Shadowlands book coming july 14

I like the idea of scourge invasions. Pre patch events are fun because I feel like a nameless mercenary again, instead of the god i was made to be


Did you play 8.1 ? :smile:


Yup. I pretend I wasn’t there.

Well at least its not written but Golden.
So… its something.

Interesting no mention of Tyrande.


You know I found her phrase “we are all prisoners and I will free us all.” Then rippingthe helm of domination in two offputting, all I could think was well Azeroth is doomed, cause now we have the mindless scourge going crazy.

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It isn’t written by Golden so I’m holding out a little hope it won’t do the Horde dirty. May read.


This is the last straw.


This is the straw that broke the camels back for you? But I also love good ole bwom he be entertaining.

And people say sylvanas is gonna be redeemed, blizzard is sure trying very hard to make everyone hate her.

I don’t even think they will mention any Night Elves besides Sira. Can’t have them steal Sylvanas spotlight.

I would be very surprised if they did.

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Syl doesn’t really deserve a redemption after all she’s done tbh.


I know, some people just think she is.

Of course she doesn’t, but the Horde didn’t deserve a redemption either after what they have done, especially in BfA.

If the Horde can be redeemed by blaming it on Sylvanas they can also redeem Sylvanas if the blames it on the jailer.


So after Cordana was a questgiver for us in WoD to turn against us in Legion, then with Sira was a questgiver for us in Legion to turn against us in BFA, did I miss which Warden not named Maiev was handing out quests in BFA?

Or have we broken this recurring cycle?

I mean I can see them setting her up for one but… that would make no sense, after Gilneas, south shore, teldrassyl, lordaeron etc etc you would think it be time to can her by now. She’s been marinating in villain juice for far too long, and let’s not forget in classic those innocent souls of both factions imprisoned in the undercity for her blight research.

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Well hey I play horde and alliance and I feel they put the horde very off script from what they originally where after wc3, but you are right they did do some dare I say it worse things then they did under Garrosh.


Only Talanji and her Zandalari contingent stood apart. The detached detachment. He wasn’t exactly surprised. While the Horde Council had welcomed her and her folk warmly, her response so far had been nothing but chilly. Zekhan had kept a close eye on her, intrigued and, admittedly, a little besotted with the beautiful queen. She had the most delicate tusks and arresting blue eyes…

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That’s the reason though why people believe it. The way Blizzard is going out of their way to make her appear as despicable as possible so they can have some big twist where she wasn’t evil all along. Blizzard likes twists, but they can’t write subtlety or foreshadowing to save their lives, so they do the surprise with the explanation that comes later.


Maiev already did her Warden side flip, going from killing Highborne and Worgen and trying to kill Malfurion in Wolfheart to suddenly working side by side with them in BfA.

Could even include Legion, where she went from imprisoning the Demon Hunters to freeing them and working with them.

Well Maiev didn’t genocide people so she gets a pass I guess