See this is why you are a troll. Why do you care so much about shadow spec when you have said yourself that you don’t care for it and don’t play it…
you said it yourself you don’t play it even if they change it to a worse mechanic how does that affect you? You said it yourself it wouldn’t affect you.
but you wanna come here and start arguing with people, for what?
this conversation does not address you so leave and stop trolling.
It’s not the position held, it’s the apparent eagerness to argue the same point over and over. I also see a distinct lack of charitable interpretation of others’ view points. I.E. it’s that the person needs to be educated, not that they have a valid grievance.
You have to understand that some people consider themselves as the arbiters of truth. Never mind that unnamed poster doesn’t play shadow, they know shadow better than you and others and your statements are silly opinions while theirs are facts.
You NEED to be educated by this person you silly shadow players. /S
The name also doesn’t help, the guy thinks he is a God reborn. Even the god in question, Odin, is someone with perfect knowledge of the universe. His moniker pretty much means “Sole Arbiter of Truth”.
Except it’s…not? I mean, I don’t need hard data to say “The vast majority of M+ players haven’t done a +20”, for example. It’s an objective, factual statement, there’s no leeway.
People make that association because it matches your personality.
Your first name was Odin, you picked that because it suited your ego.
You picked Odin Reborn because it suited your ego.
Uh, no, pretty sure I picked Odin because I liked the name at the time. That was also at least 18 years ago, so I must be pretty clairvoyant with regards to how my personality would change throughout the years.
But uh, thanks for trying to tell me why I picked my own name.
This is a very good breakdown, so I quoted it for emphasis.
Last response I anticipate making on this subject. I believe you’re not trying to be a jerk. But… you kinda are. You very rarely acknowledge a counter point and arrive almost like clockwork to let people know you disagree, but your only purpose in doing so is to… what? You don’t want changes to shadow or discipline. You don’t play those. You want changes to holy but you think most holy players on this forum are being unreasonable.
So your purpose in persisting comes off to all of us as nothing more than being a wandering self-appointed arbiter of truth, unmoved by any counter argument but presenting your own opinion with the force of fact.
I believe it’s not intentional because I also notice what you don’t do – your argument techniques are aggressive, and dismissive, but don’t carry with them implied attacks on the person, which is very rare for someone who is surely frustrated consistently arguing with an entire forum annoyed with him. I respect that. But you need to respect that others have valid interpretations of the facts before them that are contradictory to your own.
I think a very good example is the conflict over what sort of feedback people want from Blizzard. You’re right, they have acknowledged before that they are listening. Simply stating that comment again would not be new information from the perspective of someone merely compiling a summary of data a year from now.
However, information is more than the words said. Reiterating information in general increases its visibility; in specific here, it suggests that developers believe the Shadow community and Priest community have valid anxieties, and encourages players to continue giving feedback. It demonstrates respect. So while detailed feedback might not be possible at any given moment, most things are preferable to absolute silence.
Imagine you are at a restaurant, and the food is delayed because something caught fire; it would be nice if the waiter told us what had happened. Sure, we knew we would be waiting for food, and them letting us know we will be waiting longer isn’t really adding new information from a certain perspective, but it’s an important part of the relationship there. The waiter would certainly prefer not to come out until there’s good news or the food is done, but at a certain point, best practices are to keep communicating even if you don’t really want to, and I’d say my past experience is that they will continue to give you updates every 15 minutes or so.
Now, you may say, I am a patient customer. I don’t need this information, I can wait quite a while. That’s great! But not only is not everyone you, in this analogy you are also not hungry or thirsty, you just came because you like the atmosphere and you can watch the big game on the TVs. It would be unreasonable to expect everyone to be equally patient in the face of no new information as the customer who wants nothing.
…To let people know I…disagree? I mean, I could just literally forgo saying that. I wouldn’t think saying “I disagree” equates to a hostile dismissal of opinion.
I’ve never once said this, especially not for Discipline. See this link. Don’t put me in on the other extreme side just because I don’t agree with the overall drastic changes suggested on this forum. And yes, I do play Discipline, I’ve played Discipline all throughout Legion and switched back and forth frequently throughout BFA.
Not unreasonable. I think there’s an assumption, like most people on their main classes in their respective subforums, that every expansion outright requires major reworks for their specific class, regardless of whether or not its warranted.
I disagree. Damn it, I did it again.
No, because as I’ve stated multiple times before, there’s a dichotomy in the perception of what constitutes balance. This subforum purportedly determines balance by how viable a spec is at the bleeding-edge, 1% of content.
I don’t care about how a class performs in the top 1% of content. What’s viable at the top 1% doesn’t dictate viability for all of the content beneath it.
Classes are primarily balanced around what is most completeable by the playerbase as a whole. If you can’t agree with me on this, then we’re fundamentally at odds regardless.
If they weren’t, then you would be barred from your BiS or whatever gear you’re going for because your class is fundamentally unable to complete the content. That is a failure of class design, and that’s where I would suggest heavier balance changes.
For M+, Blizzard has drawn the proverbial line in the sand at +15. Can every healer do a +15? Yes. Do some healers have it easier than others? Yup. But I’m not competing against other healers. I’m competing against the content. And in M+'s case, content that doesn’t cap. And because it doesn’t cap, you are always going to have a class or classes that can’t complete the highest keys.
If bleeding-edge M+ content awarded gear or had any effect on literally any kind of power progression whatsoever, then I would be on board with you. But it doesn’t.
I just want a rework, I dont care how or what they do for shadow, anything that doesn’t rely on borrowed power and most of the expansion spriest is unplayable again. Honestly if they make spriest the first melee cloth wearer that goes crazy beating the enemy with an off-hand book while screaming ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagnl and somehow make that work on it’s own, I will be fine so long as it’s not another repeat of how bad we were in BFA.