Remove the aoe cap, it’s such a hamfisted attempt to crush meta specs existing but that’s never going to happen Ion. Literally never.
Aaaannndd your point is? The main subject is the fact it shouldn’t exist in old content.
Defending something that can be fixed with one tweak shouldn’t be such an issue.
It should just be removed entirely.
As a tank if I can live through a multi pack pull I’m going to invite classes that are not capped and are able to down it.
Its just one more in a long list of idiotic changes that make the game less fun to play.
As long as each class has an uncapped small aoe for old content it’s a non issue. If consecration is baseline then your complaints of spamming divine storm are irrelevant. There’s already several specs in the game that have capped aoes in BFA that perform fine.
I couldn’t agree more. I like the change… I think it will create more skill, strategy and active players paying attention to mechanics as opposed to pulling entire zones and just spamming AOE attacks. That has bothered me for quite while.
Spinning crane kick hits one more target and is pretty spamable.
Reddit Monk is obviously doing it wrong.
Even worse when you consider FF14 doesn’t have AOE caps and manages to make their long GCD fast paced and fun at higher levels. So Blizzard is basically just making the game slow but not compensating.
Looks like this is the next best nightmare addition to the game since putting everything on the GCD.
Clearly they want players to suffer for some reason
AoE cap was brainstormed by somebody who doesn’t even play WoW, I’d wager. Just watched somebody’s stream and thought “I don’t want them to do that.”
Easy solution:
If Legacy Loot is enabled, AoE skills become uncapped.
Yes, we all agree. Nerf DH’s
For Ny’alotha, things are going to be absolutely unpredictable to begin with since corruption will be removed on pre patch, so they’ll have to nerf the raid further than they’ve ever had to before for a pre patch. It probably will be hilarious.
For specific fights, they made adjustments in the MoP pre patch when they added a cd on dispels to handle specific mechanics so they can fix it.
Also, not everyone has an aoe cap
Instead of capping, why not a dmg % drop off past a certain amount of mobs?
Have they explained why they implemented this?
Clearly because they wanna help FF14 get more subs
the were inspired by the panda’s from mop.
Slow down. Life is to be savored…
Well, Final Fantasy XIV already has AoE caps as well as damage falloff after a certain amount of mobs - the only difference is the encounters take this into consideration.
Can we perhaps come up with better ways to engage MDI teams and it’s followers than target caps? You devs are currently risking far more collateral damage than just the new expansion, and I would dare guess that there are at least as many people who do previous content as those who participate in MDI-level keys.
There’s a reason why it’s called beta.
Blizzard cannot balance their game, news at 11.
Seriously, is anyone shocked after the fiasco that was the massive power deflation from 110 to 120? It was unprecedented.