Shadowlands Beta/PTR Compiled Feedback Thread

thinking on your point about getting away from mastery being the be all end all thing…i would not like that idea, either, as that would mean i would need multiple sets of the same gear to use on different scenarios, for the same spec nonetheless. i would end up wanting a gear set with stats specifically for aoe, and then one for everything else. so would be haste and crit, then haste and mastery. on a class where it has one role and three different specs, which should each favor different stats, but i would not mind them all favoring the same stats for gear simplicity, it just does not make sense to have multiple gear sets for the same spec.

if you were someone who plays all three specs and swaps, you would need gear for all three specs, then to top it all off if you were someone who did multiple things like not just raiding but raiding and mythic+ for example, you would end up with multiple sets for the same spec for different settings. that would end up being:

haste+mastery for affliction everything non-mythic+, crit+haste for mythic+ for aff.
whatever stats demo wants for it, then say if they did the same thing for demo
whatever stats destro wants for it

if they did nothing to demo/destro where the same stats were used and it was just affliction that wanted different stats for raiding vs mythic+ or non-burst vs burst…that would still be 4 different gear sets unless aff destro and demo all had the same stat priority for raiding

The point that I’m making is that if dots are cleaving everything, then when Blizz decides to nerf them they can’t not hit our single target. If the cleave/aoe strength comes from Rapture, then they can just nerf and buff rapture rather than touching Agony or UA.

I’m not advocating for a system that forces us into multiple gear sets, just saying that if Rapture is designed to cause dots to tick, then it’s all but inevitable that our single target gets caught in the crossfire. I’m not opposed to having Rapture scale with mastery, I just don’t trust Blizz to balance us surgically if Rapture is causing our dots to tick.

good point. i wish i had an alpha key or someone with an alpha key could post on the alpha forums this stuff.

All the changes i have seen so far are brutal with regards to pvp. the class will be non existent. Change to unending resolve, UA limited to 1 target, and 6 second pet cast…

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You know what I forgot over the years? The old seed of corruption for aoe… In TBC it was a fresh new aoe for warlocks that was the dominant aoe for all three specs. It has underwent a few iterations to bring it in line with other aoe over the years with each one diminishing its strength, and now it is a joke like the rest of our class. With each ability that I remember we had in the past the more it upsets me that they just don’t want to compromise with us at all.

Imagine this, the devs already made the blog post about nerfing aoe (because of horrific visions, big surprise there) what if we get the strength back that seed of corruption once gave? I’d like to beable to aoe as affliction again in dungeons/mythic +.


I’m not going to say you’re wrong, but I am going to say that I have seen this claim in literally every single beta the game has ever had.

Tbc had some good additions but the thing the warlock specs really picked up in wrath when it came to fun. I remember how people went crazy when metanorphosis came into the game it was crazy . Shadowbolt volley, aoe fear, jump stun, it was nore caster oriented but it was still the coolest reaction i ever got in the old days.

It was amazing back then, sad to see it all go down the drain.

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If you scroll down to Warlock you’ll see they did in fact replace Soul Wrack with Malefic Rapture, so Soul Wrack is confirmed not a thing basically


1.Demon Summoning Cast Times
-The 6 seconds is excessive. In WPVP and world quests, when you die and rez you have to resummons your demon pet. You are often being camped (or just surrounded by hostile mobs)while you are doing this and you have to do it very quickly or you will be quickly be killed again, particularly if you are demo and your defensives are built into the pet. With all the interrupts players have now there is no way you are getting it off in 6 secs.

In M+ dungeons your pet is dismissed when the key is put in and you have to resummons; with 6 secs you will still be resummoning while party is in the middle of the first pulls.

Are there any other casters in wow that have a 6 second spell for anything? Its just excessive in length.

  1. Doom Cast Time
    I read that Curse of Doom will have a 1.5 sec cast time (the other curses apparently don’t have a cast time). If that is the case then Doom will have lost the utility it had to me (I use it as an on the move, instant cast target tag and trash pull and defacto pet attack command), and I am the only lock that I am aware that uses it. Everyone else hates it as is even without the cast time.

Particularly if you are going to give Doom its own talent buff, don’t make it useless to the few remaining people that would use it with the cast time.

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The extended cast time on our pet is just so out of place. Who does it appeal to? What does it fix? All it seems to me is just an annoyance (or some weird way to appeal to Classic players). So strange.


It may be sorta boring for MR to be both ST and AoE, but if you look at DHs its evident that kind of simplicity can also be effective. I guess I’d rather have a simple ST/AoE skill that pumps (hopefully) then some complicated separate mess that does not.

Also, since Corruption currently has no use for Demo/Destro, maybe consider adding in a healing version of the Impending Doom trait baseline so it has a function and we get a little more healing utility as the “tanky” caster?

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I just don’t get why they want to force so much hard-casting on us, all the while every other class only gets more instant casts back.

I still hate what they did with Shadowfury…

Could you imagine how satisfying demo would play out if everything was instant cast? Then it’d forgivable that you have to deal with sh*tty pet AI and the likes, at least it would be more unique and just very mobile and fun to play.

Vulgar language removed, since we live in 2020 and sheltered snowflakes can’t handle it anymore.


The issue with mobility is likely an issue with encounter design and class design not being in synch. In MoP you saw a big shift toward mobility in terms of encounter design and a corresponding increase in just about every class’s mobility. Blizzard paired back the class mobility, especially for casters, but the encounter team still heavily leans on making everyone run around.


per the warlock discord, UR’s “leveling version” is the 20%. im being told we get it back to its normal state once we hit 60.

Hush… cheeze… clearly the class will be unplayable and garbage.

I feel like Ive seen all of this before… almost… every… expansion.

you look like a 5 year old in an astronaut costume too big for him in that xmog :rofl:

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I keep chips in the helm


thats some 12head planning

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When you live this far in the future you are not worried about Shadowlands.