your ignoring my question, whats the point of it for anything other than shadowlands content? All it does is make things take longer that’s it there is no reason for that.
I didn’t play the moment they dropped the wilderness
I ain’t hearing that noise
Still play old school to this day though
I don’t think the wilderness drop killed the game, but EoC probably was what did it. RuneScape lost its identity to try and be like other MMOs that day.
your very rude aren’t you? Calling someone raising some good points "nothings’ is unbelievably rude and a violation of the code of conduct on here, might want to familiarize yourself with those. personal attacks are not allowed.
And has the thought ever occurred to its you people who are in favor of making things take longer for the sake of taking longer are the “nothings”?
Offense is only taken, not given.
I don’t care about your feelings. Complaining the AoE cap is bad because you spend less than a minute more in an old dungeon is senseless melodrama.
What are you saving by those whopping couple seconds? Nothing.
yeah that’s not how it works there pal. if you say something rude your saying it with the intention of making someone feel bad. so your literally “giving” offense. Not to mention what you said was quite frankly offensive, calling anyone a “nothing” for expressing their concerns is blatantly obtuse.
you could post on a character that has more than LFR done, ever. would go long ways to put weight to your thoughts on this matter.
That is so categorically false it’s hilarious.
This!! there are entire guilds with hundreds of members that ONLY do old raids and old dungeons. Its a huge potion of the population.
that particular jimmy the lfr casual is an idiot then
i love aoe gigapulls on all of my characters, and i am about as super casual as there is in this game
Weight to what? We’re not even talking about current content, so there’s no point to achievement strut.
Amazing that people can’t actually argue the point but instead have to shuffle around and attack the person.
Totally irrelevant. Old content is old and easily completed solo. If you struggle hard against old content, there’s nothing the game can do to make you any better.
That’s not how it works. Words aren’t harmful. Only the person interpreting what’s being said as something more can make them harmful.
Try again.
idk if someone who started driving last week started to tell seasoned drivers how they should think on the road ; it wouldn’t be taken seriously. same thing here.
not saying you are or are not. just saying posting on a more serious character could go long ways.
as it is you kind of come off as a troll going against the grain just for the sake of getting ppl riled up
It’s irrelevant that you made a completely false statement?
Well, logic just went out the window. This thread is now about rainbows and sparkles.
I think its clear you haven’t got a clue what your talking about. Words can be 100% harmful i mean the fact you think they arent tells me everything i need to know about you. you sound like an awful person.
So by your logic calling someone a racial slur is just fine and dandy hm? or telling someone who suffers depression they should just die or they’re worthless is totally fine?
I think you need to take a long look at yourself because you have a lot to learn about the world if you think words cannot be harmful.
That’s not what this is at all, but nice try trying to shoehorn achievements into raiding old content.
The more insulting thing is that, I might not have cleared current Mythic, but I can clear Molten Core without whining about trash packs. Achievements couldn’t be anymore irrelevant than people doing irrelevant content.
No it’s irrelevant because you’re doing irrelevant content. Old content means nothing. If you can’t handle doing content fourteen years past its prime, it’s a you problem.
Except they aren’t. People get called racial slurs everyday and they simply ignore it because those slurs have no power over them.
Why do you have such a rotten attitude defending poor design decisions?
Because it’s not the design that’s poor. It’s the players objecting over something trivial, when in reality it does as is intended.
I think the point is more along the lines of class ability tuning and mechanics should not be using old raid farming as an input.
Or blood DK/vengeance DH need nerfed to oblivion.
I think the point is more along the lines of class ability tuning and mechanics should not be using old raid farming as an input.
Are you real?
I say it’s poor design. That’s my opinion. All I’ve seen you do is belittle people who don’t think exactly the way you do.