Shadowlands AOE cap is already breaking old content

Where’s the lie though? What are you saving with those handful of seconds between now and then?

The melodrama over the cap deserves nothing but ridicule.


This so wrong. One of the things I enjoy most in the game is old content and they are now taking this away from me.

(no cookie for blizzard)


If you think there will be issues with a particular boss or encounter, then get on the beta (if you have access, if you don’t then get a friend who has access) run the content in question and see if there are problems. If there are? Report them and Blizzard will adjust the encounters in question to make sure there aren’t issues, which is what they’ve done in the past.

But I doubt you’ll have issues other than a loss of speed, which isn’t the end of the world.

As far as I can tell most classes will have an ability that will 1 bang every mob in sight

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the issue isnt with your statement (which is flawed) but the fact you used a very childish personal attack (against code of conduct btw so gg) Thosy handful of seconds are extremely long for some classes like 4-6 seconds that adds up when your doing a long raid or you need to farm mobs for that one transmog you want.


They’re literally taking nothing away from you. Stop being melodramatic.

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So…people don’t have the right to like/dislike something unless it directly affects them in a way you consider severe enough?

30 extra seconds per pack on old content is a lot of time given the amount of mobs.
Let alone, it is still slowing content done for…no reason that adds anything to gameplay.


HA, blizzard doesnt care, there were major issues at BFA’s launch that were present in the bfa beta and thousands of people reported and they werent fixed till like a year into the expansion.


Not the case

This video was designed to make the problem look way worse than it was

That monk could have simply used chi burst and killed everything in sight


There are some who will defend Blizzard to the day they die, even if it’s changes that anger the majority and end up quitting till all that’s left is their tiny echo chamber.


No, no it isn’t. It’s amazing that these people, who’re so pressed for time to do nothing later, can’t handle a few extra seconds. Why bother revoking the cap when you can just demand Blizzard mail you all the loot in those raids without setting foot in them.

Think of all that time you’ll save.

These melodramatic trolls need to be mocked relentlessly.

uhh it absolutely IS the case. paladin specifically only has 2 aoe in ret, wake of ashes which is on a very long cooldown, and divine storm which is now capped and requires holy power. Very easily can take 4-6 seconds or more.

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Those, “few extra secs” adds up you know.


Conc will kill everything for you

I believe every paladin gets conc now

Conc has no cap


Do you not do old content then? Mmkay.,

This is a slippery slope argument and is completely fallacious in itself. It does not even warrant refuting because the argument is so incredibly bad.
by this logic, why have the game at all?

In mocking these “trolls” you became the very thing you wished to mock. Congrats, you played yourself.


If you honestly think World of Warcraft takes to long, you’re playing the wrong genre. Bar none.

Buddy, I played RuneScape and grinded there till I 99’ed everyting.


Those few extra secs can add up big time.


whats conc? Never seen anyone say conc before. you mean concecration? thats also on a 5 second cooldown. again literally proving my point.

Old school RuneScape or RuneScape 3

There is a dramatic difference here

I’m not a RS3 pleb. 07 is where it’s at.

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