Shadowlands Beta/PTR Compiled Feedback Thread

If one of the design intentions behind shadowlands is bringing back class fantasy over spec fantasy, can we get some baseline fire spells back? It would be nice to be able to do something when kicked out of shadow as affliction again.

I miss you searing pain.

As with the recent thread:

So UA becomes another layer of dots on top of Agony and Corruption?

Seems lazy tbh.
Rather they just move it to PvP talents as there’s no purpose in a pve seeing without the pressure it added in being a spender. While I am thankful it is no longer a spender, I can only assume its become another filter dot for PvE.

Other changes are good!

Would rather see baseline reduction for Darkglaire.

Shadow embrace works on Drain Soul still? I’d hope it does.

Deathbolt moved to PvP, I’m extremely happy to see!!!

Keep the feedback flowing :metal:

Updated the feedback in the Affliction sections (Crossed out text = feedback has been addressed in some form) and the Demons section, will keep changing as I gather more feedback but I posted the initial takes.

The Black Harvest Discord has given some feedback/suggestions regarding fel domination but would appreciate more.

To quote the post so yall don’t have to scroll up:

Thanks Baal :metal:
Appreciated :grin:

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Just giving this a bump

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Which covenant do you think actually fits with demonology? Pretty confusing to me, they seem to be more in line with destro or affliction atm

Maldraxxus. I want to try sacrificed souls, summon, pop tyrant, and at close to end use Devastating bolt and see if the % is multiplicative or additive.

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Warlocks need so much more love. 6 second pet cast is going to kill us in arena. Would love to play anything more than just infernal chaos bolts spec. Literally anything 
Demo, Aff or Destro re work. Demo and Destro seem completely unchanged so far and then you have classes like shaman, my alt. Getting complete awesome re works. Am happy about Curse of Exhaustion though and portal baseline.

Give us back soul flame, malefic grasp, and harbest life

The last round of changes were obviously affliction based, so I’m pretty certain demo and destro will get their own soon. The afflic changes are pretty great imo


I don’t really have anything unique to suggest I just wanted to add my voice to that of my warlock brethren.

Blizzard pls do some work on demonology! Im not asking for meta back or something like that. I like being the master summoner with an army of demons. But it’s clear to me (and most people who play the spec) that at has some glaring holes in it’s kit.

Im ofc referring to the lack of an interrupt as well as the reliance on azerite traits like baleful invocation and explosive potential to make the spec funktion properly. The spec (and class) also struggles with a lack of utility in M+. It is also dragged down by the less than reliable pet AI as well as long setup times especially in M+. Many talents seem locked in which is a shame. Talents like soul strike and demonic strength should be baseline since they are core to the spec. This hopefully would open up more choice in those rows.

The spec in general could also use some more variety in the demons it can summon and the interactions it has with them. Many demons are very set and forget which is a shame since you could do so much with spells that make your demons do special attacks sorta like kill command or soulstrike.

As for more general warlock suggestions: fel domination seems a decent compromise even if I’d rather have the 3second pet summon. I think it should make your next demons instant cast though.
I would also like it if you couldn’t bring healthstones into M+ unless you had a warlock in the party. Having part of our already poor utility being invalidated by having an alt outside the instances just further diminishes the reasons to bring us to M+ in the first place.
Along those same lines some improvement on demonic gateway would be nice. Make it a more powerful tool for skips maybe by making it so you don’t aggro mobs while in the gate.

That’s all folks thanks for reading to the end.


PS. The new affliction changes look great! Well done blizz!!!


This Post is feedback regarding the recent June Patch for Affliction Warlock Changes. I am very concerned with Inevitable Demise becoming a Talent for a couple reasons.

  1. It makes me pessimistic that we won’t see drain soul become baseline. Personally I want the legion version back for affliction where it healed and was out filler combining Drain Life and Drain Soul into one. It isn’t impossible that this will still happen but I feel it is unlikely with a talent coming specifically for Drain Life. Maybe the Level 15 talent for Soul Drain will be the execute component?

  2. It concerns me that having Inevitable Demise will make the Night Fae Covenant ability (aoe life drain) mandatory for M+ affliction warlock if you want to push higher keys. Creating a situation where Blizzard will struggle to balance Warlock’s position in M+ because the power gap will be huge. This talent in high M+ with the Soul Rot ability will push so much more cleave damage than any other build for an Affliction warlock and that puts a sour taste in my mouth as someone who dabbles in multiple types of content.

  3. Lastly, but least important, it will really make Night Fae the Covenant for Affliction ONLY. Because it has such strong synergy with Inevitable Demise it will be extremely strong for M+ or massive AOE affliction warlocks, but if it gets nerfed or changed and you want to swap specs, the Night Fae ability will be extremely weak for Destro and Demo making the “class” ability very much an Affliction ability instead.

Personally, I don’t like a lot of my damage being funneled into a spell designed for survivability and would rather it be baked into drain soul which is our filler spell that also increases the frequency of spell casts of our Soul Shard spender (unlike shadowbolt, please remove it). If this talent doesn’t exist or Drain Soul and Drain Life become 1 in the same I feel as I can pick whichever covenant suits my playstyle and tastes, but this combination of Talent and Covenant Ability gives me pause for what my “choices” will be.

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if this was gonna happen it likely wouldve been done with either the original iterations at alpha release or in the recent patch. They even went so far as to bake in shadows embrace to shadowbolt as well, so my gut tells me theyre keeping it as the standard filler and drain soul being the talent. To your last point, having your filler also be a heal is not good balance/good for the game. While the artifact weapon is what made drain soul nearly an immunity, tying a heal into our filler just shouldnt be the case IMO. keeping the heal and damage separated by spell is probably the best option for balance.

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I miss when affliction had potent self healing but tying it into your filler spell is not the way to go about it. Getting decent healing should at least come with a dps loss.

Drain soul works so much better with shadow’s embrace that I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re forced to change the filler either from a design standpoint or from feedback. Also wouldn’t be surprised if nothing changes, either.

I’m not worried about covenant abilities just yet, though. It’s such a bad design decision for what seems like every class and spec that something about them is going to have to change.

Don’t be so sure. Shaman (another class I’m considering maining if warlock changes don’t pan outlike in BFA for me) just received a huge update such as changing their whole rotation for Enhance and Ele got a change to their major cooldown. Kalamazi on Youtube did a great breakdown on how Drain Soul and shadow’s embrace just work better together than shadowbolt so I’m still hopeful.

To your point about filler spell not being a strong heal I agree with. But, I would rather they nerf the healing and combine the spells than how it is right now as 3 different spells. Legion was overboard with the artifact traits on the healing. To your point about filler not healing this isn’t the case for Fury warrior where Bloodthirst gives a small heal every use and they have a CD that amplifies the healing of the ability, and this ability is fully rotational not filler at all. I would even go as far as saying delete drain life and have the healing be a talent on the same tier as Demon skin or make it a CD to heal from drain soul damage for a short duration. But, its just my opinion that I don’t want 2 drain abilities that used to be combined. In another light, Siphon life is rotational and provides healing too so filler healing isn’t that weird to me if it is balanced appropriately.

:black_small_square:current talent of doom is bad.

Solution for fix, return the legion talents for doom back to the talent tree.
:black_small_square:impending doom
:black_small_square:hand of doom

I dont mind having doom as a spell as long as we have a proper way of fixing doom issuee.

When this was a spell back in the days it felt great. Then it was thrown into talents. And eventually removed. I honestly believe blizzard needs to reconsider the decision to remove shadowflame because the slow it provided and dot damage helped out in pvp and on the move.

■kil’jadens cunning■
This by far is the best ability made in the past during mist of pandarea. Having the ability to cast shadowbolts on the move was exceptional and fixed demonology mobility issues.

This was the origional imp ability we gained and it was great in mist of pandarea.

Most of all i feel like blizzard removed everything that was good for demonology. The development team needs someone that actually play demonology. I feel like affliction has been a large focus. Destruction had its own focus as well. Demonology is just weak since warlords of draneor and we get that I H said speaking for all of blizzard that they dont want warlocks playing demonology but they dug a bigger hole by doing that. They just need to revert to mist of pandarea and improve on that.


this. i really like this idea actually. props for coming up with that. Also yes, i am aware of kala’s videos im close friends with him and help with his videos lol (stop by the twitch channel n say hi!)

i do understand your point in the first paragraph. Im not saying its 100% not gonna happen, but knowing blizz, i dont think drain soul filler is on their radar. Enhance and Ele did get their kits changed up significantly (im looking at an enhance alt as well), but those were directed changes. Aff also got significant changes in that exact same build, and they made a point of mentioning they are experimenting with the UA change, but made no mention of SB/DS outside of shadowy embrace (in which drain soul wasnt even mentioned). so what that tells me is its hardly on their radar. plus think about it, if they move shadowbolt to a talent, there is functionally 0 reason to take it EVER. drain soul will out class it in all scenarios that i can think of, or one of the other talents in that row will. Drain’s execute portion is what is keeping it a talent, and probably some weird clinginess to very old school warlock circa TBC/Vanilla.

Does anyone know that if in the June 11 Build on PTR with the introduction of Fel Domination, as the new pet summon spell. Did blizz return the original version of Control Demon as a spell to give access to the pets active power? On wow head it still references the changed version which summons a void walker, and has it as “removed”. Thank You.

i support this so much. the demonology changes specificly got me so hyped.
Id love a way to see my green fire as demo.