Shadowlands: Consolidated Priest Feedback (What does and doesn't work)

The damage reflect component doesn’t need to be big enough to matter in pve, for it to be able to break cc in pvp. The damage reflect is not a problem inherently. And I’d frankly never want to waste a pvp talent getting the effect.

The fact it doubles under 20%, and is generally just going to rise as SWD is properly tuned, is.

fair enough. Why not just make it %20 of the spells base damage unaffected by the “execution” bonus( the %100 dmage increase)

so like if base damage is 100 if my math is right it will hit a target at or below %20 health for 200. make it so if the target does not die we will take 20 damage (%20 of the base spell damage)

wouldn’t it be better that way if the purpose of the self-damage factor is to break cc? am I missing something?

That’s what I would hope the follow up is, if blizzard keeps the general design and workings of shadow word death.

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I am Canadian and it absolutely does not have a different meaning lol.


How does your 2nd statement NOT contradict your first?
The only difference I see is having a Void Form cool down button. But the rest of the time you would play just like the first statement.
So what am I missing?


Seeing all of these blueposts doing in depth changes to other classes as often as it is happening gives me a lil bit of hope that maybe priest’s turn is coming and at least some of our core issues will be adressed.

Or they “Run out of time and will get us in 9.1”



most likely this but they will have another excuse because their public image can’t take another hit, especially after BFA.

so something like " we wanted to wait for all the systems to be implemented before doing any critical changes to make sure we target the core issues"

something like that. They also most likely gonna mention it in an interview because that’s how they been selling players on the changes and decision they been making. the interviews are not to communicate with the community butt to sell the community on whatever choices Blizz made.

example: when Preach did his interview with Morgan Torments weren’t mentioned at all the next day had a patch with the torments on them. When they discussed Torghast why didn’t the topic of torment come up?

interviews are strategic pr to monitor the community reception and control it.

If it weren’t for the community being absolutely against any sort of timer in Torghast they would’ve not changed them.

this is how i see it. Just saying.

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Or that, but im trying to be opthimistic. Maybe they will just do some bandaid fixes like they did so far, or maybe they will finnaly break the cycle. We can only hope.

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Wouldnt be surprised if they have big plans for every spec in 10.0 and they just want to get through this expansion but SHadow needs rebuilt NOW. Not in 2 years. Now. In the end I think theyll just make our Legendary STUPID OP just to make us ok until then.


you’re being too optimistic. Most of the issues brought in the feedback is from BFA Alpha so what were they doing in the 2 years of development? they have acknowledged the spec as a troubled one but when alpha hit there were no changes.

people who are being optimistic and hoping for changes are missing this point. they had 2 years to fix the class and chose not to touch it at all. Its been about 3 months of alpha and they still barely touched the spec. If they wanted to fix it they would’ve fixed it by now.

but hey just like all these idiots, accusing us of whining and complaining like babies, keep saying “its alpha” right?


I think that to myself too. but after bfa you never know.

dun dun dun.

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Wow. Nice self own twice in one thread. You call out a priest that smashes you (nicely)and then lash out at someone not talking to you. I wish I could give you a snickers.


I play this game for enjoyment not to get self esteem from my performance. I save that for stuff that actually matters, not video games.


so you are not a CE guild but hoping to be one.

I didn’t attack your personal life (or at least I didn’t mean to) you’re the one who said that you have to play the game because your guild wants to be CE and that you are better then everyone else and their voices and opinions are invalid because we are not the top %2 and you are, but then decided to withdraw that post to fully play the victim.

We pay the same amount of money each month why is your voice valid and mine is not. Why are you trying to silence people who just want to enjoy the game. you came here and said that because you are “Top %2” your opinion is valid while others aren’t.


oh so now that I call you out its whatever. Treat people the way you want to be treated. If you were nice people would’ve been nice.

I think that’s admirable, and while we disagree on how to do this I’d hope we both want to see better than whatever shadowlands has in store.

I’m also pretty firmly of the opinion that shadow was harder to push the percentages on in warlords, but that voidform is significantly more visceral in it’s punishment of poor performance, which makes it “feel” more difficult. Though those semantics aren’t particularly relevant to your comment.

Also a fun note. Void Bolt rank 2 makes shadow significantly harder to play optimally because of the loss of movement, however it also feels like absolute garbage.


are you sure it’s not from utica

maybe albany