I’m not going to address everything you’ve said because I don’t want to have to spend four hours typing something up that you’ll try to nitpick while avoiding the overarching message.
However, here is the problem: you think you’re smarter than everyone else. You can argue it all you want, but it’s incredibly obvious to everyone. Newsflash: you’re not. And even if you were, it literally doesn’t matter. You don’t play Shadow. You don’t play high keys. You don’t push content to the point that balance actually matters. Hell, you don’t even do baseline content like +15s. Other people do. They still matter.
At the end of the day, even having a harder time pushing the highest content isn’t the issue that Shadow (and Disc and Holy, but I’m mostly speaking from a Shadow perspective) Priests are complaining about right now. The problem is that, once again, we are getting zero feedback from Blizzard about our class.
Legion: Shadow Priests were crazy strong because of S2M. The spec was high risk, high reward. But because the people who push content can play well, the reward was nerfed. It was then high risk, meh reward. People were frustrated with Voidform, the playstyle, the ramp, etc. But Blizzard made it work with Legendaries, Artifact Weapons, etc.
BFA Alpha: Shadow Priests asked what was happening to Shadow now that they’re losing everything propping them up to make them a decent class. Blizzard says “No updates as of yet!”. Priests kept asking. Blizzard gave no feedback. Priests kept asking. Finally, Blizzard responds, “Oh man, we wish we knew earlier! We hear your concerns but now it’s the end of the Alpha and too late for anything but tuning. Check back for exciting updates in 8.1!”
8.1: Shadow Priests get literally nothing except some more borrowed power to prop them up. Sure, they become a pretty decent class damage wise. But it’s all borrowed power. They haven’t addressed a single thing. No actual class changes. Shadow Priests ask Blizzard what happened to their class updates and Blizzard responds “Well, we don’t do class changes in the middle of an expansion, but check back for exciting updates in the next expansion!”
The rest of BFA: Shadow Priests continue to get propped up because they’re underperforming. Then the tuning of the borrowed power was off, so they nerf us. Unfortunately, they keep nerfing the class abilities, talents, etc, while only propping us up with more borrowed power. Everything that makes Shadow playable is borrowed power. Seriously. Go boost a Mage and do world content, some dungeons, etc. It feels slow, but it’s playable and makes sense. You contribute. Go boost a Shadow Priest and do the same thing. It feels absolutely awful. Everything takes forever to kill and you’re likely to die much more often. It’s literally faster to do content as Holy or Disc than as Shadow on a boosted character lacking the BFA borrowed power.
Shadowlands Alpha: Shadow Priests ask where the changes are. Blizzard responds, “well we made it so you’re less mobile and uh… well we changed S2M again but it’s still unplayably bad.” Priests give a ton of feedback. Blizzard says nothing. Priests give more feedback. Blizzard says nothing. Priests continue to give feedback. Blizzard answers a question or two during some long interviews. The response: “We have no updates at this time, but we hear you.” The problem with that is this is exactly what happened in the BFA Alpha. The next thing we expect to hear is “Sorry, it’s too late in Alpha for any meaningful changes. Check back for exciting updates in 9.1!”
We’ve heard it all before. Unless they actually do something, Shadow is going to be nearly unplayable in 9.0. 9.1 they’ll give us some borrowed power and we’ll be okay damage-wise. 9.2 they’ll give us more borrowed power and we’ll be very, very strong halfway through the patch because of gear scaling. 9.3 they’ll nerf some of the core Shadow abilities to tone us down. The next expansion Alpha we’ll ask what they’re going to do to ensure we’re not awful from losing all the borrowed power. And the cycle will repeat. Again.
That is why Shadow Priest are so upset right now.
Everyone is calling you a troll because you don’t play Shadow, you don’t push content, you don’t work for Blizzard and yet you tell everyone that they’re overreacting, Shadow is fine in most content, and that Blizzard has a plan.
Don’t bother nitpicking this, I’m not going to read your asinine responses. Just read it, take it in, and either accept it or disregard it. I honestly believe that you think you’re not trolling. But you are. You are bringing nothing useful to the discussion and nitpicking people’s posts for a reaction. That’s trolling.