on wowhead but the only thing changed about it is that they removed Mindblast from the list of spells that give you buffs. So in other words they nerfed it.

the changes does not address any of the issues mentioned in player feedback. I mean why did they bother ask us for feedback?

it’s official the Devs are trolling :rofl:


SWD had backlash damage, yes, however the backlash damage scaling with the increased damage of SWD has always been a problem. Most notably during firelands, and was swiftly followed by a raid set bonus that reduced the backlash damage whilst buffing the damage of SWD. Shadow also had significant self healing to offset the backlash damage, that has all but vanished.

The backlash damage is great, it’s a bit of flagellant flavour and its what PvPers have been wanting back for a solid 5-7 years at this point. That damage doesn’t need to be large though, and it definitely doesn’t need to get larger for no good reason.

Complaints are also, quite rightly, more aimed at Blizzard’s inaction on aspects of the spec that are problematic, and not on the small changes they do make. Honestly, SWD being an execute spell again is a good change, but doubling the backlash damage on top of that serves absolutely zero relevant purpose.ìs


How are these two things supposed to coexist? We had no ramp up voidform at the start of BFA, people hated it because there was no reason to stay in it.


They need to fix literally everything with the spec. In Shadow Lands there are zero redeeming qualities. None. The spells feel bland and have little to no interaction. The talents are terrible. No utility. Really bad CC.


Let’s summarize the four changes that shadow has gotten up to now:

  • One of the two Kyrian abilities now generates Insanity. Right, because the second one doesn’t matter.
  • Night Fae Kyrian ability no longer works with Mind Blast, leaving Void Bolt as the only option for Shadow…
  • SW:D damage in execute has been increased, fully ignoring the history of why the backlash damage was removed in Mists of Pandaria. It was too much self damage when SW:D actually dealt damage. Additionally, SW:D not on Mastery still is a problem.
  • Power Infusion now uses the legion design again, just with VF actually having no benefit. Further, the cooldown still sounds like “use it to extend Voidform”, which would significantly limit the moments you can use it. While we don’t have anything worth ramping up right now, a cooldown that inherently is designed for ramp-up is bad.

The changes go from hardly fix anything, creating new problems, and making stuff worse. That’s does hardly bode well for what might (or more likely not) come.


Lowkey been dying to see your main :rofl:…I have to say I didn’t think it would be a goblin.

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