See, the reason I saw a new IP: If it’s Diablo 4, it’ll just be in the Diablo panel. If it’s the new WoW expansion, it’ll be during the WoW panel. Overwatch 2? Overwatch panel.
But there’s a Coming Soon! on Day 2. So that’s probably the most curious part I have about this year’s Blizzcon. Though now looking at the schedule, there’s no “Diablo Update” scheduled like the rest of the games, so maybe that’s part of the Coming Soon! Still though, I’m interested in if we’ll get a new IP.
I can’t post links, people ran it through a ELA Analysis tool, to see that the text and the image was added onto whatever background that was, after the fact with photoshop.
You can find a link to this tool and the images showcasing this forging at the original MMOchamp thread this came from.
Also MMOchamp has had people trolling all week with fake leaks.
Its very interesting. Its certainly possible that a new IP is shown and what you have said does certainly make sense. Id love to see a new IP but I just havent seen any real evidence we will see it this Blizzcon
Could be that there is no evidence. I don’t remember Overwatch being shown in any way prior to its sudden reveal back in…gosh, was that 2014 or 2015? We just suddenly got a trailer during the opening ceremony.
WoW expansions typically leak right before Blizzcon. Blizzard got smart with their trademarks.
Happened with Mist, happened with WoD, happened with Legion. I don’t doubt in a few days, we’ll get an actual leak, likely just a name. And that’s that.
Also lets not forget the time, the entire Wrath reveal was leaked a few days before Blizzcon.
Yep and it was awesome. Im really holding out for the OW2 stuff to be true. Especially when people have been BEGGING for more story for OW since it was first revealed
LOL that’s PHOTOSHOP! 100% fake image, Bolvar’s helmet of domination has fiery eyes to begin with, they basically took Lich King from his own trailer and made edits.
I have actually seen this hammer somewhere before - it’s not from WoW but another game, Its been a long time but I can confirm this is just a copy/paste hammer from some forgotten game.
But why would the leaker spend so much time making a REALLY convincing photo to forget that piece? That would make no sense at all and just sounds stupid tbh. I mean maybe you are right but if thats the case then the leaker the big dumb on that mess up
Because some people have too much free time and wanna mess with others(trolls). The very same reason the “leaker” created a VERY long and detailed shadowlands “leak” saying Sylvannas would take SW and we would kill the horde, everyone dies and we all enter shadowlands and obviously that’s fake but wow was that post very long.
Also don’t forget this leak which was 100% faked(both the ghostly ships in sw, and the giant map):
I mean Im not saying the leak will 100% happen. But tbh based off what I am seeing that is just to big of a detail for the leaker to just miss. Maybe I end up being wrong but I do kinda think that image has at least a chance to be real. And to be fair unlike the Bolvar image that one looked more like the in-game cinematics which are far easier to do. I mean eh maybe Im wrong but I think this one can at least possibly end up happening
How hard is it for people to properly link things! You don’t need trust level to link easily.
Just use a ` to the start and end of a link already and stop with the random spacing.
Second, what a hypocrite you are with making a statement like–
and then follow up with–
So what, we should blindly believe you? Some random person who just gives a snarky “Fake, next!” response without actually saying why its fake or providing any proof to their claim?
You yourself say “Easy to fake anything” but want to be mindlessly believed without a source? THAT is why I called you out on not providing a source, not because I believe the “leak” but because you were making a claim without backing it with any sources at all.
Your point appears to be calling someone out over…as you said:
And the poster provided the source of their contention as soon as you asked (well you didn’t ask actually, but let’s leave that one alone). Then you give them crap for not knowing how to deal with posting links? What kind of MVP are you anyway? That’s a pretty damned high level of snark for someone with green text, Byucknah.